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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

Azure Sage

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Started Bayonetta 3 this morning and it's pretty impressive. I've only done the prologue and chapter 1 so far but I'm digging it. The plot seems to really be off the hinges and doesn't really feel like it follows what the past two games have established, but I don't hate it so far. It's really giving me Steins;Gate vibes with the alternate reality hopping.


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Been giving a shot to Spiritfarer, so far so good. I know it's supposed to be relaxing but the management aspect of it gets me kinda stressed out lol (LET ME HUG ALREADY)

Might buy the Hello Charlotte series again, was talking about it with a friend earlier and got a bit nostalgic.
I guess now is a good time to re-seek the comfort it provided once me.

Azure Sage

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Finished Bayonetta 3's story and I gotta say... not as bad as I heard people say it was. I can sort of get why people wouldn't like it, though. I think as a whole, this game is a massive step up from both of its predecessors. The combat is better than ever and the level design is great. There were three optional verses that I had to skip cuz they had me tearing my hair out, but otherwise great fun. Bayo 3 takes the series' "style first, think about the rest later" philosophy to a whole new level and I'm here for it. I still got stuff to do, though; namely grind for halos so I can buy all the cosmetics. I probably won't bother achievement hunting... yet.

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
So now I am trying to get back into Luigi's Mansion 3 but I am so lost because I have no idea where I am so I am thinking of starting over but then I'm hoping maybe if I watch a walkthrough I can figure it out and not have to do that. I'm trying to clear out my game backlog so I can start new games.

Azure Sage

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Nier:Automata sure has been something. I finished Route A and have just started Route B. Mechanically, it has its ups and downs. Combat is pretty fun, and I like the amount of side content, but the world is pretty but disappointing. It's way too empty for its size, and you don't unlock fast travel right away so there's a ton of running back and forth across it, which can get to be a pain. The nice thing though, is that across multiple routes and playthroughs, everything carries over even if you start over from the beginning including sidequest completion, as long as you stay in the same file. That's pretty cool.

Also, shoutout to the story. God damn. Some dark and fascinating **** in there.
Jan 17, 2023
Im playing: Botw, The Legend of Zelda, Deltarune, And Forza Horizon 5.
There are some others, but those are the ones I can think of.

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