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Kid Icarus: Uprising - Mafia Sign-Ups

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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Hello and welcome to sign-ups for Kid Icarus: Uprising Mafia! I'm your host, Heroine of Time. Timeless is my co-mod.

This mafia game will be based on Kid Icarus: Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS. As usual, knowledge about the theme is not required, but it will help greatly. I'm looking for around 21 players for this game. There are some advanced roles, but anyone is welcome to sign up. You may also be a replacement if you would like. Anyone who signs up late will automatically be added to the replacement list.

(Thanks to A Link In Time and Viral Maze for being consultants for the set-up!)

The player list is now full and sign-ups have concluded. However, don't be shy to sign up as a replacement! I haven't gotten any, and it's always nice to have backup players!

Player names in green mean that they have confirmed. Everyone should now have a role assignment in their inbox.​

1. Fig
2. Mellow Ezlo
3. fused_shadows
4. Ver-go-a-go-go
5. Draco626
6. Dracomajora
7. Thareous
8. The Marshal
9. Pendio
10. justac00lguy
11. Atticus
12. Rachel
13. musicfan
14. kokirion
15. AvatarFlygon
16. LittleGumball
17. Linkdude74
18. Big Octo
19. FirevsIce
20. thegreenrobby
21. DekuNut

1. pkfroce
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
*Jams to Lightning Battle as he swoops in and fires arrows at Hades' minions*

The in.
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