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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Aug 22, 2019
Ah Rag, the wonders never cease. And now second Rag is here! Or is Rag second SMS? I've forgotten at this point. I've mixed you to up too much now.

KJ, Why are we putting pressure on funfun?


I, Chocobo
Jun 28, 2020

You seem to be under the impression that "trying to fix" my votes was meant to do something other than remove them from the players they were placed on.
I am, indeed, capable of human-like cognition. So I considered both.

But you're actually deflecting. The substance of my previous post was that you're smart enough to know that one of us is going to notice your bonus votes, so why not be open and honest and clear the air?


I wouldn't even call it drama so much so as people wanting to take me to task over stuff.
I believe we call this "playing mafia.":P
Dec 13, 2019

Refer to previous posts where I made it a point to state how obvious it would be (and Arrgh showcased that). There's no need for me to go out of my way. Also, your words treat me as if I'm being dishonest. "Honest, open, clear the air". I never lied about anything in the first place. Actively curtailing my bonus votes was and still is consistent with what I've said earlier. Putting the burden on me to explain myself over and over when I have only shows you guys are not paying attention at the least. Worst case scenario it is intention in an attempt to misrep what has occurred.
Jun 17, 2020
While I dont hard disagree with any of the points thrown about with regards to Aaarrrgh, KoD and Rag.
I'm inclined to feel Rag may be attacking KoD to keep heat off Aaarrrgh.


Jan 19, 2018
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Just to see if he's still alive?

For what its worth he hasn't been around outside the game either. I think he might have corona or something, which may be responsible for his reduced activity. I'm expecting him to explain his absence or be replaced before the end of today though, and I'm not against putting pressure votes on him to potentially speed that process up.

While I dont hard disagree with any of the points thrown about with regards to Aaarrrgh, KoD and Rag.
I'm inclined to feel Rag may be attacking KoD to keep heat off Aaarrrgh.


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
How did you get that text formatting to work, lol?
It's just Courier New :P

hey everyone! friendly ragnarokio here spreading good vibes and chills :) :) excited to be here! no grumps from me!

if any of y'all wanna toss a vote KoD's way that'd be swell! No pressure though!
I have never seen you talk this way lmao, but I love it.

I can't vote yet unfortunately, but you seem quite confident in this read of KoD. As someone who I'm sure has plenty of experience playing with him, how confident are you in this read?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
I can't vote yet unfortunately, but you seem quite confident in this read of KoD. As someone who I'm sure has plenty of experience playing with him, how confident are you in this read?

not super, I'm not really confident in my ability to read people in general though. I'd say its stronger than my typical top day 1 read is but a good deal weaker than my typical top day 2 read is.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
For what its worth he hasn't been around outside the game either. I think he might have corona or something, which may be responsible for his reduced activity. I'm expecting him to explain his absence or be replaced before the end of today though, and I'm not against putting pressure votes on him to potentially speed that process up.
I wasn't aware that he wasn't feeling well, honest.
Feb 3, 2019
im gonna be honest
im finding it really, really hard to stay focused here
I kind of have no idea what the heck I'm doing
and I don't know how to look for scum at all, since they apparently exist
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