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    You're not giving me much time to respond. =(
    bake some Palachintas! they're kinda like pancakes, exept They're paper flat, so you can put choco, jelly, PB, or anything sweet on them and roll them up to make a sweet burito.... sort of.
    Yes, it's a baby owl smoking crack in his underwear.

    What project is this? I never of any such thing. Also, my sister is doing a project on Egypt too. I have to go now but I should be back on soon. See ya later!
    You're welcome. Did you like the cake? :P

    Besides the fact that I'm tired all day because I haven't gotten used to the usual schedule, I'm fine. And you?
    o wait....I forgot all about it, I'm working on something in another program if I have both GIMP and MMD open, my computer will mess up. Once I'm done with the thing I'm working on I'll get started on it.
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