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Which Book Are You Currently Reading?


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Well, I'm currently reading 5 books right now:

1. Fiore dei Liberi's Fior di Battaglia. I practice HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), and this manuscript covers grappling, spear, sword in one hand, sword in two hands, poleaxe, mounted combat, dagger, and such. Mainly I'm focusing on Fiore's plays with the sword.

And if you're wondering, historical sword combat looks far different than what you think it should look like.

2. Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive.

3. The Vinland Saga, a manga about Vikings. It'll put hair on your chest.

4. Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy.

5. Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

And since I don't consider short stories or novellas books, per se, I always find time for a good Lovecraft story. If you're wanting to get into them if you haven't read them, I'd start with The Dunwich Horror, At the Mountains of Madness, The Color Out of Space, and of course, The Call of Cthulhu.
Jun 12, 2018
I just finished Oathbringer... god damn! I've just started The name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, I think I'm going to have to double back and do Mistborn at some point.


Most Active Inactive User
Jan 16, 2012
Los Angeles
Lovely Sweet Dream - The dream journal used as a basis for the game LSD: Dream Emulator. It's a fun little read, mostly just many different artists making works based on dreams. It's really cool seeing recurring themes within the dreams represented differently throughout the book.
FLCL Omnibus - It's a manga adaptation of Gainax's FLCL anime. Really wonderful artwork by Hajime Ueda(?). It's real dynamic and got a ton of neat little changes from the source, and a completely different ending. It's a good read if you've seen the anime before, and it's only like 9$ on Amazon right now.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
Paul Takes The Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lawlor. It’s quite an interesting book with the way gender and sexuality are portrayed through the hero/ine of the novel.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
Blazing through Norra Latin, Swedish fantasy YA book from one of the creators of the Engelsfors trilogy. (Which have been translated to English - READ IF YOU FIND IT!!! :D :eek: ) . Those books are 10/10 for me who loves the genre (they're miles, miles above the divergent books and stuff like that imo)


Most Active Inactive User
Jan 16, 2012
Los Angeles
I've just finished readin Othello and King Lear for my Shakespeare's tragedies course, about to start M*cb*th in like a week or so. Hopefully I'll have time/money to read the Gundam Thunderbolt manga, which apparently started up again after a long hiatus :P

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Uzumaki by Junji Ito

Spirals will never be the same for me again...

A few days ago I decided to dive back into Anime after having stopped keeping up with for years. I asked friends for recommendations, and for horror @DekuNut suggested Uzumaki. It's only Manga at the moment, but I'm not opposed to reading Manga at all.

The imagery stays with you - it's insane! I wanted something that was terrifying enough to be memorable, and this is it. There are only 3 Volumes and 19 chapters altogether. I only started reading it today and I've read through 5 Chapters already.

Aside from the imagery being memorably horrific, the plot has been intriguing as well.
Essientially, the Town of Kurōzu-cho has been plagued with an odd phenomenon: strange spirals appearing everywhere. The spirals effect different people in various ways. The protagonists of the story, Kirie and her boyfriend Shuchi, both witness how the spiral drives people insane or leads to their death. Shuchi's father became so obssessed with spirals he killed himself by contorting his body within a circular wooden tub. His wife developed a phobia of spirals as a result, leading her to harming herself to rid her own body of all spirals; eventually she kills herself. Next, a friend of Kirie's from school begins to attract any male companion she desires due to a scar on her forehead. The scar changes into a spiral however, and consumes her entire body. Afterwards, Kirie's father becomes obsessed with using clay from the Dragon Fly Pond behind their house for his pottery, and it creates odd spiral designs with faces on them which look like the recently deceased. One night Kirie looks into the Kiln and notices the figures of the dead within the fire screaming in agony. Shuchi calls, hears the screams, and investigates. When he discovers the faces of his parents in the fire, he destroys the Kiln. Kirie's father carries on with his obsession presumably. The last Chapter I read followed two teenagers who live next door to each other in the village slum. They love each other, but their families are in a feud and forbid them from seeing each other. Kirie and Shuchi decide to help them elope, but when both teenagers leave the slum their parents notice and follow them. In the end they both contort their bodies to intertwine together so that they can never be pulled apart, and they dive into the ocean.

I don't know what the source of all this spiral stuff is, but I'm hooked in to find out!
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Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Diary of a Wimpy kid: Long haul
I've actually read this book twice before and this time I just flipped the pages to recall the story and have a laugh.

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