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Sign Ups Rasuliverse: War of the Divine- Sign Ups


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
The World is imbalanced. 60 years prior the world almost ended when 2 high-level entities had a grudge match a thousand years in the making. Din, Nayru, and Farore descend in their oracle forms and decree to the Masses that their world is numbered as they gather power to reset the world as it were. any who interefere are enthralled and changed.
With the Clock to Doomsday unknown, The Masses resort to anarchy, save a few who seek a way to slay a God to save their world.

Fighting Style:
Personality Question ( Theme Song


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Name: Xander
Age: 27
Gender: Male(?)
Appearance: TBD
Fighting Style: Laser Sword and Plasma Shield
Backstory: Xander was born in the Deserts of Hyrule. Raised in the Knights of The Arbiter, an order lead by the mysterious Black King of Avalon. Xander fought his way until he was one of the Elites on the Circular Table of which the Order is ruled from.
Personality Question
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The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Name: Theodorian Jamb
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: A scrawny man clad in green clothes, may or may not resemble Link depending on who you ask.
Fighting style: Wits (smart enough to get the jump on foes, not much in the combat department)
Backstory: Theo was an outcast from his village for not fitting in. Now, he hopes to find a place to do so, without getting caught in the crossfire of impending doom. He wants friends that actually care about him and include him in activities, and he tries to be a pacifist. Theo also wrote a book he wants to get published, which he carries with him in his bag. His parents were shoemakers and they owned a business in the village. They tried to get Theo to be one, but he refused.
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Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Name: Harganel “Harg” Cerkunian
Age: 230+
Gender: Male
Appearance: Burly alien like creature who came from an unknown system and has tendencies to overreact, speaks in a deep booming voice. Has one dark blue eye and gray rock like skin.
Fighting style: Fists, laser weapon if necessary
Backstory: Harg landed on the planet at an unknown time and blended in with society as a barkeep. He has a quick temper, and will not hesitate to protect the people he loves.
I would like to steer clear from Aliens if you wouldnt mind


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Sounds reasonable, but I wasn’t able to discern that it takes place in Hyrule, plus you gave your character a laser sword and plasma shield, both sci-fi things. Just confused, that’s all.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Sounds reasonable, but I wasn’t able to discern that it takes place in Hyrule, plus you gave your character a laser sword and plasma shield, both sci-fi things. Just confused, that’s all.
This RP is set in a Futuristic setting. I'd allow the Humanoid Races of Hyrule, as well as some Fantasy Staples

I forget im trying to appeal to new writers. I'll be more specific when i get home


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
This RP is set in a Futuristic setting. I'd allow the Humanoid Races of Hyrule, as well as some Fantasy Staples

I forget im trying to appeal to new writers. I'll be more specific when i get home
Thank you. I’ll change my descriptions accordingly.


The game is on!
Name: Liantha Jingu Wyte

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: White hair, green eyes and pale skin. Prefers to dress in black. One of her upper corner teeth is a bit crooked and her body is slender and fit. She stands tall at 165 cm (5'5") and weighs 52 kg (115 lb).
Liantha Wyte.png

Fighting Style: Naginatajutsu, kyūjutsu and jujutsu.

Backstory: Growing up Liantha's grandmothers (both her mom's mom and her dad's mom) would tell her stories about their adventures and triumphs from their youth, so ever since she was a little girl Liantha always wanted to go on such an adventure herself and become a hero just like her grandmothers. As early as she was allowed to Liantha started combat training with the naginata, which allowed her to deliver strong strikes despite her small body. She also trained archery and unarmed combat because she was so eager to become a hero.

When she was eight years old her father left suddenly, never to be seen again, so her mother raised Liantha alone from that point on. Her grandmothers both taught her what they knew, and they helped Liantha find good teachers that would train her combat skills further. However, becoming a hero like Grangran Iris and Grandma Donna brings you into the eye of the general public, and because of that they have both experienced their fair share of harassment. When Liantha was 15 her mother tragically died when a group of crazy fans trampled her in order to get close to Donna and Iris. The trespassers were imprisoned afterwards, but Liantha was left orphaned. For a long time she mourned - and will likely never fully get over the loss of her mother - but even this dreadful tragedy couldn't crush her lifelong dream of becoming a hero.

About a year after her mother passed away, when Liantha was 16, she had become a confident fighter. This was when she decided to start fulfilling her dreams of heroism. Inspired by her grandmother Iris who used to hide her face behind a mask back in the day Liantha donned a black Keaton Mask with green details on it and began her quest as a small-time masked crime fighter. With the mask on she and her family wouldn't be plagued by the public masses for her actions, but although her masked persona did good deeds, the secrecy of it didn't sit right with a lot of people who heard of it. Liantha has been leading this double life for the past three years and she has ambitiously been honing her skills. So far no one knows that she is the masked do-gooder that has become known publicly as the Shadow-Fox.

Personality Question:


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
okay. lets go through Apps
Name: Xander
Age: 27
Gender: Male(?)
Appearance: TBD
Fighting Style: Laser Sword and Plasma Shield
Backstory: Xander was born in the Deserts of Hyrule. Raised in the Knights of The Arbiter, an order lead by the mysterious Black King of Avalon. Xander fought his way until he was one of the Elites on the Circular Table of which the Order is ruled from.
Personality Question

Name: Theodorian Jamb
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: A scrawny man clad in green clothes, may or may not resemble Link depending on who you ask.
Fighting style: Wits
Backstory: Theo was an outcast from his village for not fitting in. Now, he hopes to find a place to do so, without getting caught in the crossfire of impending doom.
gotta give me more than that, please. pour into this character all your power and will
Name: Liantha Jingu Wyte

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: White hair, green eyes and pale skin. Prefers to dress in black. One of her upper corner teeth is a bit crooked and her body is slender and fit. She stands tall at 165 cm (5'5") and weighs 52 kg (115 lb).

Fighting Style: Naginatajutsu, kyūjutsu and jujutsu.

Backstory: Growing up Liantha's grandmothers (both her mom's mom and her dad's mom) would tell her stories about their adventures and triumphs from their youth, so ever since she was a little girl Liantha always wanted to go on such an adventure herself and become a hero just like her grandmothers. As early as she was allowed to Liantha started combat training with the naginata, which allowed her to deliver strong strikes despite her small body. She also trained archery and unarmed combat because she was so eager to become a hero.

When she was eight years old her father left suddenly, never to be seen again, so her mother raised Liantha alone from that point on. Her grandmothers both taught her what they knew, and they helped Liantha find good teachers that would train her combat skills further. However, becoming a hero like Grangran Iris and Grandma Donna brings you into the eye of the general public, and because of that they have both experienced their fair share of harassment. When Liantha was 15 her mother tragically died when a group of crazy fans trampled her in order to get close to Donna and Iris. The trespassers were imprisoned afterwards, but Liantha was left orphaned. For a long time she mourned - and will likely never fully get over the loss of her mother - but even this dreadful tragedy couldn't crush her lifelong dream of becoming a hero.

About a year after her mother passed away, when Liantha was 16, she had become a confident fighter. This was when she decided to start fulfilling her dreams of heroism. Inspired by her grandmother Iris who used to hide her face behind a mask back in the day Liantha donned a black Keaton Mask with green details on it and began her quest as a small-time masked crime fighter. With the mask on she and her family wouldn't be plagued by the public masses for her actions, but although her masked persona did good deeds, the secrecy of it didn't sit right with a lot of people who heard of it. Liantha has been leading this double life for the past three years and she has ambitiously been honing her skills. So far no one knows that she is the masked do-gooder that has become known publicly as the Shadow-Fox.

Personality Question:


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