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Gaming hopes wishlist


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Rockstar has been doing very little with that Max Payne license. I thought Max Payne 3 was great, even if it was a big departure from the last 2 games. But after playing those flashback missions, they really need to remake the first 2 games with updated graphics and the same amazing physics they had in 3. If they're not making a part 4 anytime soon, at least give us some remakes, because those games could definitely use them.

I also want the original Assassin's Creed to get a remake. It's easily the weakest and most basic in the franchise, and Altair is such a cool character that I would love to play as him again with all the updated mechanics and better missions.

Microsoft and Sega need to get their heads out their asses and give us a new Battletoads and Streets of Rage. Games like Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim proved there's still life in the beat 'em up genre. Both Battletoads and Streets of Rage are very beloved franchises and after all this time, there's a lot you can do with a side-scrolling beat 'em up. Retro revivals have been a big thing lately with Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Mania, so now would be the best time to do it.


the shadow mage
A good pure fantasy rpg with a magic system that didn't boil the magic down to science and is less steam punky the a lot of modern rpgs.

Mint Elv

My main wish for games right now is pokemon games with less handholding and more story centric. And I hope more otome games get brought over, especially the ones with the amazing plot lines. And limited edition versions of them. I like getting pretty things with my games.
Castle said:
At least gamergate managed to stave off the sjw takeover. That's more than can be said of music, cinema, comic books, broadway, television, scifi and fantasy literature...
I don't think GG was actually ever a good thing. When some of it's members resorted to doxxing, death and rape threats, it just makes gamers (especially male gamers) look like unevolved Neanderthals afraid to let women play in their sandbox. While I don't like hardcore SJWs either, there is a point where when one is a woman gamer, one gets tired of seeing female characters being little more then racks for big bouncing T'nA, running around in impractical fur bikinis and chainmail (when the same armor set placed on a male character will cover them completely) or always being a side character, never a lead.

My wishlist:
A proper sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, which is definitely not Forever.
And people heard that right, after what I said above, but I'll explain why. Another game about a hedonist who loves women, but it did it in a way that was actually good, not trashy. What 3D did that was so fantastic was that while it had raunchy humor and women, it was in proper context. They were in stripclubs and some were whores, but there were others that were not sexualized and these were prisoners/victims of the aliens that even begged Duke to put them out of their misery (and when Duke does, he says a very unhappy 'Damn.') You didn't see very many people, and you could see in any abortion clinics, women (or the prostitutes) were trying to get rid of any alien embryos they were implanted with. Forever had women, but most of these tended to be ditzy and stupid, or overly sexualized in some manner (even in the horror parts too.) This largely kills any sense of alien horror, because it's harder to care about them when they all look and act like unfunny parodies. It's why I want the next Duke game to return to the proper 'adult' alien horror and mature humor 3D had, and not try to be something that 14 year olds who want to gawk at Ts, or neckbeards with one hand on their winkies, can enjoy.


When some of it's members resorted to doxxing, death and rape threats, it just makes gamers (especially male gamers) look like unevolved Neanderthals afraid to let women play in their sandbox.

A few instances of doxxing, death and rape threats does not delegitimize the points and purpose of everyone else. And it is silly for the actions of a few to make everyone else look bad by comparison (notice how I don't use the word 'association')

there is a point where when one is a woman gamer, one gets tired of seeing female characters being little more then racks for big bouncing T'nA, running around in impractical fur bikinis and chainmail

I agree, whole heartedly. Unfortunately there for a while we started seeing a lot of rational backlash against developers and publishers for trying to deny a game's leading lady a prominent position on promotional material and even trying to censor plot lines featuring romance between a game's leading female character and a male supporting character among other contentious issues that serious gamers were starting to bring up in regards to the way women were represented in games.

... and then literally who showed up, helped kick off a media lead assault on gamers and gaming as a medium, and derailed all that. this is recent history. you can still read all about it as though it were still happening.

No, gamergate was never about "muh weminz!!" in games. It was about journalistic integrity (and lack thereof). GG's detractors made it an identity issue. This simple fact will have to be restated again and again forever it seems.


Theoretically, I'd appreciate a PROPER Vampire: The Masqurade game again please, though I dare anyone to top Bloodlines. You hear that Obsidian? You've been issued a challenge! And would it kill for us to have some decent Dungeons and Dragons games again?

A hopefully not toon-shaded Zelda sometime in the next - well I was gonna say four but since we're wishing on daisies here - couple of years? Yeah that's impossible unless ninty has managed to keep a super secret Zelda game in development for the better part of a decade. I'd love to see BotW with more dungeons, better narrative, better visual presentation, better implemented items and less toon-shading please.


Swag Master General
Bloodbourne 2

Dark Souls is allegedly done and I really like how Bloodbourne looked, I wanted to play it since 2015. They need to make a sequel.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
A good pure fantasy rpg with a magic system that didn't boil the magic down to science and is less steam punky the a lot of modern rpgs.
Your wish is already in development, and it's demo was fantastic.

As for me.... Most of my wishes have been taken care of. I'm pretty good to be honest. If there was one thing I would like, it would be Smash on Switch. But really, all my gaming needs have been met astoundingly this year.
No more remasters, a lot less nostalgia in general. I can tolerate "the original just wasn't what we wanted in the first place and was badly broken" but pretty cash grabs are bad.

There are really, really good reasons why games like Mega Man franchise games and stuff aren't at the center of the conversation anymore...

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