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  • :O That wouldn't be good! They shouldn't have forget! Hope you had fun at basketball if they remembered!
    I've been really busy with Pokemon (obviously, because I'm Pokemon's biggest fan!)and reading Harry Potter.
    Maybe because, Target is holding a buy 2 3DS games get one free sale, so probably!
    I believe the game is exceptional although I've only thus far played just over half an hor of its story mode-two chapters.

    The controls are extremely awkward especially since I'm let handed and the included stand is extremely questionable as it does little to ease the situation, however, the graphics, voice acting, and boss battles are superb. Plus, there are multiple weapon customizations and 99 possible difficulties! :lol:

    Do you have a 3DS? If so, did you purchase the game?

    No. I think Axle is amazing. He's one of the people I instantly associate with this site. I think he was robbed of his moderator position and earlier his super moderator rank before that position was axed. It's a shame really.

    Also, that is insane. 400 archers?! 100 was something I would have expected but wow, just wow. I'm floored.

    Hope everything works out with your ex-girlfriend.
    I see.

    I do have a bit of time, however, I would be better off if the offer was repeated in say two months.

    And I definitely will be an article writer on the forums soon and join the ranks of yellow usernames...as long as Axle plays his part.
    Ah. Those people are not only article writers but also news posters.

    Technically, I did post an article in the Article Center subforum but I'm still waiting for Axle to stop being lazy and take a look at other people's articles.

    As for applying for site staff and being a news poster, I never did that. I always seem to put it off. Also, right now is not an ideal time to seek hiring as I probably would be fired immediately as I'll barely be around here in April.
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