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  • I was going to go to the one in March, in Colorado, but I didn't have enough money. I still hope to go to one someday though. :) How 'bout you?
    I like quite a few PC games actually, like Nancy Drew, Battle for Middle Earth, Age of Empire, Age of Wonders, Rage of Mages, Bioshock, and a few others I'm forgetting. There's a few games on the PS3 and Gamecube, like Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy games, and also more that I can't remember. :) So yeah, quite the veriety. How 'bout you?
    My older sister used to go to this forum, and said I should join for the purposed previously stated. And so I did; I didn't really care what kind of forum it was, so long as it was someplace to post my stuff. :)
    I joined because I wanted to go somewhere to show my writing, and thus improve with the feedback (I don't like showing it to my family, their too biased). And then I got more into Zelda, and became a real Zelda fan; as opposed to my former view on Zelda, which was "Don't really care". Yup.
    Ah. Yeah, I can't get muchconversation with the other homeschoolers because they don't like Zelda. X3 But ya know, oh well; there's billions of other people on the planet to talk to!
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