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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

Don't know if this counts, but here goes.

DragonBall Z - Fusion Reborn

I give it an 8/10, mostly because of Gogeta and how Trunks and Goten completely destroy Hitler's army.


didn't build that
Just watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock immediately after.

I have seen Star Trek II before, and while I thought it was alright, I didn't think it was spectacular. This time, I was riveted, and I think it does live up to the hype. Fantastic movie.


I've never seen Star Trek III before. I don't know why this movie is kind of forgotten, but watching it right after Star Trek II was lots of fun. It has weak points (Christopher Lloyd isn't too persuasive a villain), but answers some of the questions and develops some of the themes from the previous movie. It's still very good.



I saw The Hobbit. I'd give it a 7/10.

It gets pretty engaging towards the end, and by the time they got to Rivendale I wasn't feeling its length at all. However, the beginning was very weak I thought. The pacing was very poor and some of the scenes weren't very well-written. For example, when they've made camp for the night and begin to talk about Orcs. During the flashback, the leader sees his father's head removed. Obviously this would be very upsetting to him but we still had to endure a cringe-inducing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" scream from him, as if it wasn't obvious enough already. Then, RIGHT AFTER THEY FINISH DISCUSSING THE ORCS, you see a band of Orcs fifty feet away declaring that they will strike soon. It makes the whole sequence feel very rushed and haphazardly inserted into the overall plot.

Beyond my gripes though it was rather good. The special effects were nice (even without 3D) and once the plot groans to life, it stays excellent throughout.

Hanyou said:
I've never seen Star Trek III before. I don't know why this movie is kind of forgotten, but watching it right after Star Trek II was lots of fun. It has weak points (Christopher Lloyd isn't too persuasive a villain), but answers some of the questions and develops some of the themes from the previous movie. It's still very good.
The issue I had with the movie was that I didn't understand why so much blame was being placed on Kirk's son. I get that he used some unstable material in designing Genesis, but he couldn't have possibly expected that sentient beings would have their lives at risk because they landed on his planet. Without that, all that was really at risk was, as Spock put it, a giant rock in space.


didn't build that
I saw The Hobbit. I'd give it a 7/10.

It gets pretty engaging towards the end, and by the time they got to Rivendale I wasn't feeling its length at all. However, the beginning was very weak I thought. The pacing was very poor and some of the scenes weren't very well-written. For example, when they've made camp for the night and begin to talk about Orcs. During the flashback, the leader sees his father's head removed. Obviously this would be very upsetting to him but we still had to endure a cringe-inducing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" scream from him, as if it wasn't obvious enough already. Then, RIGHT AFTER THEY FINISH DISCUSSING THE ORCS, you see a band of Orcs fifty feet away declaring that they will strike soon. It makes the whole sequence feel very rushed and haphazardly inserted into the overall plot.

Beyond my gripes though it was rather good. The special effects were nice (even without 3D) and once the plot groans to life, it stays excellent throughout.

The Hobbit isn't as great as the best Lord of the Rings film (Fellowship or Return, take your pick), but it's still better than The Two Towers IMO, which deviates far from the book and makes less sense as a result. The same mistakes are made in The Hobbit, but I think people overstate those mistakes sometimes.

It's funny, most people have a problem with the beginning, but it's fairly true to the book and the exposition works well IMO. My problems with the film start after they leave Rivendell. While the Bilbo/Gollum exchange was okay, the over-the-top Goblin city sequence was devoid of magic, mystery, or character development and ended up making the dwarves look like superheroes--it was the worst part of the film. The whole Azog subplot was as horrible as what was done to Faramir's character in The Two Towers.

The issue I had with the movie was that I didn't understand why so much blame was being placed on Kirk's son. I get that he used some unstable material in designing Genesis, but he couldn't have possibly expected that sentient beings would have their lives at risk because they landed on his planet. Without that, all that was really at risk was, as Spock put it, a giant rock in space.

I can see that. To be honest, I didn't think that through, but that's a definite weakness. I'll have to see it again to get a sense of what was wrong and right with it, but I doubt I'd ever rate it below a 7/10. It's definitely not as good as its predecessor or its sequel, though.


Just finished watching Snow White and the Huntsman

Surprisingly better than I expected although it feels like it held back in may respects and could have dwelt on various thematic aspects and set pieces a bit more. If you're looking for a quickie fantasy flick here it is. I really like Hemsworth and managed to tolerate Stewart although it is rather amusing to watch her try to act all sad and compassionate (really, the film could have casted better). At least the ending wasn't fairy tale schmaltzy. Charleze Theron isn't exactly given much incentive to be on top of her game in this one. There's some nifty CGI fairy tale sets and a nifty hack n' slash battle at the end then it's over.

This is an older movie which i haven't noticed until the other day.
The Girl who Lept Through Time

I found this movie quite interesting, mainly by the title. As i started watching it, it felt like a Studio Ghilbi movie which i absolutely adore. I wasn't a huge fan of the selfishness the main character showed, but it was quite funny at times. Some parts were so funny i had to rewind to the part until i got over laughing. It was a very touching movie and i will always remember it.



Why did the humans attack
Well, I just went with my family to see Hotel Transylvania, the new sony pictures movie with Selena Gomez and Adam Sandler (never knew that guy could do such a good Dracula voice!!!).

It was DEFINITELY gross at some points, being that it WAS about monsters! It was funny, and the father/daughter relationship was really sweet.
Some gross things were over the top for me, I guess I should have figured but lol. And the developing relationship between "Johnny" and "Marvis" seemed...a little too fast, plus Johnny seemed a LITTLE too immature.
This is all in my opinion, though. It was mostly a cute and funny movie! :)

I give it...an 8/10.


Staff member
I just watched one the the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. SyFy really needs to stop with the low budget flicks. The one I just recently caught was Arachnoquake. Basically a giant earthquake disrupts the habitat of these fire-breathing spiders who can walk on water and they go on a murderous rampage throughout the city in which this film is set. The quality of the acting was really shoddy. In fact, this movie is one of those films that are so bad, it could possibly be released as a semi decent comedy.

Here's a trailer that makes the movie look semi decent if anyone's interested.

I would NEVER recommend this movie to anyone. I think the 3 stars it has on IMDB is quite a generous score. I give this movie a 1/10 purely for the amount of laughter it solicited from me.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
I really liked the Hobbit. I'd give it 10/10.
Don't believe these rumors about the framerate being a problem, these people don't understand what that is and what the technology means. All the higher framerate is, it shows more frames, images, each second, 48 instead of the usual 24. All that does, all that can do, is make all the motions smoother and less jarring. That's it. Not this nonsense about making you sick or anything. It cannot do that. It's not technologically possible. Not with just the framerate. If you're getting that, it's something else, not the framerate. Don't spread this misinformation about high framerates being bad for nonsense reasons.

I didn't have a problem with CGI. Everything looked real to me, even in moments where it was clearly something a person couldn't do and had to be a CGI double, it still looked like them. I thought the CGI was excellent. IT has to stop being treated like this evil thing. If it's done right, which it was, it's great.

Anyway, I liked the things they changed from the book. For the sake of no spoilers, I'd just say, I liked every change. And that certain group at the end that doesn't talk.... c'mon, talking animals doesn't work well in live action movies. It's difficult to work with. Either all animals talk, or none of them. They don't get a special pass. That was a good change. I think the purists need to lighten up. I loved the book. And I think this is a very faithful adaptation that makes reasonable, sensible changes. Not many though.
Redline (anime)

Took the seven years to handdraw it and movies/series about racing usually suck where i'm concerned but this one really didn't. It may be a bit pretentious but hey, after 7 years of slaving over the same project day in and day out and not losing faith with it then they have every right to be as pretentious as they want in my book. check it out its good stuff with a decent soundtrack and its stylish as hell. Devil May Cry and the such have nothing on this.



Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
The last movie I saw was Thor (2011) and I rate it a 7/10. The effects were cool and I really like Loki a lot but the movie was missing something. There could have been done a bit more to it. I would have liked it if the ice creatures were sent to Earth instead of that gigantic robot


The last movie I saw was The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012). I really liked this movie, and I rate it a 10/10. The effects and storyline of this movie were awesome. I'm very satisfied...

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