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  • Hey! It's been some time!
    Everything's good here, what about you? I kinda miss Zelda Races...but even if it was alive, I wouldn't have time to play it. Maybe we can revive it again on the summer holidays:lol:
    Been PVPing, going to get my PVP gear so I can do more PVP so I can get more PVP gear so I can PVP more and OH GOD I HAVE NO LIFE.
    The people of the Alliance have no soul.


    If a raid of Hordes are attacking Varian Wrynn in Stormwind, his kid will just stand there, staring soullessly as the Horde slaughters his father

    If a raid of Hordes are attacking Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus, her husband will just stand there, staring soullesly as the Horde slaughters his wife.
    Racist! It's not his fault his dad drank demon blood >.>

    I think the Horde and Alliance should stop fighting and team up against the tru evil, which is the Murlocs.
    I (And pretty much everyone else) hate Garrosh >.>

    *Shameless Thrall fan*

    Nobody on my realm does any of that stuff though... Possibly because my realm is 90% Horde o.o
    Heh XD

    But I'd go even insaner than I already am if I got blocked after a few hours of playing D:

    Level 85- Do daily quests. Level professions. Do heroic dungeons. PVP. Do raids. Sit and be bored until the next content patch is released. Rinse and repeat until the next expansion :3
    I've just reached the third gym :3

    I'd probably be further on in the game if WoW didn't keep going ''HAY HANNAH COME AND PLAY ME NAO NAO NAO NAO....'' >_>
    I got the water Otter thing :3

    I also got the strategy guide, a Pokemon B+W DS case and a poster!

    Sudden realisation- I have no life :|
    Nah, I don't like stalking people >.>

    Plus he's on the Horde side..... And I barely ever go on the Horde side of my main's realm :3
    Yeah, obviously. *Rolls eyes*

    At high levels you can only tank in the right spec >.>

    Did you know that TotalHalibut is on my realm? Yeah, it's awesome ^^
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