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Game Thread DW's Very Creatively Titled Mafia

It'd been over two weeks since the purple stranger's initial appearance, and most of the twelve townsfolk had largely forgotten them. They'd gone about to their normal lives and normal days, until one of them, crossing a road, saw something odd in the center

A top hat, stained with blood. Inches away, a body.


They let out a scream instinctively, and the sound caught the attention of a second person. While the first couldn't approach the body out of fear, the second did, placing their fingers on the neck, hoping that maybe there'd be a pulse.

There wasn't. The body was still a bit warm. They must've died recently. And looking at the way the blood was pooling, they could only assume the victim had been shot, in the head.

They stumbled back, processing this information. Slowly, the remaining ten people who'd been around for the strangers first appearance gathered, staring at the body. Nobody else approached.

Finally, someone spoke.

"We... have to figure out who did this."

1. @Storm
2. @DarthCreeper10
3. @JamieIsBored
4. @Killjoy262
5. @Ragnarokio
6. @ExLight
7. @Mint Elv
8. @HangryHangryHippo
9. @OGSniper
10. @lain
11. @KingofDominaria
12. @Morbid Minish

It is now Day One. Day One will end at 4 PM CDT on March 31st.

(1) All forum-wide ZeldaDungeon rules apply.

(2) Do not communicate outside the thread unless given express permission by the host. Permission will only be given when a role specifically allows this communication.

(3) Hardclaiming roles and actions is permitted. However, you may not provide your role PM as evidence of such claims or quote any private communication from the host, nor post exact wincon wording.

(4) Players are required to make at least three posts containing game relevant information (this term is subjective and will be ruled on a case-by-case basis should the need arise) each Day Phase. Failure to do so once will result in a warning, failure to do so a second time may result in you being forcibly subbed out.

(5) Do not attempt to abuse loopholes; if uncertain if what you want to do is considered a loophole, contact the host to confirm.

(6) MYLO and LYLO phases will not be announced, due to differing interpretations of the meanings of these terms.

(7) A tie in votes will result in one of the tied players being killed at random.

(8) Under normal circumstances hammer rules do not apply; they can be activated by the majority of players voting to do so.

(9) After dying, you may make a single post in thread, but this post must contain no game-relevant information.

(10) Please do not edit your posts. Minor exceptions will be made for correcting spelling or formatting errors, but no information should be added or removed. Deleting posts is forbidden. Any major edits or post deletions will result in a warning from the host. Subsequent offenses may have you at risk of being forcibly subbed out.

(10a) Removing reactions that were intentionally given as a way to hint information to only specific players is a violation of both rule 2 and rule 10

(11) This game is not bastard; role PMs does not contain any lies nor intentional omissions as to the role’s function, and a slot’s alignment will not change under any circumstances. A player’s role will not change unless the circumstances for such a change are stated in said player’s role PM. No game-ending Jesters or similar roles are present in this game.

Last edited:
May 30, 2023
J'accuse! If anybody feels personally attacked by this, please let me know so I can definitively declare you scum and vote you, kthxbai.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Hey guys! Just wanted to let ya know that I have a Track & Field meet tomorrow and Sunday is Easter, so a busy two days for me, so dont expect too much activity tomorrow and Sunday, but I will definitely try to get a few posts in.

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