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Breath of the Wild Stereotypical what are you most excited for topic.

Oct 5, 2016
Well, of everything I would have to say I am excited most by the prospective that Nintendo is finally shaking the dust out of their heads and changing up the formula while actually retaining to the style of business that put them on the top of the pile, and the possibility that their risky gamble is going to actually pay off and put them back on the map.

With all of their failings it will be nice to see Nintendo once again a real contendor for the console wars again, and even if they don't have the ability to be competative on the hardware side of things they are good at putting out highly stylized games that look better in spite of the hardware.

So I guess that Breath of the Wild itself isn't what excites me, but what it represents.
Oct 2, 2016
Getting that "hell yeah this is awesome" feeling while traversing the vast land of hyrule in BoTW while knowing there's loads of hidden stuff all around me waiting to be discovered and things in the story I don't know about. Haven't felt it since WW.
Oct 4, 2016
Im really exited to have such an unscripted story. Ive gotten used to it actually, but having freedom was really what the classic Zelda games were all about. Im looking forward to hearing what others discovered, and all the different ways of completing the game, as well as exploring my self. This game looks amazing!
Oct 5, 2016
I don't even know where to begin, everything about this game looks so amazing. I'd have to say I'm most excited to explore such a giant hyrule with all the well known landmarks we've come to know and love. Can't wait to jump straight into the center of death mountain haha


Oct 1, 2016
The exploration, the powers of the sheikah slate, the story, and the overworld bosses :p
Oct 5, 2016
Oh yea I can't wait to see what we have in store for over world bosses, or to see how different the bosses in the real dungeons are going to be like compared to how easy previous Zelda games have been with there bosses
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Oct 6, 2016
I'm excited to be able to jump at will :p
The 64 games had parts that were super frustrating because you could seemingly just jump to get somewhere but it just wouldn't let you.

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