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Name One Strength and Weakness About You?

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
One strength about myself is that I'm insanely loyal to my friends and family. They're the most important people to me in the world, so I care about them a lot. I don't know if that qualifies as a strength, but it certainly is my best quality.

One weakness about myself is that I am a procrastinator. I try to do things ahead of time, like school work, but far too often I find myself doing them at the last minute. I've been trying to break that habit, but it's a very hard habit to break.

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
One of my biggest strengths is also my biggest weakness. I tend to be obsessive about whatever interests me at the time. On the plus side, it makes me intensely focused and gives my life a purpose. On the bad side, the obsessiveness makes it difficult to concentrate on other things and be productive in life.

Other strengths:
I've been told I'm highly intelligent (if that's true though, why have there been several Zelda puzzles that have truly stumped me?)
Really good at math

Impatient and easily frustrated (not good for playing video games!)
Worry too much what others think
Jan 1, 2011
My weakness is that I am a gullible. I don't know why but I always have a soft heart for anything and for anyone. I don't know why but I just like helping people, reguardless if it is right or wrong.

And my strength? I don't have one :P Unless you count my quirky personality then yeah, I'm extraordinary


trollin for booty
Sep 29, 2009
my biggest downfall is not being able to trust the people that want to be close to me.

my strength is being able to spot people as they try to hurt myself or those around me.

trust issues com in handy.


Is FINALLY out of school!
Mar 16, 2012
Foeba, my town in Animal Crossing
Left- handed
Loyal to friends

Annoying with sugar rushes
Obsesses over different things at a time
Can't concentrate
Too Generous
Morning Person
Physically weak


Why did the humans attack
Apr 5, 2012
Well, I must be somewhere!
Strength: I am a REALLY nice person. I'm usually the one that laughs at the jokes that nobody else laughed at. I try to pay attention to EVERYONE speaking, and if one person gets ignored, I usually reply to what they said to help make them feel included, plus they usually have interesting stuff to add/say!

Weakness: I can't do one-liners to save MY LIFE. I just CANNOT find anything funny to say back! At least not at that moment I'm talking to somebody, LATER when I think over the conversation, I can think of a million hilarious things I could have said back. It sucks, but you know what? It makes those times when I DO think of something to say back all the more special! :) I cherish the moments when I was able to make somebody laugh for once. If humor came easily to me, it wouldn't be as special.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Welp! Here comes an emotional mood-swing for you all!

Strengths: I have a frikkin' epic singing voice (or at least I do when I properly warm up, which isn't as often as it should be), I'm a pretty awesome actor, if I like something, I will learn everything there is to know about it, I can take criticism well, I have a strong conscience, I'm kinda funny, I can write a pretty good story, and (ironically) I'm pretty humble most of the time.

Weaknesses: I am a huge pushover, I care too much about physical things, I can't stand being touched at random, I have such a fear of needles I once literally went into shock while getting my blood taken, I am extremely lazy, I eat too much, at times I cry too easily, others not easily enough, I have an inferiority complex so big I've had to convince myself I'm Link, Zelda, Tails, Sonic, Amy Rose, America, Canada, North AND South Italy, Spain, and more at different times just to make myself feel important.

How's THAT for a list?
Last edited:


Strength: You could literally take everything from me. My house, my schooling, my family, and I would not be bothered. This is due to the fact that I have become emotionally hardened (also because I believe in revenge and justice, in other words, people mess with my family, I stalk them for the rest of their very short lives in wait of the perfect moment...! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Jk, I'm not a sociopath. But I am emotionally hardened.)
Weakness: Sparring against my crush.... Gets me every time. He throws a punch and I block a little too late, resulting with my instructor talking to me about how I need to stay focused otherwise I'll never make my way to the ring. *SIGH* It sucks.


Mar 20, 2015
Strength: I can run and run without stopping.
Weakness: I am terrible at combat in almost all 2D Zeldas


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Strength: Being the most amazing person this planet has ever held.
Weakness: Not having a weakness.
Oct 14, 2013
Something I do well - I care a lot for the local community and work hard (with varying degrees of success) to improve the local area wer all live in. Oh and I can cook.

An area where I have room for improvement - I can speak much too fast at times. Need slow it down and put the pauses in.


"Don't take us so lightly."
Feb 18, 2017
Pirates' Fortress
Strength: Natural cook, I'm pretty good at art. I can memorise lyrics to songs in just a matter minutes if I really like it.

Weakness: Hot headedness. The smallest thing can annoy me so much and then I gotta have a mad rage to someone.

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