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Game Thread Odyssey Saga RP


The game is on!
"What the-" Sayaad exclaimed when he heard the commotion from the kitchen and saw the fire and smoke spreading into the guest area. Yeah the girl seemed fishy, but instead of going after her, Sayaad thought it more important to make sure everyone inside the bar got out safely. He identified the slowest individuals in the room, and started escorting them out of the building. The evacuation effort was going pretty well, and the guest area was completely cleared. When Sayaad and Kraven found themselves outside with all the other guests, Sayaad remembered there may be people in the kitchen area too where they hadn't checked for people.

"I'm going back in to check the kitchen!" he told Kraven, almost having to shout in order to be heard amidst the crying people and roaring flames. After saying that he reentered the burning building.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck and the cook quickly went to the safe and started to empty it of all the Money quickly into magic bags, empying hundreds of Thousands of Drachma before running out the back door, disappearing into the crowd


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
It was a slow business day. Per usual. She hadn’t made that much Drachma as she’d hoped today, but any sales were good sales. Especially if that sale happened to be worthwhile.

The girl hauled her cart down the path toward the main square of Blungos. Looking for a good place to rest and get a drink of water or two, she encountered a bar (the same bar everyone else was) a couple of blocks down. Hopefully there would be paying customers willing to spend some Drachma for her trinkets.

Not fully paying attention to her surroundings, she didn’t see the smoke billowing to the sky or the people running from the blazing establishment.


The game is on!
The fire had gotten really bad by now and there was plenty of dark smoke that Sayaad had to crouch under while covering his mouth and nose with cloth. He noticed no initial movements when he got into the kitchen, but after taking a look around he found a man, around his own age, curled up in a corner. It looked like he had become very weak from breathing in too much smoke, so Sayaad helped cover the man's lower face with cloth as best he could, and then proceeded to help the man out of the kitchen. Upon entering the dining area (the final room before the exit) a flaming beam fell right in front of them, making their escape take longer. While struggling to make it the last bit of the way out, the other man suddenly collapsed. Sayaad tried to get him back on his feet, but he seemed to be unconscious, so Sayaad picked him up and successfully carried him out of the building.

When they were finally out of harm's way, Sayaad fell to his knees out of exhaustion and placed the unconscious man on the ground. For a moment he was filled with relief over having made sure everyone got out alive, but as he was checking for the unconscious man's pulse, he found none. No heartbeat and no noticeable breathing either. All the relief he had felt a moment ago disappeared, and all that was left was an uneasy feeling that slowly turned rageful.

"Not again..." he whispered under his breath. His breathing was becoming heavy and unsteady. "Does anyone here know this man?" he asked the crowd, doing his best to stay on top of the situation. "Because he's ****ing dead!" he called out with tears in his eyes and visibly mad. Unfortunately he lost his temper. "****!" he exclaimed as he stood up and kicked some nearby rubble.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck heard that frugal fellow who drank the soap wine scream to the heavens like it was the fourth dead body he's held in his arms at the moment of passing. Sadly though she did nkt know the man. Beck does not dare get too close to the people that were pnce at the bar, but does get within a good 10 feet, but not before quick changing into normal clothes with a flick of the finger. She dare not speak at a time like this. All she can do is stare at this moment, wishing she had Pretzels for this Oscar- Worthy performance by Sayaad


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
The smoky air finally alerted the girl to what was going on, turning her toward the direction of the bar currently ablaze. She grabbed the handles of her cart and began running full speed to the scene. Once she got there, the sight of Sayaad mourning over the loss of the patron and Beck viewing the event reminded her of an memory from her past; and not a good memory.

The blonde haired sales-woman dropped her cart and approached the two. With her long locks of light blonde, short white dress and beautiful jewelry, she was almost like an angel in appearance.

“Are you two... alright? I have a couple of bandages and a rag on my cart, if you need any...” the girl meekly offered to Beck and Sayaad.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck clasps the Dagger now on her belt, not wanting to cause a scene out in the open. she stares at this woman in a jealous light for reasons she does not know and can not comprehend.


The game is on!
((Out of Character: Since there's a crowd of people outside the burning bar and Beck is among the masses, I don't imagine Siy would single her out, so I think she would only address Sayaad, who is the most prominent at the moment. Sorry about the confusion!))

Sayaad wiped his face on his forearm and faced the little girl who seemed to have just arrived at the scene.

"No thank you, I'm fine," he replied to her with a somewhat stern tone. It's true that he wasn't in need of bandages, but he was far from fine. "Someone set fire to the building and now a man has died! Why does **** like this always seem to happen?! Dammit!" Then he noticed how young the girl looked, and he managed to calm his nerves ever so slightly. "Hey, you really shouldn't be here. Where are your parents? Let me walk you to them."


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
It was true that she was young. The girl shook her head upon the mention of her parents.

“I’m here myself. Just me and my cart. I’ve traveled here to Blungos for some potential customers. I was going to get a drink of water, but...”

She sullenly looked around the area of the burned-out bar.

“...I guess not.”
"Why would someone of YOU'RE kind save me?" asked the bar owner adding a bit of disgust in the word 'you're' before coughing and wincing from the sudden pain. Kraven looked down at the bar owner for a half a second before he focused on looking for someone to help the guy and responded meekly: "I've seen just enough death because of this confounded war. I've seen enough unneeded, pointless deaths because of this )!@&ed war. I just don't want to see someone else, especially a civilian that has nothing to do with this war die."

As he finished his statement, he looked down a bit to notice Sayaad with the Barkeeper girl and another younger girl with a buggy. "Sayaad," Kraven called out as he landed a little clumsily, "I think everyone got out in time, though, this guy looks injured." Before laying him against the nearby wall then rose while putting his cloak back on. Turning around he asked; "Who's this if I may ask?" referring to the girl with the buggy.


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
The girl extended her hand to Kraven. “Greetings, I’m Siy Auwaton, and this is my sales cart. Care to peruse my selection of trinkets?”
"Kraven, Kraven LeftClaw," Kraven started as he caught himself before he shook Siy's hand, "I think right now, this guy," waving his bloody hand towards the owner of the burned down bar, "should get some attention first, where's the closest doctor or hospital?"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Lightning strikes the Bar owner again, killing him , and with another one, his body begins to carbonize. Beck pretends to cower at this and screams to ham up the act. cowering on the ground, crying crocodile tears.


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Siy had only just arrived in Blungos about twenty minutes ago; she didn’t know where to find a hospital. “I’ll try and go find one. Keep an eye on my cart for me, please.” She then ran off in search of medical help.

When the lightning struck the bar owner, Siy did not turn back.
Immediatly after hearing the loud POP of the lightning/thunder Kraven jumped away shouting, "kee-eeeee-arr" lasting about 2-3 seconds. As he lay there curled up, his shivering and slight whimpering in fear is noticeable by the others.

OoC: Sry for the short CWAC post. I recently woke up and my brain hasn't caught up with the caffeine yet

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