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Zelda Informer - new management questions


Staff member
Between the two I would rather we continue using the current ZD Xenforo software since so much has been done with it in the last year. We have lots of themes that will be dropped if we just make a huge move. But they do have a nifty login addon that allows someone to sign up on their main site and have it connect to their forum accounts and main site comment accounts. Xenforo does not seem to cover all bases like that.

I agree here. In addition to the themes, moving to their forum software would cause us to lose our add-ons, some of which I imagine would have replacement equivalents but most likely not all. These are things like the shoutbox, social groups, arcade, awards/medals, force ignore, shop, credit etc

It would be handy if there was a way to get the bridge between the ZI main site and the forum accounts working on xenforo in a similar way, perhaps the staff from ZI would be more knowledgeable about how to go about that.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Moving the forum to ZI would be a horrifyingly bad idea. Regardless of how much of a "community" they still have or don't have, they still have a very severe reputation for being the most toxic site remaining in the whole Zelda Community. Consolidating forums over there will permanently pass on that reputation to it with no way to get rid of it. This will give us far too many problems. And it can attract a lot of new drama to it, and none of us like that. If there's consolidation, what little remains of the ZI forum community should be brought over here. We can handle ourselves if anything gets out of line. And with luck, we can work together peacefully. But there's no getting around ZI's very negative reputation. It will have little impact on its news articles, but it will be detrimental to any community that is over there. This community is firmly established and "retaining posts" moving it over there will not stop it from being permanently damaged by it.

I recognize the benefits of this acquisition. ZI is very good with news and social outreach. It's something that can help us out a lot. They're inhumanely good at social outreach and that'll be invaluable. But our community needs to remain here. It'd be in our best interest. It has taken a lot of work to get our forums to the point there are now. And dismantling them to move them to ZI would undermine all that work and destroy this community. Since ZI's forum community is struggling to even exist right now, the best option is to bring them over here if they still want to operate in a forum environment.
What about a rebranding the forum entirely? So that it isn't Zelda Informer, but it still fits with both websites. That way, we can get a fresh reputation for both sites to start advertising.

Perhaps something like "Zelda I.D. Forums"?
That would cover both Zelda Informer, and Zelda Dungeon in a snappy little blurb.

Of course, it doesn't have to be that(it probably shouldn't be that). But, rebranding the forum could be very beneficial for both sides of the deal.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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@Mases I asked this question on the frontpage but decided to go ahead and ask it again here. What will happen to Articles and works along those lines that were published on this site? Will they be moved over to Zelda Informer? Over on Zelda Informer they have said they plan on more featured Articles this year. Are there any plans for using the forum's Article Center for material?
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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
@Mases I asked this question on the frontpage but decided to go ahead and ask it again here. What will happen to Articles and works along those lines that were published on this site? Will they be moved over to Zelda Informer? Over on Zelda Informer they have said they plan on more featured Articles this year. Are there any plans for using the forum's Article Center for material?
Mases said that ZD was gonna mainly be walkthroughs and content while ZI covers news and stuff, so I imagine all the walkthrough and guides that they've written will stay, they're not gonna remove all that hard work. Whether they're gonna stay at ZD or move to ZI remains to be said though.


May 18, 2013
So when will you annex ZU?

All kidding aside, does this mean we will no longer see news in ZD?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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I went ahead and made a account over on ZI forums, I don't intend to use it if we merge, or even if we switch to their software (in that event I'd rather have it deleted), I was just interested to test it out just in case we did switch. I noticed that only a month ago their Editor-in-Chief started something similar to the Article Center. If we merge or even switch I think it'd be great to revive the Article Center for material on Zelda Informer for him to draw from.

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