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  • Hey there, wanna be my friend on 3DS too :) I've been going around getting friend codes all night, and it would seem you have one so....
    Once I think. Unless someone else got onto my account, or I just have a terrible memory. The last one, I think. :P
    Well, people who usually reset their profiles and stuff means that they aren't coming back, like a lot of my friends( I think I had 1,000 friends last year, I guess they got terminated because they weren't on the forum that much). Well, your choice, I only left once because of my internet, I killed my desktop(I had it for a lonnnng time),well that's another story... usually it takes awhile to get use to the members around you.I didn't know much about stuff when I first joined, until I stopped lurking around my profile and groups...

    OFF TOPIC: I think I broke my record, I think I'm going to be dead to the world soon...XD
    "Hey guys, ZD is kind of slow, and not much is happening. The only exciting things going on are Destiny cutting people if they don't go to the IRC, or the Forums breaking every so often... I've basically been a huge idiot while iv'e been here, and have made myself look stupid. I've also pissed off a lot of people in some way or another... I really don't want you guys to hate me so much, but it's my fault that I keep being annoying and placing myself up on a pedestal... I'm not asking for forgiveness, or sympathy, just understanding...

    I might check in every-so-often, to see if i've missed anything. I just hope the Forums become a better place with-out me."

    BS :right:
    Feel free to go ahead and jump in on the action. Right now, we're doing Zelda RP. We will probably switch over to Metroid soon.
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