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The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Then what was the point adding additional buttons then? What was the point making it more powerful? What was the point of making Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, which is a freaking port of a bad overrated Wii game an exclusive for this upgraded version of the 3DS but nothing else gets to be an exclusive. What was so special about Xenoblade Chronicles that it's 3DS port absolutely needed to be the ONLY N3DS exclusive? Why not make a Zelda game and/or remake that's an exclusive to the N3DS? What about a Mario game exclusively for N3DS? Starfox for N3DS? or DK for N3DS?
What is the point of shotgun argumentation?

Xenoblade Chronicles was ported to demonstrate how powerful the New 3DS was going to be. It's by far the biggest game on the Wii while simultaneously having limited copies shipped overseas. It's also one of three games that people virtually kickstarted via Operation Rainfall, just so that it could make it abroad alongside Pandora's Tower and The Last Story. Xenoblade 3D didn't get "special treatment" just because it was popular, but because there was simply no other game like it on the Nintendo market. Not even Zelda could hold a candle to its expansive landscapes and lush scenery, at least until Breath of the Wild comes out (but even BotW has XCX to contend with).


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
What is the point of shotgun argumentation?

Xenoblade Chronicles was ported to demonstrate how powerful the New 3DS was going to be. It's by far the biggest game on the Wii while simultaneously having limited copies shipped overseas. It's also one of three games that people virtually kickstarted via Operation Rainfall, just so that it could make it abroad alongside Pandora's Tower and The Last Story. Xenoblade 3D didn't get "special treatment" just because it was popular, but because there was simply no other game like it on the Nintendo market. Not even Zelda could hold a candle to its expansive landscapes and lush scenery, at least until Breath of the Wild comes out (but even BotW has XCX to contend with).

You clearly have way too much faith and pride in the Xenoblade series! Yet, you are on a fansite that's supposed to be mostly for strongly devoted and dedicated Zelda fanatics! Basically, Hardcore Zelda fanatics! You are a Hardcore Xenoblade Chronicles Fanatic and a Core Zelda fan! A fanatic is when so devoted to something that you're basically more than mere simple fan, you're a fanatic. So that said, you're basically arguing with your own passion for a series you love. Which doesn't mean that Nintendo can't just make more exclusives for the New 3DS!

I understand and respect your passion for one of your most top personal favorite franchises. I get it. But, please understand that I feel the same passion for my all time personal favorite franchise, The Legend of Zelda! Just because you think your favorite game is the only one on the Nintendo Market worthy of being an exclusive on the New 3DS, doesn't mean everyone else would think the same. The people who just happen to have different opinions. And there is very good reason for that. That being cause if we all shared all the same beliefs, opinions, ideas, and everything, the world would be pretty boring, lame, and just weird. However, at the same time, we all can't be all different from each other either, otherwise, the world would be a scary and terrifying place. So that's why we all have a balance of both differences and similarities. Differences to make us our own original unique selves from each other. And similarities to allow us to be able to relate to each other really well and get along fairly and beautifully.

With that said, I respect your opinion. But just know that mine is different, since my passion is for a different franchise (The Legend of Zelda), which I believe that Zelda is just as worthy of putting to good use, the full power and potential of the N3DS just as much as Xenoblade was. And that I believe that giving N3DS exclusivity to only not only one franchise but simply just one game from said franchise is what I consider unfair to the other franchises. Nintendo may have successfully shown enough of the N3DS's full power, but they haven't shown the full potential of the power yet! Which is why the N3DS needs a brand new game, not a port.

The Gameboy Color was very successful! Why? Because, unlike the N3DS, Nintendo actually cared for that upgrade to the regular gameboy enough, that they actually fully demonstrated and presented the full power and potential of the system! And the system sold well because of that! Hardly anyone buys a New 3DS nowdays! Why? Because nobody seems to care enough for the New 3DS like they did with the Gameboy Color! Why? Because the Gameboy not only had a port or so but it actually had it's own original games! What the New 3DS have? Oh, right, ONE GAME! But oh no, not just any game, no! A PORT of a WII GAME! Literally a PORT of game from ANOTHER console, which people ALREADY HAVE and OWN (mainly Xenoblade fans), is the ONLY game that actually has any exclusivity for the N3DS! That's why NO ONE but 3DS/N3DS newbies, collectors, and reviewers are buying any New 3DSs or New 3DS XLs these days. It's because of the fact that the N3DS only has one port as it's only exclusive is why it's failing when it shouldn't have to. That's why HMK doesn't have or use a New 3DS or New 3DS XL to play his 3DS games! Cause he feels like he doesn't really need a N3DS and there's literally no point! He has all he wants and needs to play his favorite games on all the systems he already had!

You see my point here? This is why the N3DS needs exclusives that actually of it's own! Exclusives that you can't play on anything thing else but the New 3DS! It's own Zelda games, Mario games, Pokemon games, etc! And heck maybe, even it's own Xenoblade game that's actually not a port. I'm saying this because while much like the Game Color was an upgrade to the Gameboy, the N3DS is an upgrade to the 3DS, also like the Gameboy Color, the N3DS has the potential to stand on it's own as it's own thing. And I just don't want Nintendo to take that potential and throw it out the window! I hate to tell you this but Xenoblade isn't only franchise in the world that people care about. And it isn't the only thing worth of N3DS exclusivity either!

All that said, Nintendo can not just throw away such potential! Otherwise, doing so is only going to bite them hard like when they decided it was wise to release the Wii U too early and eventually kill off the system due to it failing so hard because of that mistake, thus throwing the rest of what's left of the Wii U's potential that the Wii U had left to offer to complete waste. I just don't want the same kind of fate to befall the N3DS, only much worse!
Oct 14, 2013
Boy I think Emiya's point just completely SOARED over Vita's head

Or it's just in one ear and out the other, one of those two
@VitaTempusN92 is correct. XC on the N3DS is basically a tech demo for the N3DS. It's one of the only games that require the N3DS. Sure other games play like trash without a N3DS, like SSB4 and HW but the N3DS not technically required. Also XC was the one game that so few people could get at launch on the Wii due to not enough copies of the disc made. So porting it to N3DS was smart as the demand for it was there.

XC has massive landscapes like no other Nintendo game, but it was still 100% linear. XCX however is not linear and is a lot more open world.
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Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Boy I think Emiya's point just completely SOARED over Vita's head

Or it's just in one ear and out the other, one of those two

His point did not soar over my head! And it did not go in one ear and out the other either! I read his post and I understand that he has a passion for the Xenoblade series. If you would read my post, you'd know that I explain how I see that his opinion is purely based on his passion for the Xenoblade series, why my point and opinion is based on the general logic that Xenoblade isn't the only franchise that matters. There are a lot of Mario fanatics, Zelda fanatics (like myself), Star Fox fanatics, and etc that would agree with me that their favorite franchise(s) should receive exclusivity for the N3DS just as Xenoblade kinda did!

If anything, I'd say my point either soared over your head or went in one ear and out the other @The Hero of Legend!

@VitaTempusN92 is correct. XC on the N3DS is basically a tech demo for the N3DS. It's one of the only games that require the N3DS. Sure other games play like trash without a N3DS, like SSB4 and HW but the N3DS not technically required. Also XC was the one game that so few people could get at launch on the Wii due to not enough copies of the disc made. So porting it to N3DS was smart as the demand for it was there.

XC has massive landscapes like no other Nintendo game, but it was still 100% linear. XCX however is not linear and is a lot more open world.



There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
You clearly have way too much faith and pride in the Xenoblade series! Yet, you are on a fansite that's supposed to be mostly for strongly devoted and dedicated Zelda fanatics! Basically, Hardcore Zelda fanatics! You are a Hardcore Xenoblade Chronicles Fanatic and a Core Zelda fan! A fanatic is when so devoted to something that you're basically more than mere simple fan, you're a fanatic. So that said, you're basically arguing with your own passion for a series you love. Which doesn't mean that Nintendo can't just make more exclusives for the New 3DS!
I know what a fanatic is, even though I don't even qualify as one. Xenoblade is one of my favorite openworld series to be sure, but I'm more of an eclectic gamer nowadays. But it just strikes me as odd whenever a Zelda fan, hardcore or not, disses on XC for not being Zelda. Remnants of the Zelda fanbase, more than any other, are even against MonolithSoft helping out the main development team or practically getting any form of recognition (a 3DS port), as if it'd pollute the entire franchise. Conversely, I'd say that Zelda is finally moving in the right direction because its stagnant formula has a new well to draw inspiration from, so to speak. Well, BotW is taking on a non-linear, Western approach like Xenoblade X did before it, but you get the idea.

Everything else I more or less agree with. Especially with the sentiment that series other than Xenoblade and Zelda deserved some sort of release on the New 3DS.
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The Emperor
Apr 29, 2010
Well, BotW is taking on a non-linear, Western approach like Xenoblade X did before it

We largely agree, but I would slightly amend your statement, because Legend of Zelda/Hyrule Fantasy pioneered the openwold genre; it's more accurate to say, BotW is drawing inspiration from Xenoblade for modern execution.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Isn't BotW being co-developed by Monolith Soft?
Just like how Monolith Soft helped on Splatoon, and Skyward Sword.

It's a seperate studio located in Kyoto, and they are not the main developers of Monolith Soft. This is not the team that makes Xenoblade. It's a newer team, more used for training, that generally just helps Nintendo with art assets such as textures and modeling.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I know what a fanatic is, even though I don't even qualify as one. Xenoblade is one of my favorite openworld series to be sure, but I'm more of an eclectic gamer nowadays. But it just strikes me as odd whenever a Zelda fan, hardcore or not, disses on XC for not being Zelda. Remnants of the Zelda fanbase, more than any other, are even against MonolithSoft helping out the main development team or practically getting any form of recognition (a 3DS port), as if it'd pollute the entire franchise. Conversely, I'd say that Zelda is finally moving in the right direction because its stagnant formula has a new well to draw inspiration from, so to speak. Well, BotW is taking on a non-linear, Western approach like Xenoblade X did before it, but you get the idea.

Everything else I more or less agree with. Especially with the sentiment that series other than Xenoblade and Zelda deserved some sort of release on the New 3DS.

Despite me not being a fan of XC (which I don't really like to be honest), I'm not against MonolithSoft helping with Zelda development. I quite honestly don't know what lead to believe this but I'm against MonolithSoft helping with Zelda development. I also don't like Mass Effect. A game that Tantalus helped get on the Wii U once. But that doesn't mean I don't like TPHD just because it was made by Tantalus. Tantalus actually did a good job on TPHD in my opinion.

Also, what's wrong with Zelda receiving a release on the N3DS? And don't bring up the whole 2 game rule nonsense cause there's evidence in history that prove that such rule was just an old Nintendo legend. I mean, we had 3 Zelda games in both the Gameboy/Color Era (LA/DX, OoS, and OoA) and the Gamecube Era (WW, FSA, and TP). So why can't there be a 3rd 3DS era Zelda game, exclusive for N3DS? We have yet to get a proper big deal handheld game sequel to ALBW! TFH was only a small fun multiplayer treat, likely to not tide the wait for BotW, but also a N3DS Zelda as well.

Heck, for all we know, the reason why Nintendo wants to get both NX and BotW out so early next year could very well be because of the N3DS Zelda.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Please attempt to keep this thread on topic, it should be relevant towards a Nintendo Direct.

I think this presentation was average. The new Zelda amiibo are fine, I'll wait to see what they do in Breath of the Wild before considering buying them. The Hyrule Warriors DLC looks fun, although I haven't paid for anything new in Hyrule Warriors since Legends came out. I hate that the Wii U version only gets the new characters and weapons, since there's nothing to do with them.

Mario Sports Superstars appears to be an innocent little game. It's odd how they've chosen to include Golf and Tennis when the 3DS has separate Mario games for those two sports already. Super Mario Maker for 3DS seems pointless when they've neutered the online functionality.

I guess they're accepting Federation Force to be a non-success since they didn't mention it at all, except on the 'Upcoming Releases' calender. The only game they showed I'm truly interested in is Pokemon Sun & Moon. After that comes out, I can't think of any 3DS games I'll be itching to buy.

Ambient Nomad

Home Starmy
Aug 14, 2016
I think this presentation was average.

I agree 100%.

Ironically to me, the most exciting thing wasn't even a 3DS announcememt (since Nintendo claimed it would be entirely 3DS focused). I'm most excited for Skyward Sword on the Wii U, since it means I won't have to hunt down a used copy at a price I find agreeable.
Oct 14, 2013
I think this presentation was average.
The EU direct was. At least the NA direct had Reggie trying to add humour into the presentation. You should be glad you did not have to watch the EU presentation to get local info. The EU presentation was dry as. All the information was there but a very boring direct. The NA one was so much better in comparision.

NA got Yokai Watch 2 news and the Zelda artbook news that EU did not. EU got a lot more Federation force news and info about that.

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