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Spoiler How Can You Hate This Game? TWW


Jun 22, 2011
The whole of Windfall Island was my favorite aspect of of TWW. I'm a huge fan of MM and Windfall Island felt a lot like Clock Town with all the interesting people.

Another great thing was the Spoils Bag. I wish they would have brought that back in TP.

Some people didn't like sailing too much, but I thought it fit pretty well within the Zelda universe.

Another common complaint would be the lack of difficulty, and I agree with that one. The parry made combat really easy. The dungeons were not my favorites in the series but were still pretty good.

Overall its one of my favorite games ever, and I think it had the best storyline of any Zelda game as well.


The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
That's what I said about Twilight Princess :dry:
Anyways, I haven't played the game yet, so I don't have a strong stand on this, but the game certainly shows promise. It had a nice story, a huge overworld, and nice, and smooth combat system. Well, it's pretty impressive, but the difficulty is pretty, well...easy. The sailing looks like it got all tedious. Looking at it, it might be #5 on my top Zelda list (that's if I played it though).
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
Most of the people that hate the Wind Waker hate it because of the cell shaded graphics. Some people think it is a childish game, and will probably never play it. The Wind Waker was my first Zelda game, i love everything that the game offers and has in it. Now that i look back at it after playing through most of the other Zelda titles, i realize that it holds a special place in my heart and it revolutionized how games were played. The sailing got a bit tedious and it took forever to get to each island, but it grew on me. I cannot imagine why anyone would judge a game before they even play it. The story was great, nothing wrong with it, the game play was great and the characters actually felt like they were alive and not just some random NPCs. There was plenty to do and i easily lost 80 hours of my life on one play-through.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The only real bad part for me was the sailing, and parts of the Triforce Hunt; that's all.

My favorite part also is the final battle against Ganondorf. Seeing the water come down in veils as we duel for the fate of Hyrule gave off an apocalyptic atmosphere perfect for such a setting. I don't think the game could've ended in a better or more epic way.


Tatl hates it, but I don't see why. Personally, I really like it. the sailing around before you get the ballad of gales was monotonous, and collecting the triforce maps and pieces was annoying, but those are the only things I didn't like. my favorite temple was the Tower of the Gods... so much fun!
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
My favourite part of the wind waker is the music on the islands such as dragon roost and I enjoyed the Gohdan battle and music. I also liked the story and the fact it was a sequel to OOT. I really loved the atmosphere of the game when the great sea was cursed by Ganon, the music, the storms. I liked the fighting mechanics also, link swung his sword allot quicker in this game.
It's probably the game in the zelda series that I have most issues with however.
I found the dungeon music pretty bland, and not memorable at all. I find simply because of the tedious triforce hunting quest that I rarely replay this game, I simply don't want to go through that again.I am just not a big fan of the art style or toon link either and I did not like the fact that the bosses names and titles were not displayed at the start of the battles. I also found the game too easy, especially the final fight with Ganondorf.
Jan 9, 2011
I really liked the earth temple, the graphics, windfall island and the story, what I didn't like was the tedious sailing, the boring triforce hunt, Tetras complete lack of personaslity when turned into Zelda and the extremely low difficulty, the only time I had a hard time with this game was in my minimalist run, in the battle against puppet ganons third phase, because I ran out of magic.


The game is on!
Yes, The Wind Waker was a grand game! It's one of the best games of all time! But despite all of it's greatness there is actually one small part in the game that isn't quite as good as the other parts, the Forbidden Woods. That part was just a wee bit too lame in my opinion.
Oct 2, 2011
The Internet
I didn't like it because it was just too short for my liking, and the only thing I truly enjoyed in the game was the exploration. Don't get me wrong-it's still a good game-just I didn't like a few thing is it, like TINGLE(I wanna kill him) and the Triforce hunt. The game was pathetic on difficulty until that. It took me longer to do that thing than two of the dungeons combined.

Strangely enough, I loved the graphics. I think it showed the game pretty accurately.


Dec 12, 2009
New York
In my opinion (I'm going to get hate for this) Wind Waker is almost a PERFECT Zelda game. The graphics made it very child like which was fine with me because when I first played it I was around 8 years old. The difficulty, many say the game was too easy, but if you do look at it closer it really isn't that easy. From fighting Cyclos to fighting Giant Octopi. The combat system was fun and easy to use. Windfall Island(and all the other islands) were just simply amazing, designed perfectly and had the perfect NPC's on them. Overall I am happy with this Zelda game. It is my favorite game, (Tied with OOT and MM).

EDIT: Another thing I forgot to touch on, exploration. The aspect of sailing in this game was perfectly done, it was fun and easy to do. People say the game is too short. Well it really isn't seeing as there are SO MANY side-quests available for you to do. Let alone getting all the item upgrades, Wallet upgrades, Heart Pieces, secret dungeons. This game is amazingly long.


Apr 22, 2011
It was a very good game, Good story and nice new gameplay mechanics although one thing that gave the game such negative scores is the vastness of the sea. It was huge and sailing between islands was very inconvinient and the islands were VERY small too.

I loved the graphics, And I enjoyed the game very much (and still do) ;)
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
The reason that most people don't like WW is because of its graphics. Most people I know, who claim to like the Zelda series, say that Wind Waker is the worst simply because its too kiddy. Even though none of them played it. Anyways, I actually loved Wind Waker. It was the first Zelda game that I beat without anyone's help. The music is great, and the graphics still look great to this day. The combat was fun, and the dungeons were each the perfect length and difficulty. Plus, the final boss fight with Ganondorf was EPIC!!!!!!!!

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