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  • Yay! We should probably wait till closer till then though just to make sure it'll work.
    Hmm how about march 19th then? I shouldn't be doing anything and you won't have any work since its break.
    Well that sucks, i was hoping we would be able to hang out over break. So when is your break?
    Yea, its usually you I talk to on here cause I don't really have any other way of communicating with you...
    We need to hang out sometime
    Haha yea everybody likes free food, its a good thing your nice enough to feed it. If not it'd probably die or have to find someone else to get food from.
    I know, but I was referring to robins specifically. It probably stayed with you because it likes you.
    Yea, I know. Its because we think we're better than everything else on this planet. Thats the whole reason why we do everything we do, and we have way to many people. As long as theirs some personal gain we're willing to do almost anything. Poor animals are being forced to adapt.
    Ohh that makes sense, one time like 5 years ago i was listening to this one christmas music channel and I heard chipmunk music. Thats the only reason I know about the cartoon version. My favorite one in the movie was bad day. Whats your favorite?
    oh, i haven't seen the second one yet. I've seen the first one which was awesome. I've never seen the cartoon version, I knew there was one though. So what was the cartoon version like?
    Yay, no school. Gahanna took their sweet time announcing it though.
    I didn't know till 20 minutes before my bus would come, anyway u were right!
    Yea it was weird, more like terrifying actually.
    Its not something i ever want to experience again, ever.
    Like I told brandon though, this isn't something i'd like to discuss over zd.
    I'm getting tired, i think im gonna go to sleep, good night maggie.
    I didn't even go monday, my deceased aunt appeared in front of me right after i laid down to sleep, freaked me out so bad i couldn't sleep at all. So my parents let me stay home monday to get sleep.
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