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  • No i cant, my family is having a family night, but do you still want to get on at 9:00 tomorrow? Sorry
    :( :kawaii:
    Halo how is it going?
    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your father. It will take awhile to admit he's passed away but that is the first step in coping with grievance. We can all hope he's enjoying eternal bliss in Heaven currently.
    whenever we get to them down the list. I can't give you a date. It depends entirely on how fast we can get through the ones we already have.
    No problem, I was hoping I worded it just right. Live on a happy life, I’m sure that’s what he want’s for you…..:yes:
    I am very sorry for your loss, my friend……you and your father must’ve had a strong bond, I'm sure. But do not despair; though he may be gone from this world…..he shall live on through you, as you now inherit his will. With that in mind go forwards with a clear mind, he is still watching over you, so keep making him proud.
    I am so very sorry.I know how it feels. three years ago, my great grandma died and I wasn't even able to go to her funeral. MMy cure is sit down and watch some AFV.
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