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Debating the Merits of Different Colors

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Okee dokee, this may seem like a strange discussion topic but let's start out simple.
First what's your favorite color than you can debate with other people why you like that color and why you don't like others.

And that's pretty much it. My favorite color has got to be blue, with green as a close second. Blue just cause I've always liked it and there really isn't a blue that is ugly to me, plus it's a pretty unisex color. Green, well Link.


Purple with blue in second. I also like lightish red. Purple is the colour of royalty along with water octoroks. Blue due to like everything and blue land octoroks. And then lightish red because Donut.
Orange is the most supreme colour out there, it's really overpowered and could completely steam roll the crap out of green, red and GoD himself.

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Any shade of purple, especially Violet, beats out everything since it the color looks really beautiful and it's also... Violet Link. Blue goes to the second while pink goes to the last. To me, pink looks okay but it just.. looks odd to me.


Hello Sweetie!
I'm very fond of dark purples, blues, greens and reds. I like dark, strong colors. I like their intensity, their strenght. Also they look great together with black. Dark shades of purple, blue, green and red remind me of precious gems, magic, they feel powerful, royal.

I can't stand most light shades, they feel weak, and just give off a weird wibe (and not the good kind of weird).


The Rodent King
I have trouble with these types of questions about colors as my favorite colors on their own are very different than when they're next to just one small dot of another color. On its own, either blue, black, or white is my favorite color with red and gray really, really close. However, if I were combining colors, I would put golden yellow and black together as probably my favorite combination besides navy blue and a dark, rich, wood-looking brown. The navy blue would remind me of the cold and night time and darkness while the brown would also remind me of night but remind me of warmth and a fire and coziness too. You need the dark, cold feeling from the navy blue for the feeling of coziness from the brown to have its full effect. A light-colored blue and/or brown would ruin this feeling. It would have to be dark. This is probably what I'd want the color of my room to be if I could change it. The ceiling would be navy blue and the walls would look like wood.

I mainly like dark colors but the golden yellow works if there's just a little bit of it with mostly black around it. I also like white because it makes me think of calmness and order. Gray makes me at least think of calmness so its okay. Dark greens are also nice.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
British English is the best English :)

My fav colour would have to be orange. Not sure why, it just is. Purple is nice too.
My favorite color is blue. It seems to go with everything--there's a blue tone for anything. And it's so rich and captivating, while other tones are almost dark and angry, yet still other colors seem cheerful in a festive way. It's like a whole rainbow we can only see half of because of the limited color cones of a human. I literally dream of what other blue tones we ccan't see.


Is FINALLY out of school!
My favorite color is Yellow cuz its such a happy, bright color! I can't think of anything bad about it. The bright Sun that shines for us glows yellowish white in the sky. There are yellow flowers that look soo nice too! Even most of the smiley faces we use here at ZD are yellow! Think about ever finding a dark yellow color (Gold & Bronze come from brown, not yellow)...I've NEVER seen a dark yellow. In fact, its impossible; If you mix yellow & black paint, it will just turn an ugly dark green.

Likewise, my least favorite color is Black. Its such a dark, depressing common color! When you think of evil & darkness, you think dark colors, right? What's added into those use-to-be bright, elegant colors to make them negative?;Black. The worst part is I have to see it every day at school & at home! My tv, laptop, purse, most of my book bag, Uggs, Instrument case, phone, back of eyelids (blinking), pots, & pans are all black! And there's even more black at school cuz every one & their mama is wearing a black coat, hoodie, shoes, jean, shirt, book bag, & hat. Plus, plenty of electronics, desks, pens, pencils, cars and many other things are black, and it isn't even seen in nature! Not even dead animals or plants are black when they die; they're dark brown! Look around tomorrow where ever you go and count how many black things (not people) you see. Isnt it a lot?
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