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This Game's a Joke, Right?

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Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
I have a solution... GO PLAY SKYRIM! Did you want them to just copy Skyrim but put Zelda over it or something? Oh, and its been 25 Years... It says that everywhere. How does a fan miss that? Im not trying to be rude and all, And am not trying to insult you in anyway, but come on.

There's no content to your argument, how do I make a rebuttal? You simply insulted me over a typo, and made a HUGE misinterpretation about my comparison of Skyrim to SS. Also, what is SO wrong about have a more open world like Skyrim? Have you played the original Zelda? It was an open world environment and you could beat the dungeons in any order. What is so wrong about updating the graphics?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't see what your complaining about. Nintendo managed to add a level of challenge creatively and without ridiculously overpowering the enemies. [...]
I think you get my point. Yeah, the enemies won't be killing you every five minutes, but they manage to be as challenging as any other video game mooks without resorting to cheap shots. I wish all games had enemies that functioned more like this. It's how a real fight works and requires you to use your head.
...the thing about SS' enemies and weak points is, said enemies are too weak. Yes, there is a layer of having to get to the weak point, but in a real fight no one would break down and be absolutely destroyed after their weak point is hit. In Skyward Sword, enemies protect themselves yes, but once you get to hackin' and slashin', there's no stopping you. There are what, fifteen (?) common enemies in the game and (six?) bosses which are actually challenging, then you have the final boss who is an absolute cakewalk. Skyward nailed the "enemies have a weak point!" part into the wood, but it mistakenly forgot the part about "but can defend and live without said point!".

TL;DR – Just because enemies have better reaction timing doesn't make them any better or any more challenging. As I said in a negatively received article, If the enemies you face aren’t just cinder-blocks of the highest rank of impenetrability, then they are of the type where that precise motion must be made or else it registers as a miss in the game system. It is just too tedious. I respect you, Forlong, for your vehemence in defending your position and as a fellow Zelda fan (:

So... now using these analogies I can safely say that making a physical change to Zelda has worked quite well for 25 years and making a chemical change, that is, changing the formula, is just making Zelda into a different type of game; in which, if I wanted to play a different type of game... I WOULD!

What you described with the water and aluminum block is exactly what Nintendo's done with the series. They've changed things here and there to make it different but they haven't taken away from the Zelda that defines the game itself. If Mario didn't play the way it did as a platformer, people would get upset and it wouldn't be Mario. If Call of Duty changed the fact that you used guns and say made you use a bow and arrow for everything, it's not Call of Duty anymore. Take away the acrobatics of the Prince of Persia games anymore and they're something totally different from what the game theme is.
1) I acknowledge that and I see all the truth in that. If I wanted a different game, go out and get one! Don't mess with a well-established formula, right?

2) Mario games have developed from the platforming we all love to sports titles, and we even got RPGs to boot! Now some have been more positively received than others, but the Mario series in all honestly has flourished beyond belief, even with some titles such as Hotel Mario. Mario has even been in SSX and I believe the NBA as well! If Mario can pull that off, so can Zelda. Granted, some changes would kill off a HECK load of fans, but others would be pleased. That's how Mario did it and continues to do it.


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
That's a good way of putting it. Still, no one can truly say the best game in the world, it's always affected by preference. No matter who's saying it.


God of Goddesses
Feb 20, 2011
I see his point in the first post and agree with some parts of it.
Skyloft is quite barren for land that moderately big, and I was expecting more NPCs since it's been probably more than 25 years since Hylia sent the outcropping of the earth skyward.
The first two dungeons are actually very straight forward. I didn't use walkthroughs for any of them.
The bosses aren't as tough as I thought they would be. Ghirahim, Scaldera, Moldarach aren't that difficult to fight, and I was expecting to get a game over on my first run against Ghirahim. Koloktos seems like a fun and difficult boss, so I'm looking forward to it.

Although most are liking this game, I was a bit disappointed with it, and hope the ending is mucho, mucho, dificil.

The storyline, however, I find is great. It's beginning to set things in motion. The music is moving and exhilirating, making me hum with it or get pumped to fight the boss.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
Let me start by saying Skyward Sword is a great game. No doubt. However, it could have been much, MUCH better.

The first issue I had with the game was the graphics. Cutscenes look amazing, but as soon as I got into play-time, everything became blocky and blurry. Twilight Princess's graphics seem so much more smooth and refined. It's an interesting art choice to be sure, but I would have liked to see smoother objects, backgrounds, and words clearly without straining my eyes.

As many people said, the sky is boring. There is almost nothing to do! Besides the occasional island with a single treasure chest, I dreaded heading back up there.

My last complaint is the upgrade system. I just hate the fact that my shield can break and that I constantly have to monitor that meter, but worse than that is collecting those stupid upgrade items. I don't know how many times the gameplay was completely interrupted by a stupid menu popping up just to show me that I've collected an amber relic! This new aspect feels awkward and just doesn't fit well in Zelda.

On a lighter note, SS has set a new standard for some elements in the Zelda series. The motion control is fluent and efficient. Puzzles are fun and challenging. And the story... just fantasic! I've never seen Zelda in this light! It looks good on the series!

All in all Skyward Sword is pretty darn good. Not the best Zelda game, but a solid 8.5/10 in my opinion. I just feel, with all the time they had, that they could have improved upon some stuff, and maybe left some out...


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Hi all,
i've just registered to tell you my feelings about this.
I am/was a huge Zelda fan, have played all the games in the 90s for gameboy, SNES and of course Ocarina of time for N64. I loved Ocarina of time, due to its adventurous feeling, lovely graphics and gameplay. I also played Wind waker on Gamecube which was slightly more boring than ocarina because of the long distances and less content in the game. Since then i havened owned a nintendo system so i couldnt really play the other games (apart from some weekend sessions at friends/family).

Hi Raykay! Welcome to the forums to start out with. I just wanted to point a few things out to you, politely. ^^ Above you mention that you've only owned a probably all the early consoles and games. This makes it understandable why you haven't completely adjusted to the newer titles. Since you can only play weekends at a certain place I take it you're very busy. That's a wholesome lifestyle, because everything doesn't revolve around games; they're only here for entertainment.

well but i never really forgot how beautiful ocarina of time was (and partly wind waker) and about the great time i had with this game. Then i heard from the anniversary of Zelda, and read that probably the "best Zelda ever" is going to be released soon and i decided to give it a try and bought a wii and the game on release date.

It's true that Skyward Sword is called the "best Zelda ever," and having played it a good amount yesterday I have to agree. Ocarina of Time was beautiful and had amazing gameplay, there is no denying that. But new things come to replace the old. This is nature's way; you have only to adapt as mankind has to every circumstance thrown their way.

Since then ive played around 5 hours and just yesterday finished the first temple (which was very short somehow).

And i am asking you this: What the hell is this sh**?? Is that really zelda?? it hasnt made any progress in tha last 20 years?

This is where you would have gained the appellation of troll. It could have been asked nicer, to be frank. But it has made progress, and loads of it, moving past OoT's innovation to new and even more inventive levels.

_The graphics are worse then in Ocarina of time?! really?! Why?

Skyward Sword's graphics are vibrant and vivid, full of life, whereas Ocarina's were grainy at times. OoT's also didn't match up all the time such as, say, between Link's treehouse and Kokiri Forest. But SS is visually complete in every aspect.

_The areas i have explored are a total joke, in the sky there are like 3 or 4 islands so small you can barely land on them..

Yet the sky itself is filled with a sufficient amount of content as it is. Those 3 or 4 isles you may have seen wherever would be considered superfluous if they were any bigger.

_The "sky city" itself has like, dont know 20 NPCs? What kind of life is that when they are living just in that town for centuries havent seen anything of the earth land and still are just 20 people?

I don't think Skyloft's existence was ever confirmed to be centuries. And not all its inhabitants are there because accomplished Knights might be patrolling Skyloft's borders, and even more people could prefer to stay inside. You can't access any door at any given time.

_The areas on the earth (have just finished wood area and a bit of vulcano) are really small and very straight forward, i mean even the "worlds" in Super Mario 64 (where you have to jump through a painting) had more freedom of exploring and were almost as big as one of the (only!) three areas in this game?! Furthermore there is like no life on the earth, there are occasionally some enemies (who hold up their swords very awkwardly by the way, just to have a reason for the annoying motion playing?) but nothing else? No cities, no villages nothing? are there even quests down there, except going to the temple? Why is this damn whole in the sky then not directly above the temple?

The sky is above the Temple, and all its surroundings as well. The towns might have been eradicated by the enemies below so that they could start their own habitations. And lastly, there is life. You see trees and shrubbery everywhere in Faron Woods and a tropical environment in Lanayru Desert once it's restored. Eldin is excempt because it's a volcano.

_Quests? Are there any? Have done exactly... one! since ive started the game. Wont spoiler here, because that might be the only quest in the game( something about a girl).. Main story line is more like a long manga or comic book for me rather than a quest line, there are no real quests in it just go here and there. Im playing skyrim too since 2 weeks and its like the complete opposite you can go to talk to anyone in the vast amount of towns and villages and almost everyone has something to say or do.

There are tons of sidequests; you only have to go looking for them. They could be more easily found if you put Skyrim down for a time. ;)

I think the most annoying thing is really that you have nothing to explore, the sky world has really so few content it feels like it was orginally planned to be a screen saver in the nintendo offices. And the earth areas are just bad. just really bad. you never have the option to go either this way or that.. i hope this gets better during the game, though.

I respectfully disagree. Once again, the world is huge, full of life, brimming with enough content to keep one on the move for hours. Seems like we're rehashing some old points here, and they're less supported by evidence than the statements before them.

Last thing im really confused of, since when do you repair shield and upgrade swords with butterflies and bugs? Wth?!

The upgrade system started in this game. It's meant to immerse the player more than ever, giving them additional options and activities. I say it goes really good with the theme of the Master Sword being upgraded throughout the game, so I don't find the experience lacking one bit.


You know, i'm suprised this thread hasnt been closed already... putting that aside anyway. Skyward isn't as horrible as a few of you Zelda "fans" seen to say. Honestly, if you're going to beat down on the game of the year, then you haven't played it to it's full potential. This is Zelda we're talking about, not some random Mario game only released in japan.

I dont think this Zelda has the potential of "game of the year". Maybe game of the year 2004 but not this or the last few ones. And the reason for me is clearly that its "full potential" is somehow hidden to me. i can't see it. i just see a small town, 3 relatively small and straight forward areas, some temples and puzzles. it's feels more like kirby goes to visit professor layton mixed up with a manga story.

SS has more clear details and the edges are smoother. You might be able to say that the graphics aren't as well used as in OoT, but that's not what you're saying. You actually said that the graphics were a step back and they weren't.

Sorry, what i meant is in 1998 Zelda had cutting edge graphics, for 2011 the graphics are just bad. you have to admit this. ive seen better graphics on the wii so it can not be it's limitations..

It seems that you missed the point of adventure games: explore. You don't need towns or some NPC to hold your hand while you go sidequesting. I found at least 12 secrets in each area. They are all well hidden and are compacted throughout the areas. You have to pay attention to the world around you to get hints as to what's hidden. To be honest, I don't see why adding some annoying moron saying: "collect my chickens" could be an improvement to any game. Taking out the NPCs that can't take care of their own problems is refreshing.

You seriously call those hidden rupees and hearts exploration? i think it is pretty annoying that they have to hide even red rupees behind some small puzzles (like bombing a wall away). this kind of exploring was nice when i was like 12 because it gave me satisfaction, but today, almost 30 i just think why they need to do this, especially this search stuff for the key of temples. feels like they just wanted to artifically lengthen the game time.

How did you join this site!? You cant even remember 'the GIRLS' name! You never used the name of the 'CITY IN THE SKY' either! So what about graphics, so what about few content in the sky, you are obviously trolling. You got someone to help you join so you could just send people away from the game. Your are a troll, there's no argument against it! You are probably one of the 'Xbox or PS3 criticizers' who skip all of the story line, and if it was quick you probably skiped some enemies too. It seems though you are testing the game so you get to criticize it! Though we all have our opinions (like me for not caring too much about OoT even though it was a flawless game) you probably played OoT3D too, thinking all about the graphics is just what death gamers think of. This is what I believe anyways, this thread should be deleted immedetly (sorry about that) your basically trolling in so many ways.

What's your problem?

I have a solution... GO PLAY SKYRIM! Did you want them to just copy Skyrim but put Zelda over it or something? Oh, and its been 25 Years... It says that everywhere. How does a fan miss that? Im not trying to be rude and all, And am not trying to insult you in anyway, but come on.

Sure will do! Love skyrim, great game. As for zelda.. i will most certainly continue and try to finish it. But honestly, ive spend like 200 Euros (including the Wii) to get this game. Game only would be like 50, skyrim was in the same price range. Both games took 5 years of development (though i doupt this for Zelda) both games are more or less (adventure) role playing games.. and i dont care what you guys think, i have to compare them because when im sitting home in front of my tv i need to decide.. do i play zelda now or skyrim. and in 90% of the cases i choose skyrim.

First of all, it looks to me as though you are going into the game with predefined expectations for it, and you are constantly comparing it to other games, such as Ocarina of Time (Super Mario 64, The Wind Waker, etc). You need to stop doing this. Clear your slate a bit instead of trying to place it side by side with your past game experiences, and try to play the game for what it is in itself. Otherwise, I don't think you will be allowing yourself to enjoy it properly.

Sorry but this is not any game. this is zelda, which was a long time "the game of the games". of course i had expectations! everyone should have when playing zelda. and i needed to compare them to games like wind waker (obviously) and mario because the similarity in graphics, gameplay and gaming system.

I see no point in joining a Zelda site if your going to abuse Zelda. SS is a good game in many ways, and comparing Zelda to Skyrim just doesn't work, they are two completely different games, one's a sandbox game the others just completely awesome.

Why shouldnt i join a zelda forum when i have to say something about the game? I did not expect to be in such a minority and thought i could share my feelings with some of you..

Skyward Sword's graphics are vibrant and vivid (..) Yet the sky itself is filled with a sufficient amount of content as it is. (..) here are tons of sidequests (.. ) Once again, the world is huge, full of life, brimming with enough content to keep one on the move for hours

In my opinion: none of these statements are true.

Big thanks to those of you, who gave me some hints regarding the upgrade system and how i should continue the game and it will get better, im seriously trying.


Well first off I dont think it's appropriate to join a forum simply to have ago about a game and a gaming franchise that so many people adore. Also, i would just like to remind anyone who tries to apply hardcore gaming to nintendo systems past or presant. Nintendos very first console was called the Famicom for chirst sake. you know 'family console', so to say nintendo used to be a phowerhouse for hardcore gaming is like saying bill gates invented the rubiks cube. Its just Bo****ks! Plus in relation to zelda and the zelda franchise. The story elements as well as worlds have all stayed primarily the same or similar is because you can polish perfection. We have all seen zelda evolve into what it is and in comparison to some game franchises at least the zelda series tries to alter things to keep it fresh. Plus why should they go super crazy on the whole make it hardcore bull, make it better crap, pokemons been going for ages and its storyline has never changed. Hmmm what happens in the new pokemon. Oh you go round, battle trainers and collecting gym badges and lots of pokemon. Cool what did you do in the last pokemon? Oh battled trainers, collected gym badges and lots of pokemon. Ok some of the back stories and worlds changed and developed but isnt that how zelda has worked over the past 25 years? In comparison to other zeldas SS has changed dramatically. The character backstory isnt there because its a prequal. Its where it all began (or its attempting to be). Which is nice its a new spin. the graphics and gameplay and controls are aimed at children and zelda always has been, apart from TP zeldas have never been particulaly scary or agressivly violent, which adds to nintendos code of family practice.

Look the point of the matter is this...Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however. Please respect that to be a (hardcore zelda fanboy) if that phrase applies. Is to love all the naff bits of it as much as all the great bits. Dont say trhat its a joke or that its s**t just because YOU didnt enjoy it. Games just like films, music and art are all down to personal taste. I dont particularly enjoy the rocky films, but i dont join a Rocky forum to slag em off do i. always be aware of others feelings and prefrences before thrusting your thoughts and opinions down their throats.

^_^lots of love Epona xx


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
Yes, you have to respect our opinions too, by saying SS, a game we've been excited about for ages, is a joke is kind of insulting us so think before you act in future.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
You people seriously need to calm down... Anyone can join the forums for any reason... He had every right to make this thread, so chill. He is entitled to his opinion. The purpose of this thread is to respectfully talk about Skyward Sword, both the things you like and don't like about the game. If you are personally insulted that one person doesn't like a specific game, then you need to see a counselor or something.

We are all here because most of us are hardcore Zelda fans. And I'm not saying that Skyward Sword is this, but the way some of you are talking, it sounds like that if a game was about a 80 year-old man beating people up with his walking stick using motion-controls, and the game was titled "The Legend of Zelda," you would expect everyone to love and accept it, just because of the series it is from... That is ridiculous.

The point is just because people adore something doesn't mean it is always perfect. If this guy doesn't like SS, fine. That's his opinion. He created this thread to discuss what he likes and doesn't like with you, and he has the right to do so. Just don't go bad-mouthing him for it... This is a community! We respect each other! :D


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
Wierd, when you thought about an 80 year old Link, I thought of some old guy doing backflips and riding a skeleton Epona.


What im saying is, creating a thread and joining a forum to voice your opinion is one thing, but lets be fair if your going to do so at least finish the friggin game first.


Keep Playing

My boyfriend thinks somewhat the sameway but after further researching the story line, we discovered that the graphics, gameplay and ect is the way it is because of the storyline. I am forever a zelda lover and this will not in any way shape or form sway my opinion. :O


Ganon, King of Douchness.
Mar 14, 2011
Over there.
_The graphics is worse then in Ocarina of time?! really?! Why?
First off, the graphics are in no way worse than OoT.
They are better in fact.

Second, graphics are not really important (To me anyways). :/
I'm not saying however that a game should go off and have a good story but crappy graphics.

Skyward Sword's graphics combine my two favorite graphic styles in Zelda, TWW and TP styles.
In my opinion, it is an epic combination and it is far better than OoT's graphics.

Just saying man.
Last edited:


Who in there right mind plays on the wii looking for graphics lol
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