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Noisy neighbors


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
My neighbours have a dog if i nip out to check post woof woof im like ughhh shut up to mysellf...but ot not for long...


Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
There is a jackass that tinkers with his piece of sh*t Chevy all the time and revs the engine, and it sounds like a raggedy piece of junk, and while he works on this scrap on wheels, he blasts his music at ungodly levels, which is ironic coming from me, a musician, who writes loud music for a living.

As far as dealing with him? We all just try our best to ignore him.

The neighbors right next to me are chill though.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
My downstairs really, really love music. Very loud music. So-loud-it-shakes-the-floor music. Drives me crazy, especially if it's really early in the morning.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
There is a jackass that tinkers with his piece of sh*t Chevy all the time and revs the engine, and it sounds like a raggedy piece of junk, and while he works on this scrap on wheels, he blasts his music at ungodly levels, which is ironic coming from me, a musician, who writes loud music for a living.

As far as dealing with him? We all just try our best to ignore him.

The neighbors right next to me are chill though.
Youre not talking about our chevy are ya?!?


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
Uh... given my neighbor once literally caused a huge explosion next door, I suppose yes, I have noisy neighbors & I just went over to see what the heck he was doing & talked with him. Turns out he was practicing shooting on a gas can that wasn't completely empty, & when it went off, it made a bang like a car crash. I don't like my neighbors. I generally don't care what my neighbors do within reason since I tend to stay up late, but I have to draw the line at noises that shake glass out of my windows so to speak.

I will say, formerly living in apartment complexes, a lot of people SOMEHOW do not seem to realize that yes- the walls are VERY thin & that their music or whatever they are doing, is far louder than they THINK it is. Sometimes you can solve an entire issue by just politely asking them to stand in your place & listen to their stuff, & they will be shocked at how loud it actually was & turn it down. At least, that worked for me twice where I used to live with kids who liked to party. Like if you wouldn't want ME doing this when you wanna rest, imagine my situation with the loudness for a second... that sort of thing.

People put way too much faith in drywall.


Mar 8, 2023
Not anything consistent really, but a while ago it seemed one of my apartment neighbours constantly felt the need to drill and hammer to the point where it amazed me they had any wall left to do it on. Nothing to do about that than to suffer.

One time when I was trying to sleep at around 4 in the morning someone downstairs seemingly threw a loud techno party out of nowhere that lasted for about ten minutes (I think someone might have gone and complained to them) before going quiet as suddenly as it had started. That was so over the top annoying and bizarre I couldn't even get mad though.
May 4, 2014
If it's a once in a while thing, like the occasional party or get together I'm pretty tolerant of it. I know my family has partied and been loud till about 11 at night.

If you know where they live, or you are in an apartment could try asking if they could keep it down. If they're decent people cool! If they're not, you can see about your area's laws concerning excessive noise complaints.

Noise canceling head phones are one of the best purchases I've made for my daughter because of jerks with ugly loud PoS cars who moved in and thought they were cool blasting their engines at any time of day. I have asked one if he could stop and he revved it louder. I have entertained the thought of egging his car, but I'm a cowardly person and it's nothing but a delightfully petty daydream.

Alternatively, if all else fails some people have success with petty revenge.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I’ve always lived in apartments so I’m used to hearing stuff from upstairs or next door. I don’t like confrontation so even if they do get too noisy I don’t do much about it
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
I hate when my landlord, who by the way is also my next door neighbor, slam the door shut early in the morning when he leaves for work instead of closing the door normally and making as less noise as possible because people are trying to sleep between 4 am and 6 am. Next time I see him, I'm going to ask him if he could be more careful from now on. Because I just hate this, it makes me jump, and I don't need that extra stress.


Staff member
If there is an issue with my neighbours I would just go and talk to them about it, but we have a pretty good relationship and have lived next to each other for more than 20 years on each side so there has been some long term stability there.

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