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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jun 15, 2020
I thought going into exile was a night action? Does this mean that somebody intentionally made 13577 leave?
Perhaps. Or he can use Night actions during the Day. Or he has his own ability to go into Exile. Who knows?

Oh, right, I do. Haha.

No answers for you.
Feb 16, 2020
sup nerds, I'm here. I was basically already in the bag when Zinger told me the game started yesterday, and now here I am.

I can vote, and I can prove it:

Vote: KoD.
Feb 16, 2020
But you're always mafia! Figure if I'm going to vote anyone randomly to prove I have a vote it might as well be someone who is definitely mafia.
Dec 13, 2019
And before I forget,


I'm not going to forgive and forget your actions thus far as it is a noticeable character difference in how you act (compared to the recent past). I will concede that I can tunnel with the best of them so I'll at least unvote with the caveat that your future actions are under scrutiny. After all, there's got to be a reason why you're acting this way.

Jun 16, 2020
I will state again (but not expect you to believe) that I was just trying to create content and got a bit overzealous. But hey, that's fair.


Jan 19, 2018
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@Morbid Minish
@Mellow Ezlo
@Spiritual Mask Salesman
@The Sun Fan
@Tevish Szat

this is an important post that i recommend you all read.

Exlight claimed a low thresh-hold and then he claimed his threshhold was halved. This means that a very small number of stray votes could potentially result in him being lynched. As such, I recommend you not vote exlight unless you're comfortable with your vote resulting in the day ending in his lynch.

I'm making this post primarily so that if someone kills him in this way they can't claim ignorance as an excuse.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Poy Poy, I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt for now. However, I will be keeping an eye open. As for SMS, He's starting out almost similar to the last time, in, what I dubbed Pen X: The Omniverse. I'm personally gonna keep an eye on those two.

As far as Spidey and Scarlet, I'm, for the time being, sitting on them being either the Hoh Gob and or Venom in disguise. What, with how random they've both been so far.

I personally believe Aaarrrgh. He was making an attempt to push things along. Whether it was a bad idea or not, that's debatable. I would've probably considered it myself had this not been my second time in one of these rodeos.

For now I'm leaving my vote on funnier until he contributes more.
I don't follow your logic here, I'm still sort of in an RVS state, lol. Though, now that were somewhat further into the game, I also want to see more from funnier, but at some point if he doesn't show up I'll move my vote elsewhere. Also if people start piling on him I'm going to unvote, we don't know his threshold yet, afterall.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Which of you Spider-Man clones decided to follow me? Y'all should know I don't take bribes ;)

@Ragnarokio makes a very good point about Ex and nobody should place any votes on him at this time.

The dispute between KoD and Aaarrgh is interesting. I did notice that Aarrgh's initial post after the vote count seemed to be grasping at straws a bit and the logic didn't really hold up, and we're being told that this is uncharacteristic behaviour for him. I'm feeling inclined to believe KoD here, though I am unfamiliar with most of the NGA playstyles.

Vote Mezlo

(For the record, I almost misspelled Vote as Vore and I think that is important to share)
I would've been fine with the typo ;)
  • Wow
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Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I don't follow your logic here, I'm still sort of in an RVS state, lol. Though, now that were somewhat further into the game, I also want to see more from funnier, but at some point if he doesn't show up I'll move my vote elsewhere. Also if people start piling on him I'm going to unvote, we don't know his threshold yet, afterall.
I thought the RVS already ended.
Jun 15, 2020
@Freddeh and @Laurentus are the only two players left to have not posted in this game thread at all, and the latter of the two has yet to even confirm for me that they know the game is on and have seen their Role PM. They are both being prodded for inactivity. Warning: if you go 72 hours without posting, you'll be subject to disciplinary action. Probably a ModVote, normally, but in the case of Laurentus, likely they'll just be replaced.

To a lesser extent, @funnier6 has only posted in the game thread once... But, still enough to push back the 72-hour minimum marker. So, you're good, for now.
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