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  • T
    lmao okay then crazy girl xD I'm doing just great! :D how about u? :)
    kk, I'll fix it :D
    now it is a bit smaller than the previous one;)
    Thanks! And I knew that you wouldn't, it is a cool siggy.
    Today I just realized that Wind Waker is the best game in history in my opinion!
    lmao "some random freak girl"? why that? xD
    Heeey Poppyyyyyyyyyyyy!:D
    How are you? :lol:
    I'm looking at cool text generators on sites and I'm finding ones suitable for certain people. I found one for you :)

    Eh... I decided to keep my hair the way it is, plus, I'm getting dreads which is weird and fun. :P
    What grade are you Pop?
    Cooldogs said that it is because they are still working on the system and that once it is completely ready everything will be fine so you don't need to worry.
    Not yet, I've been gone. But now I'm finally back in my own room on my own computor! :clap: :clap: :clap:
    Thanks, Pops. You know I miss you all as well, especially you and Vatti, oh and Vee. XD
    Keep going with Pokemon, it's a very cool game. I hope you can catch up to me. Heh, I remember that
    my favorite character was Scizor, I pwned azz with it. ^^

    Too bad I missed you here today, I came in too late. The story is coming soon, I promise, I just need
    some more time to get some of it down. Have fun, Poppy. ~Atsuma
    Im on the chatroom a lot, so if u see someone with the name of KT on the zelda channel, its me.
    Hum... Yeah, we should make a round 2 since most RP groups went inactive... (We should also make new profiles)
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