No I haven't checked it yet. I'll see what it is when I can. But uh, what do I do to find you guys? It would be cool if you can make a new group, but if it cause problems and stuff, I'll join the current one. I dunno just tell me what to do.
WHAT?! Someone hate SS? Crazy... it was amazing. Wasn't it like highly received everywhere? Well, whoever said it wasn't good should be sent to the Dark World and be eaten by moblins.
Yeah, I really hope Nintendo makes those AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL demo graphics! Honestly, if Nintendo doesn't, they kinda just lost like a big shot. I mean, I love Nintendo and I never doubt them, but, they do tend to lost big shots they can get. Like the Yoshi WiiU game. I can think f like a way better idea and stuff for it. I just wonder why they decided to go with the yarn graphics when they know fans won;t enjoy it as much. But I'm sure it'll be fun anyways. So, here's hoping Nintendo goes with epic graphics. It's kinda strange. That's always the topic of a new Zelda game: "How's it gonna look graphically?" So... please Nayru, Din, Farore... PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEE.
Yeah, I want an AlttP remake, the kinda I mentioned, I feel more people are requesting a MM remake. Either way, I'm happy, but AlttP would make my cry. But seriously, I'm a little tired of remakes lately...
So let's talk SSB for Wii U and 3DS. What characters do you really want to be in there? I really want Chrom from the new FE: Awakening. He would be tight. Megaman's a popular request. I wonder what version of Link they're gonna use? They're showing the new SSB before showing the new Zelda, so I dunno if they're gonna use the new version. I hope they use OoT again or something. I would say SS. but I dunno how he'll fit. I also really want an updated stage builder. That would be amazing! I also have always wanted a character creator thing, but if I were to guess, they'll probably have the option to play as your Mii. Also, what do you think the compatibility is gonna be about? I'm sure it's gonna be that both versions are unique and you transfer things to the other consoles. That or you can play with the 3DS and WiiU.