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  1. thePlinko

    Link Battle Royal. Who Wins?

    Okay, so here’s my full list. as of right now there are 12 different links on n the Zelda canon, while these aren’t all their official names I’m going to refer to them as such: Hyrule (Loz, AoL) Legend (LttP, LA, OoX) Time (OoT, MM) Wind (WW, PH) Four Sword (FS) Minish (MC) Light (FSA)...
  2. thePlinko

    Link Battle Royal. Who Wins?

    I don’t think the size determines the amount of time stasis can hold a target, but rather the strength of the target. Remember that stasis will freeze any inanimate object for the same amount of time no matter the size, and since any creature is stronger than an inanimate object it automatically...
  3. thePlinko

    Link Battle Royal. Who Wins?

    eh, remember that even stasis+ only works on smaller enemies, and even then only for an incredibly brief amount of time. Not only do I think that HoT would be immune to it, but even if it did work wild wouldn’t have enough time to really do anything with it. It’s not like wind who can freeze...
  4. thePlinko

    Link Battle Royal. Who Wins?

    I’m gonna have to agree with everyone here that the hero of time is the winner, plus if we’re allowing cross-game abilities here he has chateau Romani which gives him infinite magic, and Nauru’s love which makes him impervious to damage are the cost of magic, making him effectively invincible...
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