Hey amaterasu , well I got a sign up that is just like Link and was wondering if we can accept this sign up and plus sorry I forgot about you in the RP I had to hurry because I need to go to bed
Back. Soory, my *beep* computer wont stay plugged in. I'll post about now. I hope to see you on the SB whenever possible. Any more questions or anything you can ask still/
Ah, i just finished Village of the Blue Maiden in FSA on the gamecube. . .I reaaaaaally wish 4 swords would get on DSI ware so i can download it for mah 3DS.. . . .
Really? I've done that with all of my fan-fics, and my Matrix Rp which no-one cares about . . . okay, subject change, Have you ever played any of the 4 swords games?
Please change your new char. to not having the triforce of wisdom. I really wanted that spot and tnats why i signed-up, then you go and take it. just like all the other sign-up sheets.