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  • congrats :)

    oh and if you find yourself in a pickle with no one online to help you, give me a quick vm and I can probably help you out
    Actually, I'm the first to cringe when it comes to non-Bruce Batman stories, as I'm sure most Batman fans do. It's very uncomfortable at first, but I've learned to accept and respect it. It's an acquired taste I suppose. I much prefer Bruce to anyone else, and for the same reasons you gave. I think Bruce's backstory is what makes Batman so appealing and lays the foundation for what Batman is supposed to be about. But...in the last few years I've been trying to branch out and read more non-Bruce Batman arcs. Bruce Wayne will always be the true Batman to me, but I've learned to enjoy the character development and backstory of the others as well.
    Are you familiar with Grant Morrison's early "Batman & Robin" arcs? They're the first story arcs after the events of "R.I.P" and "BFTC." I love the match-up between **** and Damian. I'm reading them again; I forgot how good they were.
    Yes, you must read American Vampire and Swamp Thing. Both are really good.

    Yes, I understand, comic books cost a lot of money nowadays. They'll empty your wallet quickly if you're following several series.
    Yeah, Tomasi is awesome; I really love what he's doing and done for DC. And yeah, his GLC work is incredible.

    As far as I'm concerned, Scott Snyder is God, lol. I love what he did with Court of Owls; very creative. Have you read any of his Vertigo work? Amazing stuff.
    I LOVE Peter Tomasi. He also did some really great work with Nightwing. He's a great writer.
    Lol. Yeah, I'd change the breast armor of that suit if I were you...unless of course you like the rubber nipples. Nice avatar by the way. I love that conception of Robin. Is that Tim Drake or Damian Wayne? I'm thinking it's Damian from the New 52, but concept art is sometimes hard to differentiate.
    Hello, GaroXicon. I am here to offically request that you be my ZD Robin. I like your attitude and it seems you're a fan of the character. It seems there are quite a few ZD relationships here on the forums, so I figured I'd give it a shot. So what do you say? Are we a crime fighting duo?

    I don't remember which one he is, to be honest. It's been awhile since I've seen it. I think I found all the episodes on 1channel? But I can't remember that either.
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