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Doctor Who: Your Favorite Doctor

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Recently, I started watching Doctor Who. So far, I love what I've seen and I like how each episode makes me want to watch the next one even more.

So I was wondering...who is your favorite doctor? I've only been introduced to one so far but I am aware of Matt Smith and a few others since my friends are really into it.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I hate to be that guy that likes the "new" thing, but Peter Capaldi has made a very good first impression and I love everything about his take on the character.
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Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
For me it's a toss up between William Hartnell and Tom Baker. It's a really difficult choice as both of their Doctor portrayals have got really different personalities. If I had to choose, I think I'd probably have to go with Tom Baker's Doctor because Sarah Jane Smith was my favourite companion (followed really closely by Ace) and despite Elisabeth Sladen starting with Jon Pertwee, I preferred her with Baker.
Aug 9, 2015
I used to be a Doctor Who fan, but I don't watch it at all now because the stories became a bit... Stupid? I remember an episode I watched a couple years back that ended up with a girl singing to a huge flying pumpkin in the sky. And then there was another awful one where everything was a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream... I really think they're starting to run out of ideas now. (I sound like such an old fart reading that over)
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Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I used to be a Doctor Who fan, but I don't watch it at all now because the stories became a bit... Stupid? I remember an episode I watched a couple years back that ended up with a girl singing to a huge flying pumpkin in the sky. And then there was another awful one where everything was a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream... I really think they're starting to run out of ideas now. (I sound like such an old fart reading that over)

Both of those are christmas episodes if i remember correctly and believe me i generally do ^^. I've watched the entirety of Doctor who from the days of Hartnell to the days of Capaldi, i've enjoyed a fair few. Tom Baker being Predominant. Tennant is a good one apart from the self loathing that he occasionally exhibits and the mopeyness that becomes his trait after season 4, (thank the gods that he finished when he did) Smith isn't very good on my scale but that is mainly due to his storylines, he was portrayed somewhat childish and his emotions swayed from extremes quite quickly.

I think Ecclestone and Capaldi are some of the better Doctors we've had, both because they have darkness and humour and that we see more of them than the others. And both are reeling from potentially apocalyptic conditions. Ecclestone from the Time war and Capaldi from a re-emergence of Galifrey and the war on Trenzalor which he fought single handed.

Capaldi i enjoy because after three doctors possibly four (i can't remember Mccoy's time well) a rude doctor he doesn't overly care about humanity anymore more that sense of adventure. That and we see that he is learning more clearly who he is.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Tom Baker is my fav Doctor. I have seen all Doctors from 1 till 12 and I like Tom the best. I like the sense of humor he has and the silly remarks. I can totally see why he is so beloved. Pertwee was a vert good Doctor too. I like his style. For a very long time I disliked Tennant. Mainly because of the fangirls who completely ruined it for me. Two years ago I started to watch new Who again together with my sister and I dropped the whole fandom judgement and started to like Tennant a lot better. He has become my fav after Baker. The other Doctor who grew a huge lot on me is Paul mcGann. He only did one movie, but he did a lot of audio. I highly recommend his Eight Doctor Adventures (EDA) and the Dark Eyes series. He is a brilliant Doctor. Really amazing. Romana I and II are my fav companions. Lucy Miller (EDA) is a close second.
I also like Eccleston a lot but he should have done another season. Unfortunately he gets forgotten real fast because of this. But his Doctor was a great one.
I like Capaldi but I think he needs to grow a bit more in his role. I wasn't that fond of last season. I especially disliked Clara a huge lot after season 8. But that's my opinion.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Tom Baker is my fav Doctor. I have seen all Doctors from 1 till 12 and I like Tom the best. I like the sense of humor he has and the silly remarks. I can totally see why he is so beloved. Pertwee was a vert good Doctor too. I like his style. For a very long time I disliked Tennant. Mainly because of the fangirls who completely ruined it for me. Two years ago I started to watch new Who again together with my sister and I dropped the whole fandom judgement and started to like Tennant a lot better. He has become my fav after Baker. The other Doctor who grew a huge lot on me is Paul mcGann. He only did one movie, but he did a lot of audio. I highly recommend his Eight Doctor Adventures (EDA) and the Dark Eyes series. He is a brilliant Doctor. Really amazing. Romana I and II are my fav companions. Lucy Miller (EDA) is a close second.
I also like Eccleston a lot but he should have done another season. Unfortunately he gets forgotten real fast because of this. But his Doctor was a great one.
I like Capaldi but I think he needs to grow a bit more in his role. I wasn't that fond of last season. I especially disliked Clara a huge lot after season 8. But that's my opinion.

Clara is the worst assistant ever and that includes Rose Freaking tyler.

Ecclestone left due to onset bulllying of the cast, i do wish he had made another season but it doesn't matter to me Ecclestone is one of the best for the range of emotions he showed during his time, and it seemed more natural. Each Doctor has that break in period, i think Capaldi is getting into his stride now and i hope that they give him a FAR better companion and some good story lines. Deep Breath was good just for the fact the Doctor learns he has come so far from just being the man from gallifrey who stole a tardis, he is in fact a completely different individual ^^.

Smith remains one of the worst, Poor storylines and a mix of boorish assistants kinda burned him badly. Smith wasn't too bad as the Doctor but it seemed that instead of polishing a diamond in the rough they just cut him into a tiny piece of glass.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Clara is the worst assistant ever and that includes Rose Freaking tyler.

Ecclestone left due to onset bulllying of the cast, i do wish he had made another season but it doesn't matter to me Ecclestone is one of the best for the range of emotions he showed during his time, and it seemed more natural. Each Doctor has that break in period, i think Capaldi is getting into his stride now and i hope that they give him a FAR better companion and some good story lines. Deep Breath was good just for the fact the Doctor learns he has come so far from just being the man from gallifrey who stole a tardis, he is in fact a completely different individual ^^.

Smith remains one of the worst, Poor storylines and a mix of boorish assistants kinda burned him badly. Smith wasn't too bad as the Doctor but it seemed that instead of polishing a diamond in the rough they just cut him into a tiny piece of glass.

Eccleston was brilliant. I enjoyed his humor and how he came out of the timewar broken and how he changed slowly into a better man. I also love how Capaldi is not the boyfriend kinda Doctor but back to the Doctor again who he used to be. He does care but he isn't the in-love kinda guy and that's what the Doctor should be. All the Doctors in the past have been more brother (Davison) or fatherly ( Pertwee, Trougton) like beings instead of the lovey dovey boyfriend type. That's what ruined it a bit for me lately. I agree with you completely about Matt Smith. I liked him and he tried to do his best but they sometimes made him act too childish and too hyper.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Eccleston was brilliant. I enjoyed his humor and how he came out of the timewar broken and how he changed slowly into a better man. I also love how Capaldi is not the boyfriend kinda Doctor but back to the Doctor again who he used to be. He does care but he isn't the in-love kinda guy and that's what the Doctor should be. All the Doctors in the past have been more brother (Davison) or fatherly ( Pertwee, Trougton) like beings instead of the lovey dovey boyfriend type. That's what ruined it a bit for me lately. I agree with you completely about Matt Smith. I liked him and he tried to do his best but they sometimes made him act too childish and too hyper.

Trying to find the right words for Capaldi and you snagged them ^^. He isn't a familial doctor nor a loving type of doctor, from what we've seen i'd say that he in fact holds himself apart and to different ideals than he did in the prior incarnations, which i think is excellent it means he will be more aloof and calculating instead of rushing in nose first.

And yea Ecclestone was brilliant we could see the changes that happened with him he went from almost depressed to happy, we could literally see him thrive with Rose slowly at first but towards the end massively, and the bond they shared was i think greater than Tennants and Pipers bond.

With Tennant we saw almost the opposite from a man who had it all and showed all he delighted in to the woman he loathed to losing it all and eventually falling back into a pit of despair almost akin to what we saw to Ecclestones first episode. He brightened considerably when he matched wits with Martha and to some extent he might have cared for her, but by Donna he didn't want that and he was proven right when he lost her.

Smith by comparison seemed chaotic and random, which could be an example of timelords Regenerating so often that parts are lost. He swung from happiness to anger and fear quite fast, he didn't venture out into the galaxy he was almost a reclusive, he spent more time traveling earths history and only finally left off earth for Trenzalore.

Capaldi seems Steady and almost like Hartnell in that regard, he is cold and somewhat calculating a complete opposite of Smith, yet you can see something was lost in this most recent regeneration for he doesn't know completely who he is and he fights for that knowledge. We can infer that not only is it exceedingly rare for a timelord to use up all their lives but also to gain a 2nd cycle of 12 lives. We see Capaldi go from this doddering fool to a calm and overly cynical man.

^^ theres some breakdowns :P


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
You didn't **** around with Jon Pertwee's Doctor, especially when he was having a glass of spirits.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I loved Eccleston and tennant. It would have been nice to have seen Eccleston stick around for longer but I also think having a regeneration was good as it brought back a series staple which fans got to see in the first of the new series. I'd say Tennant is my favourite doctor overall because he has been in my favourite episodes.

However I hated Smith as the doctor, he never seemed to show any fear of his enemies like Tennant and Eccleston and therefore nothing was at all scary or threatening. The storylines were pretty ridiculous for him also which didn't help.

Capaldi, I think could become a favourite of mine. I am really happy about him so far but Clara is just awful and needs to go.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Matt Smith is my Doctor. Could be because he was my first proper Doctor, or just that his personality and storylines were more up my alley. He's simply the Doctor I enjoy the most. Surprised to see so much criticism of him, but each to their own I guess.

To give context, here are the Doctors I've watched and the order I've watched them in:
Matt Smith (11), Chris Eccleston (9), David Tennant (10), William Hartnell (1), Patrick Troughton (2), Jon Pertwee (3), Tom Baker (4), Peter Capaldi (12)

So there are a few classic Doctors I haven't watched yet. I think when ranging the other Doctors I like Tennant and Baker similarly as Doctors, Sarah Jane and Donna are two of my favourite companions, but I prefer Tennant's storylines to Baker's (of the ones I've seen), probably due to me being a bigger fan of overarching serialized storytelling rather than the enclosed adventures type storytelling of Classic Who, so I would probably put Tennant slightly ahead of Baker because I get a better overall experience watching him than I do Baker (unfair, I guess, but there you have it). I'm undecided on which I prefer out of Eccleston and Capaldi, each having their ups and downs, but out of the remaining Doctors I've seen I rank them Pertwee, then Hartnell, with Troughton coming last (his Doctor was the only one that I didn't warm up to).


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom

I hated Matt Smith too. I haven't seen any of the Capaldi episodes yet.
In fact I pretty much haven't seen much of anything since Russell T Davis stopped writing.
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The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
Christopher Eccleston is my favorite. He's not many others' favorite but I think he's great. He was also the first Doctor I ever watched, so that probably helps xD
11 - Matt Smith without a doubt.

I don't hate any one Doctor, i think some are overrated but i like to judge on their own merits and i've never really not enjoyed a Doctor.

But Matt Smith is an incredibly underrated actor, i think he has such a deep talent for acting and i find it to be a shame that he had to follow 10 and have a large portion of the fanbase hate him for not being 10.

I've seen some of Matt's other work and he is amazing every time, i think he was a brilliant Doctor and i think he is a brilliant actor that deserves more than what comes his way.

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