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Zelda Games That You Don't Like As Much As Everyone else

Aug 1, 2011
Kalamazoo, MI
You know what I'm talking about. Everyone is all about that one Zelda game; but, once you give it a shot, you just aren't feeling it. You don't hate it or find it terrible. You just don't like it as much as everyone else seems to.

I have developed a problem with OoT because of the fanbase. I loved the game, but the fanboys constantly attacking any notion that another game was better just ruined it for me. I didn't like the execution of MM, either. I wasn't feeling it.


Jun 22, 2011
Twilight Princess- there isn't anything bad or wrong with it, but I'd rather play most of the other games in the series. A lot of people say that's their favorite game in the series and it's near the bottom for me. Also the fact that so many people are saying Skyward Sword is the best Zelda ever bothers me a little. It's definitely near the top for me but I'm reluctant to say it's the best.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

I do enjoy the music, characters, graphics, and adventure, but it doesn't being my attention. Me playing DS in Zelda games (except for OoT 3DS) is just too lame for me. Having to use the Stylus all the time just tires me out. It's very boring for me. Why can't we use the + control pad? That's the only game that I don't enjoy much as the other fans. I can't say anything about PH because I never played it.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Skyward Sword – I don't understand the hype and love surrounding this game. I mean, it's a great game, and a great Zelda, but it isn't the best. Some fans recently have gotten about rating Zelda fans by how much bigger they are, and somehow opinions don't mean anything if it is negative...I just don't understand it at all. Skyward Sword is by no means a bad game...I just really hate how they reused certain elements. Just as Forlong has problems with OoT's fanbase, I have problems with the very foundation of SS' fanbase and the game itself.


Hero of Time
Aug 21, 2011
I have had a lot of trouble getting into majora's mask. Unfortunately my n64 is broken right now :/ but I have beaten the first two dungeons and I am finding the game tedious and frustrating (specifically running through the snowhead dungeon, after which I didnt have enough time to do the necessary stuff in spring). maybe I'm playing the game wrong but I don't think so. Hopefully when my 64's repaired I can give it another go and see why so many fans call the game their favorite!


Jun 22, 2011
I have had a lot of trouble getting into majora's mask. Unfortunately my n64 is broken right now :/ but I have beaten the first two dungeons and I am finding the game tedious and frustrating (specifically running through the snowhead dungeon, after which I didnt have enough time to do the necessary stuff in spring). maybe I'm playing the game wrong but I don't think so. Hopefully when my 64's repaired I can give it another go and see why so many fans call the game their favorite!

Well it's one of those love it or hate it kinds of things. Some people have gripes about the 3 day cycle whereas others wish it was in every game. Also the heart of the game is more in the sidequests than the dungeons making it quite unique for a Zelda game. So once again if you like that sort of thing than you'll love the game, and if not, you won't. Also many people feel that the final dungeon in the game is the greatest dungeon in any Zelda game so the game has that going for it as well.


Isn't it Captain Keeta?!
Nov 28, 2011
Bad Cannstatt
I have had a lot of trouble getting into majora's mask. Unfortunately my n64 is broken right now :/ but I have beaten the first two dungeons and I am finding the game tedious and frustrating (specifically running through the snowhead dungeon, after which I didnt have enough time to do the necessary stuff in spring). maybe I'm playing the game wrong but I don't think so. Hopefully when my 64's repaired I can give it another go and see why so many fans call the game their favorite!

I don't know if you already know this, but there is a simple way how to get more time. I also dont know how I can hide spoilers in this forum so please don't read it if you want to find it yourself.

You can play the Song of Time backwards. Then the time runs 50% slower. I don't know what the English translation of this song is, I know it as the "Ballad of Cronus". The talking Scarecrows tell you about it.


I despise the DS games, they are just downright terrible in my opinion and blemish the otherwise high standard of the series. I think that Twilight Princess is good but terribly flawed and not very exciting. Wind Waker is also extremely overrated in my opinion.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Wind Waker, my least favorite 3D Zelda title to date. It's not the story, music, characters, or even the graphics that diverts my interest (far be it from that--I love all those things about WW). No, it's the concept of sailing all the time. Although this is what the game's basis of transportation was established on, the experience was far less immersive, which thereby made it less enjoyable, than roaming across the land we're stationed in and predestined to save. Then again, there is also travel by Loftwing through the sky, but in comparison to sailing it's a whole lot faster, if not only for the option to boost whenever.

So there you have my only gripe about the game. It truly was an experience that I loved, because right after finishing it I opted for giving it another go to adapt, in a way, to its settings...and then found out that Link wore his PJs throughout. :xd:


I think twilight princess for me. especially the Wii version. I didn't hate the Gamecube version, but i didn't really enjoy it all to much. There were a bunch little things that annoyed me and also something bigger that i can't quite put my finger on. The controls for the Wii version were so frustrating; i found the motion control to be imprecise and unresponsive. i would say it was the fault of the Wii and not the game, but i never felt that way about any other Wii game.
Jul 25, 2011
In the US
It is Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past for me. I have them both on the vitual console and played them but could never get into them. I don't hate them I got bored playing them but I did finish both and still didn't care about them. They are good games though.


The 8150th Link
Jul 26, 2010
I don't really like Phantom Hourglass or the original Legend of Zelda as much as most people. Phantom Hourglass just didn't stand out to me, and it felt bland at times, and the original didn't have enough depth for me.
Feb 25, 2011
Twilight Princess was my first Zelda, so after i finished it i liked it (did not love it)
but after that i played other Zelda games, and now that i looked back at Twilight Princess, i find it very boring, predictable, and unoriginal. the colors and feel of the game are blend, which was used to create a sense of darkness, but it comes out as boring, and make most of the game's locals forgettable. i didn't had the amazing feel of OOT, the weird depressing yet satisfying impact of MM. it lacked the adventuress of WW or the creativeness and freshness of SS.
it just desperately tried to recreate moments from Zelda's past to cover it's own lack of anything new to offer, it just abused the formula.
After playing it again i can safely say that, at least for me, Twilight Princess is the worst Zelda game i ever played. I don't know how many people say its the best Zelda ever.
on anther note, when i first bought Spirit Tracks i thought that i was going to hate it. i turn out to be a really enjoyable game, with very smart level design and really fun bosses. it was also surpassingly packed with cool side content, and was overall challenging. people don't give this game a lot of credit, but i loved my time with it...


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I honestly don't like ALttP that much, despite what other people think. While I do enjoy the game, I feel that there are too many dungeons. I was expecting it to be all revolutionary, but I just couldn't see it. Maybe that's because OoT was my first Zelda, but I don't know for sure...

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