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Xenoblade Chronicles X


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Well, I tried to find a forum on this and I couldn't. This is the much-anticipated sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii. What do you want in it? What should it look like? What do the trailers seem to show? Do you want Shulk or anyone from the original to show up? Anyone know when it's coming to the west? Put all things related to this game here.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
I don't know what to think of it, other than it seems like an open-world RPG but with a Space Opera plot and really stereotypical female voice acting (holy crap how squeaky can you get?). Should I happen to have a Wii U when it comes out, I'll probably get it just because it's so hard to find quality Science Fiction games (and this one looks to be a diamond in the rough).


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
I've sunk hundreds of hours into Xenoblade Chronicles since it came out, it's definitely one of my favourites on the Wii. Even though I don't have a Wii U, I will most likely end up picking up a copy of the game to avoid having to hunt for it when I do eventually get the console.

I hope the fighting mechanics haven't bee too overhauled and I really hope that the game will come with a Japanese audio track option like Xenoblade Chronicles did. I'm not sure I'd want characters to make a cameo appearance in this game from Xenoblade Chronicles. Based on the trailer, I would assume there are quite a few years between the two games. It could even be a case of a sequel that's only related to the original by the universe it's set in. Other than that, I hope it's not a big disappointment. I don't want to become too overhyped and end up disliking it because it failed to meet my unrealistic expectations.
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Ironically enough, a whole host of Xenoblade Chronicles X details have been pouring out from various sources. It's been a slow reveal, with mainly trailers intermittently getting pushed out for advertisement--and some forty minute gameplay footage from the Nintendo Treehouse--but lately translations from the famous Famitsu magazine has provided some in-game highlights. The official XCX website has also been updated with background information on a handful of the characters, outlining their duties in addition to their personalities. Nothing too plot-specific yet, as it should be.

For those who believe that Xenoblade Chronicles X is a direct sequel to the original, that possibility is sadly untrue. It's simply a sequel in the spiritual sense, by name and a couple of throwbacks (Monado pins in Lynlee's hair and the return of the Nopon), so Shulk and the rest of his company will not be appearing in this game. The highly discussed face at the end of the first reveal trailer was conceivably a reference to Shulk as well, showcasing that the customizable avatar can be made to look like him.

Overall, I'm pretty much anticipating every single aspect of the game to be remarkable, and the slow, steady pace of the reveals are keeping me on my toes without going overboard on the hype train. Exploring the world and listening to the incredible soundtrack by Hiroyuki Sawano are what I'll spend most of my time doing.

I don't know what to think of it, other than it seems like an open-world RPG but with a Space Opera plot and really stereotypical female voice acting (holy crap how squeaky can you get?).

I assume that you're referring to Elma, whose voice actor has been only confirmed for the Japanese release so far. And honestly, her voice doesn't bother me that much. I don't find it squeaky or unbearably high-pitched; however it is stereotypical, as you described. As an avid anime watcher, it's somewhat average and doesn't really suit her appearance, but thus far we've only heard her in narrations and the way Elma introduces herself, not how she interacts with people on a regular basis. I think her voice would be fine, in the right setting.


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
The "Union" system sounds very interesting and creative, as does this entire game. I am very excited for Xenoblade X, and I will definitely be getting it along with Zelda U when I get a Wii U. It seems like a very ambitious game, and I can only hope it delivers well.

Still need to finish Xenoblade...
Jul 1, 2013
The only thing I'm not really ecstatic about is the return of the Nopon. I didn't find them amusing in the first Xenoblade, not even Riki, and I won't find them amusing in X. Other than that the game is looking to be everything I could've dreamed a Xenoblade sequel to be. It's possible, based on what little we've seen so far, that the game will have a little too much Sci Fi influence for my taste, as opposed to heavy fantasy influence like the first Xenoblade, but I'm sure it'll be awesome either way. As long as ether is still present and there'll be a good ether-using character (better yet, you can make your avatar that way) then I'm good. The environments look as big, open, and awe-inspiring as ever, the Union thing seems really cool (I've already got my eye on the Corepedian one), and they've upped the ante on the enemies to make them as imaginative as the rest of the game. The recycled monsters from Xenoblade were a bit of shortcoming for that game and I'm glad that's been improved.

Based on the various tentative release schedules Nintendo has posted for 2015 it doesn't look like the localized version will be out for quite some time, but it'll be so worth it when it is. Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda U are going to double-handedly make 2015 my favorite year for gaming ever.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Earlier today a presentation video for Xenoblade X was streamed on various outlets, showcasing a plethora of in-game aspects ranging from Gamepad navigation to an in-depth look at the world of planet Mira. The entire video was narrated by a trio of the main characters, which in turn means that it's all in Japanese (no subs at this time). However, I believe it's a must-watch for anyone who's looking at getting the game. Also nothing plot-specific is shown, so the level of "spoilers" is kept to bare minimum.

The best part about it is the background music, in my opinion. Hiroyuki Sawano never fails to deliver in the auditory department.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I'm iffy on it really. Not into those types of Japanese games and we've got so many open-world RPGs available and on the horizon it's not like I'm starved for them (although if I only had a Wii U, I would be). I'll try and play it sometime if a friend gets it and then get it myself if it seems good.
Mar 11, 2015
I'm the kind of person that loves exploring beautiful environments, and the exploration was my favorite thing of Xenoblade, and X seems to excel in that factor. If the strategical combat and depth stays fairly the same, you're looking at a day one purchase for me.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I don't know. I used to be really hyped for it, but the combat system looks too boring so far. Hopefully the system for the robots are more action-oriented.

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