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  1. C

    Ocarina of Time A 2-D Zelda Remake: A Good or Bad Idea?

    Having, for example, ALttP in 3D wouldn't be quite the same now would it? I vote no on this one. A new adventure is always welcome, either 2D or 3D. The only problem of the 3D ones, seems that battles aren't really tough. You are lucky to find a Darknut or something. I always wished to have...
  2. C

    Ocarina of Time A 2-D Zelda Remake: A Good or Bad Idea?

    Oh you were talking about top-view 2D games..... I see. Well, I was talking about a brand new Adventure of Link (like Zelda 2 from the NES, only way cooler) Don't you think THAT could be awesome? I mean, there are a lot of those top-down-view games in the series, only one sidescrolling battle...
  3. C

    Ocarina of Time A 2-D Zelda Remake: A Good or Bad Idea?

    Look at the new MArio for the Wii! Look at Smash Brothers! They can do something good! No remakes, just a new story!
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