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  • Yeah 5ø sure seems like alot of characters but what can we do about it? Not like anyone would post a thread saying no character limit right?
    i actually don't have a timeline theory... i mean, i'm a theorist... but i'd need alot of time to think things through and go over the story of every game, see how they fit...so, at the moment, no theory :/u?
    haha... yeah...

    and, i gotta ask, did you draw your avy? it's really cool... i was just wondering, did you draw it or find a pic online...?
    thanks for sending the friend request! ^^

    what made you decide to friend me? (sorry, i feel the need to ask...)
    I play a lot of sports, actually. I play basketball mostly, but soccer, too. I also wanted to get into softball. What about you?
    Sure thing, but if you subscride to the thread, the site will do that for you. To subscribe to a thread, go to the thread, click "thread tools" and then click "subscribe to this thread".
    About the love interest, I was thinking about that actually. Nothing's certain though.
    To answer your second question, go to Settings, then click "Edit Profile", then go to custom user title, type what you want, then scroll down to "save changes"
    I'd rather not specify a town, but I do live in Morris County. ^^ Nice to see a local person on ZD.
    Hey, I was looking at one of your blog posts and saw that you live in Randolph? Randolph is just a short while away from where I live. :)
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