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ZD Members Vs. Mods Sign-up Thread

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Aug 7, 2011
Malibu, CA
After years of intense waiting and training, the day has finally come for the highly anticipated ZD Members vs. Mods mafia game, brought to you by DracoMajora and yours truly. We'll take anybody who wants to play but we'd really prefer if you'd have played at least one mafia game before. Please note that Skype is a requirement for this game, no exceptions. It's simply the easiest and most efficient way to monitor the games and separate chats needed with the various roles. Please include your Skype ID with your signup, or if you're uncomfortable with posting it to an entire thread just PM me or Draco. We're looking for about 20 people to play.

The Story

Ancient Scribes of Mods Past said:
The year is 2020, and ZD has become progressively worse and worse. Racism, plagiarism, sexism, and spambots run rampant. Even the great Mases Hagopian is going through a midlife crisis and is unable to help the suffering members. Orphans are dying on the streets, hungry and sad. The moderators and various administration rule with an iron fist, making sure nobody steps out of line. It is up to a ragtag team of b-list members to save the forum... or will an aging Mases be too much for them to handle?

The Unbanned:
1. Fig
2. Stitch
3. Big Octo
4. A Link In Time
5. Mido
6. Vergo
7. Musicfan
8. Heroine of Time
9. Kybyrian
10. DekuNut
11. Findemaxa
12. Thareous
13. Keith
14. LittleGumball
15. Pendio
16. Erebea
17. Violet
18. justac00lguy
19. Atti-kiss
20. AvatarFlygon
21. Go_Dark_Link
Last edited:
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
This setup looks like a lot of fun, haha. I was thinking I'd take a break, but since I got killed off so early in Fate and Kid Icarus, I'm ready for another one.

Draco already has me on Skype too.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Dang, I hope I get Kybyrian, that would be cool

Too bad he's not admin anymore

Maybe that just means he'll have a cooler role... there are so many possibilities for every alignment because he's such an awesome, versatile guy

Guess I'm in

kenpari-wyatt is my skype, I have that PK Flash homo but not Leslie


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
My name is Dante Masamune! LET'S PARTY!


You guys already have me.

If you don't then....

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