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Mafia Round 2

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Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I rather think Random Person is handling this rather well. I'm not sure at this point who to vote for, and believe that I made my vote a little hastily... I'd prefer to see more on these other people in mention. Epwna, for example. Epwna seems to have just as much evidence piled up as RP.

Unvote: Random Person
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
I really would withdraw my vote if there was anyone with good evidence against them. Xinny's not worth changing my vote to and we have to kill someone off every day ... might as well be someone we suspect.


The tree hugger of Hyrule
Stupid school and Glee reruns for making me not read the whole 54 pages worth of posts (*kicks a random can*)

Anyone got any ideas on who's most likely scum? I'm confused, since people are saying that Random Person is a townie, who is handling a situation like this very well. On the other hand, Jetter, seems a tad suspicious, ever since he said he liked my theory on Bayside's innocences of most likely being the vigilante, but just voted for her, right off the bat. I'm not going to give you my eyes, or point a finger at you, but it does seems suspicious, since you just randomly voted for Bayside, who proved to be innocent.

Other than that, no one really has caught my eye.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
I just noticed something. This isn't changing my vote, though.

Xinnamin has voted once throughout the 6 days we've been at this search. That seems suspicious to me, considering she's been an active poster.

Let it also be known that the one person Xinn did vote for turned up townie. This is increasingly suspicious for me.

This doesn't catch your eye, Miss Panda?


Type to myself in silence
Nov 8, 2009
Washington, USA
Stupid school and Glee reruns for making me not read the whole 54 pages worth of posts (*kicks a random can*)

Anyone got any ideas on who's most likely scum? I'm confused, since people are saying that Random Person is a townie, who is handling a situation like this very well. On the other hand, Jetter, seems a tad suspicious, ever since he said he liked my theory on Bayside's innocences of most likely being the vigilante, but just voted for her, right off the bat. I'm not going to give you my eyes, or point a finger at you, but it does seems suspicious, since you just randomly voted for Bayside, who proved to be innocent.

Other than that, no one really has caught my eye.

True. I better watch out.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
We're going to run out of time if we keep making 3 posts a day, guys. I understand you all want to be cautious and not get lynched but that doesn't mean sit back and don't post anything at all ever. We're just going to end up lynching people on few votes and giving the SK and Mafia free kills. It's not the way to play.

I don't like the number of people who have posted not at all in this day already. There are too many inactive ones. We need to get something going.

People have already pointed out various things about a few people. Take a look back and read the posts if you didn't see them.

Jetter had some good suspicion placed on him.

Random Person is of course getting suspicion. It should be obvious as to why, as well. Unless you want to look for yourself.

Epwna is definitely also very suspicious. Not only is he staying inactive, possibly to avoid people from actually paying attention to him, but he also has some good evidence placed against him. He was one of MK9's suspects as well, and possibly the one who could have gotten MK9's roleblocking vote. Let's not forget this possibility. Epwna seems to fit the role a bit more than Random Person as well, in my opinion.

Xinnamin also had some good evidence raised against her. She's been mostly inactive throughout the entire game. She blames her priorities. For some reason she finds it more important to sit in an inactive shoutbox and do pretty much nothing at all rather than to check up in here and post every once in a while. This seems more like an excuse to keep herself from gaining suspicion. She could be Mafia trying to lay low or even the Serial Killer. I know it's much more likely for Epwna or RP to be the SK, but let's not ignore the possibility. She could just be sitting by and making necessary posts to avoid suspicion and then killing off people at random at night time. Zenox, I'm glad you noticed this and pointed it out. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the smaller parts of the game such as these people.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
You can't blame everyone Kyberian, though what you say is true. If we don't say anything anymore, someone is still going to die from lynching.

But you should know that my last two posts weren't just for show. The way I've written them was to make people do certain things. I knew some people would keep posting, I knew others would suddenly defend me, and lastly, I knew some would just stop posting. People are acting in according to their roles, and the SK is no substitute.

We've got like three days right? I've been going through the pages looking at how people responded to others but I haven't reached the end yet. The SK candidates, however, are acting as I predicted they would to my responses. If I can read through everything before the time is up, I'm pretty sure I'll have an answer.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
Alright. I've noticed Xinnamin for a while now, and thought that I'd finally bring up my argument in a more appealing way.

I have to say, though... not a lot of really awesome evidence can be brought up as a lot of her posts add absolutely nothing... but aren't avoid the modkill, so I don't know what to think. Here's an example:

Well, Day one moved so fast I couldn't get in in time, and now that I've read through everything that happened, I can't really say I've got any major suspicions since most of Day 1 was directed at Elfen. The few other odd posts that surfaced, like Zenox or Ats, a lot of it may just be newbie mistakes and/or overeagerness, which was clearly the case with Elfen. I'll wait for more evidence before making any more deductions.

Ignoring the suspicion of me, this is basically a recap of what's going on. Sort of fine for a first post, I guess. But note how it happens the next 3 times that she posts, as well. She simply recaps what's going on. Oddly, though, they're not spaced out time-wise. They're just sort of annoying.

I believe that he is a Townie due to the fact that he can't be the Mafia because no Serial Killer in their own right state of mind would attempt to kill themselves hoping that the Doctor would save them, thus clearing their own name of being the Serial Killer.
Wait, what? Why can't he be mafia? I'm not following that logic...or was that just a typo?

This post is clearly just annoying. He of course meant to say Serial Killer instead of Mafia. Most of her posts at this point (5 posts in at this point) are just annoying or add nothing whatsoever, yet, again, aren't avoiding the modkill. ONly thing I can think of is that she's posting to try make people trip over themselves with their tiny mistakes so they have to rephrase things and screw up. I'm gonig to call this an "annoying scum" for obvious reasons.

The possibility of him being a "clone" of my behavior in the last game is the biggest thing that preventing me from outright voting for him right now. Granted he IS a lot more volatile, but that could still be rookie aggressiveness due to inexperience and not knowing any other way to play. The fact that he's kept it up so long and so intensively is concerning though, so I still suspect him.

Just so you know, she's talking about MK9 here. MK9 is clearly not an inexperienced player, and if he is, he's clearly got a good strategy, due to what we've seen the past day/night barely. I think his strategy was flawless, only thing that brought him down was our own vigilante's over suspectful-ness.

Right now, I'll FOS both of them and go back to try and make better sense of everything that has happened.

This is going to add on to my main point against Xinnamin, to make it look like she's actively playing, she does FOS people, but never follows through with her word of getting more information on them and finally voting. She only actually voted once, and the turnout of the lynch was townie.

Sorry for the inactivity, been busy all week, will be busy next week too fyi. Anyways, reading through everything, I think that Dracomajora should be lynched. There's not much evidence to point out that hasn't already been said, PA and Panda covered all that pretty well. Draco's been really confusing his posts, and that kind of confusion can distract from the investigations at best and hides scum behavior at worst. Either way, it's not good.

Vote: Dracomajora

This seems like a "go with the flow" sort of action, just jumping on the bandwagon without really thinking about it. She's trying to do what the crowd does to not look really obviously different. Not to mention that it's clear that Dracomajora is only 11 years old, and his posts look more like rookie mistakes than anything we have ever seen. Yet this is the only post that she does not mention could be a rookie mistake. Perhaps she was trying to cover up her scum friend MK9 by mentioning rookie mistake earlier(though it clearly wasn't any rookie mistake), and then doesn't bother to try to defend Dracomajora with mention of OBVIOUS rookie mistakes because she knows that he's town. This was her only vote, and it ended up flipping townie.

Well, so far we haven't had too good a track record, a lot of townies dead and that needs to stop. Frankly, I get the feeling that with as many participants as we have it's really easy for scum to stay alive by avoiding discussion and thus avoiding attention, thus all the townies that are actively trying to root out the scum get targeted for lynches. That's not to say all of our active players are townies, but I think we may need to start looking at the more inactive people who only drop by once in a while to avoid modkills for inactivity. I know that some of those less active players may have just been too distracted by real life to contribute large investigation analysis, goodness knows I was for the last weeks, but it's just a thought that I had.

This is another one of those "stick with the crowd" type moments. NOt adding very much, but basically rephrasing what people had already been saying. "Go after the inactives." She uses this to avoid suspicion. All she did was suggest an obvious tactic because everybody else was. Right now it just looks like she's trying to avoid any suspicion. Of course we all want to avoid suspicion, but she seems to be trying very hard to avoid suspicion even though nobody has suspected her.

My thoughts are this: Bay was a townie, and MK9 had to have known that. At the same time, she was under a lot of heat from a lot of people last day period, meaning she was relatively safe to go after. Now, doing a ton of scum analysis on someone just to have them turn townie doesn't really help your standing amongst other townies, so I'm thinking that there's a high likelihood that one of MK9's other suspects is scum, so if they get lynched later MK9 could further fool everyone (he was getting some heat recently too). Maybe you're right that the SK just missed the deadline, but if the SK was actually roleblocked, then that raises the possibility that one of MK9's suspects was the SK.

Regardless, I just thought it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on people like Epwna and RP (still not sure if there's any significance behind him analyzing you and switching that scum label, might have just been a save-face sort of measure to make him "less perfect" and more believable in his act) I, like many people, have said that inactives should be looked at, and MK9's scum reveal just gives me more reason to do so.

Another totally obvious post, no one didn't already know this. She suggested something that was suggested multiple times before, so it didn't add anything at all to the discussion. Trying to blend into the crowd sort of post.

Yes that is very convincing. [/sarcasm]

Sorry, but are you trying to get killed? Because with the evidence and suspicion against you and that kind of paper-thin defense, you're well on your way.

Another just blending in sort of post. She doesn't really add anything. Not saying much at all.

Seriously, though, almost all her posts fit this description. They are either jumping on the bandwagon or stating the obvious to attempt to blend in with the rest of the crowd. It seems like she's trying very hard to do this as well. She just tries to avoid getting lynched by doing what everybody else is doing. She never really helps much. While this is a good strategy, once somebody starts to look through your posts, the pattern is noticed immediately. I noticed this pattern about 3 posts in, and I'm really getting tired of looking through these pretty bland posts. I'd say that Xinnamin's probably the SK, due to the SK just trying to blend in than really trying to turn everyone against each other, but it's definitely a good mafia strategy as well. I'd encourage you all to vote.

And so I end with: Vote: Xinnamin


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I find it kinda lulzy you're calling me annoying. As for the bandwagon and pointing out the obvious comments, um yeah, I see quite a lot of people doing similar things. I'm actually starting to wonder why you're trying so hard to point me out among all the people who do do things like that, considering it's kinda common behavior among townies who don't feel like putting that much thought into the game at the time.

Just so you know, she's talking about MK9 here. MK9 is clearly not an inexperienced player, and if he is, he's clearly got a good strategy, due to what we've seen the past day/night barely. I think his strategy was flawless, only thing that brought him down was our own vigilante's over suspectful-ness.
Actually I was talking about Ats. If you're gonna analyze me at least get your facts straight. Thanks.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
Oh, sorry, it was intended to just get discussion going, so my analysis probably wasn't totally up to par.

... and didn't you say you don't want to read big long analysis's? Now that you're in the whole are you suddenly changing your strategy?


Isn't it counterproductive for you to say that your analysis was horrible? I mean it takes away from your credibility and casts suspicion on yourself. Look I've been suspicious of you for an age; but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.... for now at least.

HoS: Zenox
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
Isn't it counterproductive for you to say that your analysis was horrible? I mean it takes away from your credibility and casts suspicion on yourself. Look I've been suspicious of you for an age; but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.... for now at least.

HoS: Zenox

Well, yeah it is, but I just did it to start up conversation again, as if we don't discuss, we don't get votes and if we don't vote, we get someone lynched off of one person's vote, which isn't really fair. We need discussion to get a diverse opinion and find the overall opinon. If only one person votes, that person could be mafia and lynch off someone to get us killed. I really only did this to get discussion going, for the 4th time, so I didn't try extremely hard to get it together. It was at Wyatt's request, too, not my own idea, so that makes me try even less hard on it ... if that makes any sense.


And what the hell is a HoS? I've been seeing it increasingly lately, I know for a fact that it's FoS if that's what you're trying to do.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
It seems more and more like she's just in here to go with the flow and try to conceal herself.

I mean, I know that it seems that there are plenty of people that seem to "go with the flow," but you seem to be overdoing it, Xinnamin. It's like you just try as hard as you can to stay with the group. This wasn't really completely obvious until you came up with your various excuses on this day. The ones of not having enough time, weird priorities, etc... It all seems too unlikely.

I happen to really like this analysis post, though. It's enough to really get me going. I happen to think that you fit the role a bit more than RP does of Serial Killer, even though it's possible he was the one roleblocked. There's always a chance that MK9 was instead seeking out or roleblocking people aside from those he put direct suspicion on. You're not off the hook at all. This analysis post combined with your excuses make this justified:

Vote: Xinnamin

By the way Mizer, he doubted himself from the beginning. He asked me if he should post it or not and I urged him into it. He's not very confident. And please don't ignore the giant analysis... it has good points.
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