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  • Whew, well that's all the more better then, truly is nice to know my daughter is finally catching a break ^^
    Heheh, yay for you indeed, sweetheart x3

    How's the whole family situation going for you though, did you and your mom find an alright place to live now?
    Cool :>

    By the by, today was your online mom's Birthday, and I am happy that she had a good day...her and I had a nice little Video Chat earlier and I told her Happy Birthday, she's playing in a band at school right now or something though, hope she's having a blast ^^

    Overall how was your day though, hon, life going alright for you and everything?
    Rezzical, I beat KH DDD myself awhile ago now, it was fun--I'm sure when you get a copy yourself you'll have lots of fun :3
    So overall have you been enjoying your 3DS, Josie? Next game I'm gonna get on 3DS will either be the next handheld Zelda title or the Pokemon games coming out in October.
    Added you, sweetheart ^^

    If you have SwapNote you can now just scribble down little notes and pictures and send 'em to me anytime, heheh x3
    Well, maybe someday you can move to Canada and raise your own family here then, that's all up to you and you still have a long time to think about it really :)

    I mean, this place is pretty great and all, but more so there's a good chance your kids wouldn't have to listen to people go on about football in school as much :rolleyes:
    Oh, we have football fans here as well, my mom is a football fan even...chances are if you were in a school here less people would get in your face about football and stuff like that though, heheh =P

    Julia-chan is likely gonna eventually move here to Canada to be with me herself, won't be for a few years, but we're willing to wait and shall hopefully be a happy little couple someday--though now I find myself wondering why I'm telling you this stuff, as it doesn't exactly do much for you, you're still so young and don't really need to worry about love yet x3
    Oh geez, well that certainly sucks, guess we'll have to do it some other day then.

    That aside now, overall how have you been holding up, still no new battery for your computer I take it...hopefully you can get one soon enough.
    Hey, Josie, how are you holding up? Oh, and when do you want to add each other on 3DS...or did you already add me yourself? I haven't added you yet, I know that much >,>
    Josie, sweetheart, how are you and...wait, my last VM was from yesterday? Huh, feels like it should be older >,>
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