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  • 1.I'm new and you visit my page.
    2.I read some of your posts and I like them.
    3.We're Zelda fans.
    My Question:Which is your favorite Zelda game?
    Random responces to random messages are DA BOMBCHU!
    I've been ok. Just finished the Water Temple. And starting the Shadow Temple. How about you?
    we planned on three games, Sonic 1 is the starter, there's a let's play event going on called 8-bit Summer and i'll be playing Kirby's Adventure for that, and one of my friends is trying to decide the last one, it's the three of us and only me and one of my friends can record with decent enough quality so he's going to pick the third one
    no it's fine, i'm actually meaning to try the game out but i want to get to it at a good time, i already have it downloaded, it's just my friends and i are building up a let's play channel on Youtube and getting ready for that has been eliminating the time i can have to get to IWBTG
    Ha Ha! i actually do not know how to do it, I guess it is about trial & error!
    Oh, I was talking about that if you played Ocarina first, then the 3DS remake doesn't count as the last time you played Ocarina of Time.
    Who will reach 1000 posts first? I guess I have the advantage at this point but 2000? that is a different question! However you do contribute a lot of positive things to this Forum(s) and you should be a Hylian hero!
    No, the thread I posted didn't spawn from our talk. I logged on planning to post that right away, but the five notifications I saw when I logged on delayed it.
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