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Breath of the Wild How Can Zelda Wii U Improve The "Rupee System"?


Jul 1, 2012
So in my opinion one thing I always seem to find fault with in Zelda game is how poor and un-utilised the money or rupee system is. Now there are currently many problems in different games...

For one in games like OoT and MM, really limited the amount we could hold limiting us to 99/100 to start with, now in my opinion this in terms of currency is very low indeed and it can limit us until we are able to get an upgrade. There was also the problem with how easy it was to get a hold of rupees, there was in fact many areas where one could grind and obtain rupees without any need of a challenge or exploration to earn them. This problem doesn't just appear in these two games I merely used these as my main example.

Another problem is what can you actually do with your rupees? In most Zelda games we can easily obtain a large amount of rupees but they have no significance in terms of what to actually use them for. Since Zelda isn't a true "RPG" there isn't many items to buy or upgrade's for that matter. One last problem is that we usually have a limit in the amount of rupees we can hold, this gives the potential or reward of how many rupees one can collect less important and takes away from the rewarding aspect as we always seem to have a limit.

So in what way do you think the next installment on Wii U can improve on the current "Rupee System"? You can pick specific games to base off, pick out elements that actually worked inother Zelda games or maybe take ideas from outside the Zelda franchise in order to make improvements.
Last edited:
Feb 14, 2012
Well I think it would be amazing if there wasn't a limit. Let me explain. Take the banking system from Majora's Mask, but instead of having a limited amount in the bank, then only have the limit to your rupee bag. Now what to do with all these rupees? Downloads of course. Have some really expensive free downloads, but make them cost a great amount of rupees (like 5000 rupees maybe). Another idea would be to have a transfer system, so that later (and maybe earlier) games could recieve rupees from Zelda Wii U. That would be great since you want to be able to use all those rupees some way or another it could be great to be able to save them up and use it in another game.
I don't really think it needs to be improved on, Zelda is an adventure and while Wind Waker, for me, made it enjoyable to grind for rupees for the Triforce Quest, its not something i'd want to do in every Zelda, it'd bore me if i had to keep a constant eye on my money in a Zelda game. With SS i didnt use any money at all, i didnt use a shield and didnt upgrade anything until after i had beaten it and really there still wasn't a point, in my head the best rupee system was in TP, we had to use rupees to get down to Lake Hylia if we werent warping and again to get to the desert, we also burnt rupees while wearing the magic armour because of the lack of a magic meter, perhaps in a more politcal Zelda like something after Spirit Tracks where places are perhaps taxed etc, that maybe we'd need more money to do things or get to places but that'd be tedious, really Zelda doesn't need improve on the rupee system it isn't that important and i dont think that it should be.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
A bustling Hylian economy with constant spending of rupees would certainly be appreciated.

Skyward Sword's upgrade system was a step in the right direction-compelling Link to spend rupees on new gear rather than obtaining the same item slightly modified in a latter dungeon. This always irked me with double clawshot. I already received the clawshot in an early dungeon, why is another dungeon largely centered around a farther reaching version of the same item? Tougher enemies offering a reason to purchase superior gear are a must. In SS, I largely used the default arsenal-no foes were pushovers.

With a rise in overall difficulty-dungeons with more cunning and difficult enemies, traps, puzzles, shops should appear by dungeon entrances with risky adventurers who offer Link rare goods. Treasure is a butchered concept in Zelda. Most collectibles are for "bragging rights" only and give players little incentive to seek out and obtain them. Less treasure but more value and challenge in obtaining treasure is the solution. Phantom Hourglass's multiplayer had the right idea with Big Plays and Golden Ship parts. Expensive items cold be purchased with rupees or acquired after completing certain tasks. To further enhance the dynamic currency, discounts should be offered from time to time enticing players to keep an eye out for prices and dive in for the purchase when an agreeable price is offered. This should be forced in certain cases with items more expensive than Link's largest wallet can hold solely procurable during sales periods.

Obviously Zelda isn't an RPG and gamers can neglect greater importance of the rupee but it's the choices which would render a more modernized, customizable, personal experience.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I don't really see how it could be improved much further after Skyward Sword. That was one of the biggest surprises from the game, actually. Zelda's use of rupees was always terrible prior to SS, so all of a sudden having one of the best economies in any video game I've ever played shocked the hell out of me.

I'm not saying it can't be improved, of course, but there aren't any major overhauls needed anymore. All that needs to be done is things like fleshing out the upgrade system to make rupees even more important than they were in SS. Minor refinements are all that can be done at this point.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The only way to improve the Rupee System is to take SS' system, make rupees more abundant (via drops, selling useless items, and repeatable minigames), and make skins for your items/weapons/clothing available. There will be incentive to pay for things, but you won't be forced to (ahem 500 rupees in ALttP).


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The only way to improve the Rupee System is to take SS' system, make rupees more abundant (via drops, selling useless items, and repeatable minigames), and make skins for your items/weapons/clothing available. There will be incentive to pay for things, but you won't be forced to (ahem 500 rupees in ALttP).

I agree, but the more accurate thing to say is more incentive. Skyward Sword had loads of beneficial features via shopping sprees, so there was plenty of incentive to constantly go back to the Bazaar to buy stuff, although it wasn't forced, which was a fault of pretty much every past Zelda game (like you pointed out with ALttP).


Jul 1, 2012
I don't really see how it could be improved much further after Skyward Sword. That was one of the biggest surprises from the game, actually. Zelda's use of rupees was always terrible prior to SS, so all of a sudden having one of the best economies in any video game I've ever played shocked the hell out of me.

I'm not saying it can't be improved, of course, but there aren't any major overhauls needed anymore. All that needs to be done is things like fleshing out the upgrade system to make rupees even more important than they were in SS. Minor refinements are all that can be done at this point.

Skyward Sword made more use of the rupee system but it was by means perfect! You said that you don't see how the rupee system can be improved from SS I think this is a bit of an understatement....There is always room for improvement in any aspect but in my opinion the use of Rupees in SS, even though improved from other games the system still can easily be done a lot better.

For example even though you could buy upgrades and what not there wasn't much depth, most weapons had either one or 2 upgrades, this could definitely be expanded on further. As you said these are minor improvement's at best but I still think the Rupee system could do with some major changes. For example why not implement the bank system from Majoras Mask again, this was one of the best uses of money in a Zelda game, why not extend on a trading system like in Phantom Hourglas and TWW? In my opinion games like Fallout and Skyrim have great trading systems and there is nealy an unlimited use for your money. If Nintendo put their mind to it they can make currency a big feature in the next Zelda installment, minor changes are simply not enough in my opinion.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Skyward Sword made more use of the rupee system but it was by means perfect! You said that you don't see how the rupee system can be improved from SS I think this is a bit of an understatement....There is always room for improvement in any aspect but in my opinion the use of Rupees in SS, even though improved from other games the system still can easily be done a lot better.

>Ignoring the fact that I said "can't be improved much further"
>Ignoring the fact that I said it only needs minor refinements from now on rather than major overhauls


Jul 1, 2012
>Ignoring the fact that I said "can't be improved much further"
>Ignoring the fact that I said it only needs minor refinements from now on rather than major overhauls

Ignoring the fact that I acknowledged what you said and ignoring the fact that I said minor changes are not enough :/


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ignoring the fact that I acknowledged what you said and ignoring the fact that I said minor changes are not enough :/

You sort of acknowledged what I said, but you might as well have treated the situation like I said it was perfect.

Anyway, nothing of what you described were major improvements. They're exactly the kind of things I'm talking about. Little improvements to refine an already excellent currency system. Zelda's use of rupees was flat-out broken prior to Skyward Sword. Each and every issue was fixed with SS's release. All that remains is for it to keep improving on itself. There just aren't any massive changes that are necessary anymore.


Jul 1, 2012
You sort of acknowledged what I said, but you might as well have treated the situation like I said it was perfect.

Anyway, nothing of what you described were major improvements. They're exactly the kind of things I'm talking about. Little improvements to refine an already excellent currency system. Zelda's use of rupees was flat-out broken prior to Skyward Sword. Each and every issue was fixed with SS's release. All that remains is for it to keep improving on itself. There just aren't any massive changes that are necessary anymore.

By minor improvement's like you said expanding on what Skyward Sword did! Bigger improvement's like adding an efficient and effective trading system like we in RPG games like Fallout an Skyrim....To be honest I don't see how this is a minor change :/


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
By minor improvement's like you said expanding on what Skyward Sword did! Bigger improvement's like adding an efficient and effective trading system like we in RPG games like Fallout an Skyrim....To be honest I don't see how this is a minor change :/

Because Zelda already has an effective trading system with its treasures. It could be better, but it works just fine.


Jul 1, 2012
Because Zelda already has an effective trading system with its treasures. It could be better, but it works just fine.

I wouldn't say it was very effective....A few treasures here and there, not much significance to them, of course it would be an expansion but a big expansion if that!

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