arkvoodle Sep 20, 2008 Hello there. I'm new here so...would it be alright if you could register me as your friend?
Kybyrian Sep 17, 2008 Regarding to what Josh said earlier and taking all that text that says "that's supposed to be a profile picture of you." I'd certainly hit that. ;D No I'm not actually gay. Sorry to disappoint you. lawl
Regarding to what Josh said earlier and taking all that text that says "that's supposed to be a profile picture of you." I'd certainly hit that. ;D No I'm not actually gay. Sorry to disappoint you. lawl
Josh Sep 17, 2008 No. You wanna know why? Because technically that's supposed to be a profile picture of you, so you'd be asking me to hit you. *Shivers again*
No. You wanna know why? Because technically that's supposed to be a profile picture of you, so you'd be asking me to hit you. *Shivers again*
Kybyrian Sep 7, 2008 Copycat indeed. And do I know you from somewhere? By the way... TWEWY kicks ***. Wait... Beta? =O EDIT: Indeed, it all adds up. TWEWY avatar, The Netherlands, Forsaken Legend, Zelda Temple. Haha, sup.
Copycat indeed. And do I know you from somewhere? By the way... TWEWY kicks ***. Wait... Beta? =O EDIT: Indeed, it all adds up. TWEWY avatar, The Netherlands, Forsaken Legend, Zelda Temple. Haha, sup.