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Majora's Mask I Screwed It Up!


Storming Twilight
Dec 8, 2009
Twilight World

No help needed. I hate Miyamoto and that's a fact now. I will let Termina become a cream after the Moon crashes on it, for all my rage. Knock it off, Kafei. I'm killing you and your stupid ***'s love for each other. Damn, I waited 3 hours to finish this sidequest for it just to become a waste of time. Sakon owes me 3 hours now, no joke.

I guess I'll just swallow all my rage with piña colada >_>
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Infinite Dreamer
Nov 21, 2010
Storybrooke, Maine
Just re-do it ^^
It's annoying to re-do multiple times in a row, but if you want to complete the sidequest, you have to tackle it again.

Actually I confess the same thing has happened to me before, only for me it was much worse!

The first time I did the quest, I did it right and had no problems.

However the second time, I got careless and forgot some of the particulars in the sidequest.
I messed up the side quest three times in a row. THREE WHOLE TIMES CONSECUTIVELY I had to re-do that lengthy side quest, each time due to a very slight error. And let me tell you, as nice of a character as Anju is, I was getting pretty sick of meeting up with her to hear her say the same thing over and over....

I mean, you think it's that bad, having to re-do that one side quest once? People try and retry all the time. Go talk to people who've thrown down countless hours getting nowhere in AoL, before perhaps getting somewhere, if anywhere at all.

Get ready to laugh at my luck.

Here's what I did wrong each time:

#1 - This one was my fault. I don't know where my brain was, but for some reason I completely misinterpreted how I was supposed to get to the switches in Sakon's hideout, and kept thinking I needed to move the blocks out of the way in order to reach and hit the switches (I know, I know, really?) but none of the blocks had actually been positioned to budge in that direction, so while I went around testing each block to see which one I could move and found that NONE of them moved, too much time passed before I realized what I had been doing wrong, in the end not giving me enough time to speed through the rest of it in the little time that remained. Anyway, the fact that I misinterpreted the puzzle actually makes no sense since I had done the sidequest before previously with no problems, so why my brain interpreted the puzzle differently than the first time, I have no clue. I don't know if anyone else knows what it's like to run out of time in Sakon's hideout (as if anyone else messed up like I did :silent:), but it makes you feel downright horrible because every door in the hideout LOCKS. YOU CANNOT LEAVE. If I remember correctly, Kafei tells you something along the lines of, "It's ok, thanks for trying. You leave with your Ocarina." And so? The only way to leave is by playing the Song of Soaring to get out. KAFEI DOES NOT COME WITH YOU! YOU HAVE TO DITCH HIM THERE TO SAVE YOURSELF, LOCKED ALL ALONE IN SAKON's HIDEOUT!!! Makes you feel like a terrible person, yeah? It left me feeling so bad for Kafei and so pissed at myself for such a silly error that I just HAD to do it again to make things right!

#2 - I still feel cheated on this one. Such a teensy miscalculation on my part! I had remembered that Sakon arrived at the entrance to his hideout not quite at 6:00, but rather around 6:30, so, since I wanted to speed things up a little, impatient as I was at having done the quest already just previously, I figured if I played the Song of Double Time to fast forward to 6:00pm before playing the Song of Soaring to warp to Ikana Canyon, I'd have just enough time to speed over in the bunny hood to the rock behind which Kafei would be lying in wait, just in time for Sakon to come skipping in. Well I was WRONG. While Sakon indeed reaches his hideout around 6:30 (he prances very, very slowly...and oddly), he arrives in Ikana Canyon to the spot where the Song of Soaring warps you around 6:00. So, guess what? Soar into there after just having played the Song of Double Time and YOU WILL RUN RIGHT INTO HIM!! What did I learn the hard way? DO NOT FAST FOWARD TO 6:00PM USING THE SONG OF DOUBLE TIME BEFORE WARPING TO IKANA CANYON USING THE SONG OF SOARING AND POSITIONING YOURSELF BEHIND THE ROCK PROPERLY! Even playing them directly one after another, the order in which you play these songs is NOT interchangeable as it might seem! Mess up the timing by a second and you WILL be PUNISHED! Ouch, game!
(Though a quick note, if you have the stone mask equipped he won't see you. Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting to run right into him so I was not ready with the stone mask...)

#3 - This one was by far the most baffling to me, and quite frustratingly so. To this day I don't know what the problem was exactly. I did everything up to following Kafei into his hiding place after the Postman gives him Anju's letter. At that point though, I started trying to skip any unnecessary parts of the sidequest that I could cut out if I could help it (I was seriously, seriously sick of doing it over and over). But THIS ended up somehow ruining the quest for me, as I missed something apparently necessary to continue the quest without realizing that I made such a mistake. The first thing I skipped was speaking to Kafei a second time after he gives you the pendant. Normally if you speak to him twice, he tells you to peer into the peephole that lets you see into the curiosity shop, and then says he will be waiting for his thief (Sakon) to appear there. I didn't think that was required for the quest, so I didn't bother speaking to him (I also didn't bother coming to the shop in the evening to witness the scene between Sakon and the Curiosity Shop guy, I figured that was not required either). In addition, I skipped going back to Kafei's hiding spot the next day, where the Curiosity Shop guy gives you Kafei's letter to deliver to his mom (Madame Aroma). While I am not certain, my inclination is that this was my mistake. I had figured that since delivering the letter was really only necessary for obtaining the Postman's hat or Chateau Romani (depending on how you delivered it), picking up the letter would be only an optional addition to the sidequest that would not be a requirement for completing it. Obviously I must have thought wrong, because when I warped over to Ikana Canyon to hide behind the rock (before fast-forwarding with the Song of Double Time mind you) Kafei was NOT THERE. I waited and waited and waited and 6:00pm came and went and Kafei never came and Sakon never came. Clearly I skipped something I should not have. Well...would you look at that. Somehow, something went wrong AGAIN! Cue the rise of my frustrations to a very dangerous boiling point.

Yeah...so you can now laugh at all my misfortunes. :silent:

I think I made every imaginable unthinkable little error possible on this side quest (or at least a large number of them).
Thanks to this though, I swear I'll never mess up this side quest again. Exactly what NOT to do has been ingrained in my brain, whether I like it or not.

And actually, that's four times consecutively I ended up doing that side-quest in the end. Three times I messed up on some small detail, and then the last time through when I did everything correctly. Compared to that, doing it only twice is hardly half as bad!

Also, at least you are only redoing that one sidequest.

Want to hear more of my misfortunes? (You probably don't, but I'm going to continue anyway.)

Back on my first playthrough of OoT (first playthrough for me was special, not to mention it was my first Zelda game ontop of that) well I had been playing my one save file for a long time. When I reached Dark Link in the water temple, the game suddenly froze on me. Guess how my luck went after that? I shut off my N64 to reset the frozen screen. When I turned it back on, my save file was GONE. SELF-DELETED WITHOUT MY CONSENT. NADA. No matter how many times I turned it off and back on to double-check the save files, IT WAS NOT THERE.

I was upset for two weeks. Really upset.

Then I finally caved and picked the controller back up, took a deep breath and said to myself "I was able to get that far before. It's not a big deal. Main quest, sidequests, heartpieces, everything. I did it once, I can do it again."

It didn't take me long after that to catch back up to where I had been, and then go beyond. In fact, it wasn't very long before I beat the game after that. Since then I've played through the game many times again willingly, having no problem with doing so.

Just commit yourself to doing it again. You'll be fine after that. :)
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