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ZDI High School Drama Club RP - A Generic High School Anime RP


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Renzo, after hearing the letter, freezes a moment.

"So...this isn't just about a project, but a battle of pride with everything on the line?" he thinks to himself. If he wasn't already slightly creeped out by their teacher, he would have felt much more sympathy for the guy.

"Gah, there's almost too many variables to juggle around in this situation!" Renzo exclaims to the others. "Yeah, and that scream sure is curious. Something isn't adding up here. The power goes out again with the scream? Might just be a trap, perhaps from that Mr. Evil guy." He finishes the last statement with a cool tone, perhaps sounding too much like an effort to sound cool to impress the others. "I don't mind taking a search, especially if it gets me out of Mr. Matsumoto's hair, but we will need to be careful."


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Aiko pulls out a bubble pipe and begins to blow a few bubbles in thought. The scream. What does it mean? Surely it wasn't Mr. Matsumoto over there screaming. Perhaps this could lead them to finding him, however. I mean, didn't he have a class to teach? How could he just dissappear like that? After a couple more thoughtful blows, it was decided. "Right. Everyone, we're going to the next classroom over. Something strange is happening in this school. We're solving this thing."


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Eiko glances over at her incredulously, "Not sure how much there is to solve, but sure, why not?" she approaches the door and opens it, "After you all."


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
"Well, I guess that's that," Renzo motions for the group to follow him as he uncharacteristically takes point. They needed to be very swift and quiet in these halls. Renzo does his best to lead the others with the most efficient tiptoe technique.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Eiko doesn't tiptoe. She just walks. No need to be so stealthy - this was more than likely all overblown and they were worrying about nothing. She was just coming along to laugh at them. Not because she was scared. No, who'd ever consider that?


The game is on!
After having walked through the corridor they stop when they reach the classroom door. There's an odd screeching noise coming from within the classroom. This must have been where that loud scream came from.

"So uhm, who opens the door?" Riku asks quietly.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Renzo shoots an evil glare at Aiko because she was not following the tiptoe protocol, nearly hinting at his true composure. Once they get to the door, he responds to Riku's question by slowly opening the door. It now was slightly ajar. Normally Renzo wouldn't put himself at risk, but something had come over him...but what?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
((Shh! :oops: ))

Renzo shoots his glare back at Eiko, but unfortunately while turning his head to her it was witnessed by Aiko as well. He then goes to peer through the ajar door. He is uncertain as to what he sees, but he notices a figure kneeling on the floor, seemingly devastated.


The Oncoming Storm
Aug 22, 2012
Sacred Realm
Yato peeks around Renzo's shoulder, feeling a bit curious. He wonders who the guy on the floors is, and why the room's empty in the middle of a school day.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Tsuke-mono had finally made it to where she was going. thousands of miles away, she was in California

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