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General Modern Which is Better, Twilight Princess or Wind Waker?

Twilight Princess vs Wind Waker

  • Wind Waker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sep 4, 2011
Obiously Twilight Princess, there was so many sword moves, the graphics go way better. And I personaly didn't care about Ganon coming in the end, I kinda saw it coming. Ganon in twilight princess was harder, I think I died 1-2 times before I finally defeat him completley, only once bfore I defeated WW Ganon,the horse fight was amazing, but short.:( Besides, TP was much more misterious than WW, I was actually a little scared by shadow beasts after the first four.D: I do completley agree on characters though, I HATE LIALA!!!!!!! JERK!, and why did Zelda have to be a loner...........
I love Zelda and Link together.........:) is in :love: with :zelda:


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
And Ironicly This ^ Ganondorf is actually more complex then Twilight Princess'. And to be fair, I dont really find someone who has night curlers in their hair scary, even remotely

Im just Saying :)

the TP version is better than the WW one but this one:


is the definitive one
Sep 25, 2011
I myself never had a problem with Ganondorf coming into Twilight Princess. I personally enjoyed that fact. I think it was introduced at the right time in the right way also. As far as Zant shaping up to be a super evil guy... I just didn't see it... We see him like three or four times before Ganondorf comes into the picture and even then he really only talks a couple of times. All we know of him is from Midna's backstories and even she says that his power is "a false one" meaning that it's not Twili magic. And I just played through the part where Zant shows back up to revive Stallord and, I can't believe I didn't catch this the first time I played, his laughing, voice, and mannerisms are all really similar to Ganondorf from Ocarina of Time. I hear people saying that Ganondorf had no motivation in Twilight Princess but he did. All he wants is power and control, like always, and he achieved it. He captured Zelda so as to keep her in check and not to steal her power this time. No opposition means no problem right? Crush it before it starts. This is only my opinion and likes though, so I'm not trying to push anything on anyone. I loved Ganondorf in Wind Waker as well. I loved how his personality was much more refined. In the same respect, Twilight Princess's ruthless and violent Ganondorf worked for it, as I would expect anyone who was stabbed and stealed would be really mad and just want to come back for revenge. My question is this though... When Ganondorf was sealed in the Twilight Realm, did he wait in silence until Zant was born or was he sealed and almost immediately come back? I'm rambling... But yes, both Ganondorfs have their own best respective qualities. :)


If I may speak as the noob who hasn't played either, but has seen 100% of both, I think Wind Waker is better. Not that my opinion matters entirely to the topic, since I haven't actually played either.:(


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
Twilight Princess, it's better in every way. WW is a good game but whatever WW does, TP does better

Azure Sage

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Wind Waker, hands down. I loved the Wind Waker and enjoyed playing it a lot more than Twilight Princess. In Wind Waker, I loved sailing, fighting, the dungeons, the bosses, all the different characters and islands, the minigames, and especially the art style! Twilight Princess did not compare in any of those aspects, in my opinion.
Mar 13, 2011
Wind Waker. I like the exploratory atmosphere of the great sea, with 49 islands to discover, the first time you play you never know what to expect at each one. Though I like the controls on TP better, I like everything else, sound track by far the best, in Wind Waker.


HAS TO BE TWILIGHT PRINCESS! Mainly because it has wayyyyy more sword attacks and you get to be a wolf in the first parts of the game. It has very challenging puzzles as well as gathering invisible bugs to get the light back to link's world. What I like about both of the games is that they take place starting off in different places. Those are the things i like bout TP so yah! :cool:


The Meat Shield
Mar 9, 2010
What is this place?!?!?
I would have to go with TP... but thats because I don't enjoy the art style of WW. Overall as well in gameplay I really enjoyed TP far more, although once in a while I don't mind playing the cartoonish WW..


This question is killing me! I love both WW and TP so much! I'm not too picky about artstyles if they work for the game I like it!


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
As much as I love Twilight Princess I'm going to have to say The Wind Waker is my favorite of the two. The Wind Waker is almost my favorite Zelda game. The Wind Waker is just such a beautiful game. The Great Sea, the what seems like hundreds of islands, the exotic music, the breathtaking graphics, the awesome story, etc. You just really can't get much better the The Wind Waker. Perhaps it's just the nostalgia, but TWW is a better game in my opinion; and that's coming from someone who loves Twilight Princess.


The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
If you want a better scale, and see more people's opinions, please go to "Your Favorite Zelda Game" thread. If you check the polls, you'll see the majority of ZD's opinion on which game would be better.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I found Twilight Princess to be far greater due to its world. While Wind Waker had plenty of activities, getting to and from certain spots seemed sluggish via Link's boat, King of the Red Lions. I prefer the speed that Epona was born with, the ability to be free and ride like the wind, rather than standing in the hull of a boat for a time to change the wind's direction. I have no complaints on the graphics, because both styles are beautiful in their own way. I've come to respect their beauty by seeing so much on Skyward Sword anyhow.

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