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Zelda Art The Wanderers

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Read it, several typos but just forget them, lolz. Good job.

Nice word you used to describe that new race: Essencorix. Did you make it up? Or is it actually from some Zelda game? Just curious.

Thank-you :) No, I made it up. They are my own race. The race described in this section is a Zelda race though.

“Yes, I probably should have guessed that one.” Din moved through the door and the two left Kakariko Inn, moving out into the early afternoon sun.

Shielding her eyes, Din squinted into the bright street and Rishian grunted with approval. In the center of the street lay a structure that could only be described as a large pod. It was a cube with windows around the entire upper half and a sliding door on one side. It was made out of aluminum and had faded green stripes painted on the lower half. The most striking feature on the pod was four massive propeller blades. They sat, currently idle, on the top and both sides of the pod.

Din’s eyebrows went up, through the windows she could see benches on either side of the pod, but is didn’t look big enough for all five of them.
Toan and Sophia stood between Din and Rish and the pod, they seemed to be talking to someone, but Din could not see with whom.

Sophia turned upon hearing the Inn door open and close again. She smiled brightly at Rishian and Din. When she moved Din could see who she had been talking too, and Din was taken aback. Rishian lead her forward, toward the pod.

Sitting on a little ledge on the front of the container was what appeared to Din, to be a chicken. It’s feet, body, and wings were bird-like and were covered in white and yellow tinted feathers. Its neck was unusually long and led to a chicken sized head. But instead of a beak and the usual structure of a chicken, its face was that of a very young Hylian, other than the feathers.

Sophia spoke, breaking Din’s stare, “Din this is Ooccoo. He is going to take us to the City in the Sky.”

“It is nice to meet you Din,” the little being said in a perfectly Hylian voice.

Din was surprise to hear him speak, and speak perfectly well.

She shook away her surprise and smiled back, still holding Rishian’s arm. “It is nice to meet you too, Ooccoo.”

“Ooccoo is a member of the Oocca race. They are the ones that built and reside in the City in the Sky. Others do as well now, but the Oocca are the primary residents.” Rishian whispered into Din’s ear, and she gave him a small thankful nod.

Din felt a hand glide lightly over the skin of her free arm and she looked down and to her right where the touch had come from. She looked up into Rad’s Hylian face, and he smiled down at her. She gave him a friendly smile back, and looked down to see that he had suited his armor back in place over his chest and arms.

Rad’s eyes wandered to where Din held Rishian. His face showed no emotion, but he slid Din’s hand up to land in the crease of his elbow as well.
Rishian snikered behind his wrappings and hid a smile.

Din stood happily in between the two, one on each arm, completely oblivious.

“Well, are we all here? Can we depart?” Ooccoo chirped at them.

“Yes, I believe so.” Sophia smiled and stepped though the open door into the small pod.

Toan followed his sister and sat beside her with his back to the open door. Rishian unlinked his arm from Din and followed the siblings inside. After he was through the door, Din took a step to follow him, but Rad caught her around the waist. Stopping she looked up at him. He had a playful smile pressed on his lips.

“Oh no, you get your own personal ride.” His smile grew and he grabbed her by both wrists. With a little spin he slung her up onto his back. She grabbed tightly around his neck as she landed.

“Wait, wha--”

Before Din had time to think, Rad let out a relaxing breath and his wings shot out from the holes carved in his armor on either side of Din.
Din gasped, as she had not been expecting the sudden change. She quickly looked up toward the pod. Rishian, Toan and Sophia had closed the door and Ooccoo had started up the blades to pull them in the air.

“See ya there guys!” Rad waved toward the pod and bent his knees. He shot upward into the air, his large wings forcing them upward. Rad dove them forcefully upward with great speed into the blue afternoon sky. Din grasped tightly at his shirt, her arms tightening around his neck. She squeezed her knees down around his hips and buried her face in his neck, a little scared.

Rad slowed his speed at her reaction and placed his hands on her arms. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry.”

Din took a couple deep breaths and slowly picked up her head. She looked around, seeing the clouds much closer overhead and empty space all around them. She took a couple more deep breaths. “You just surprised me.” A small single giggle came from her throat.

Rad squeezed her hand. “I’ve got you. I promise. You are safe with me.”

Din smiled nuzzled his ear. “I know.”

Looking down, the two could see the little pod ascending toward them, the propeller blades spinning rapidly. Rad started to move upward as well, without beating his wings harder.

“Oh! How nice of him.” Rad’s tone was slightly mocking.

“What?” Din asked.

“Toan is creating an updraft for us to make better time.”

“What do you mean creating?”

Rad’s face fell to a serious but relaxed expression. “Toan controls the air element. Similar to how you control fire.”

Din’s eyebrows went up. “Really?” Her tone was excited, and she looked back down at the pod underneath them.

“Yes, and Sophia controls water. That is why Rishian asked them to come.”

Din nodded in understanding. Her thoughts began to wander as they flew upward, maybe that is why she felt connected to them, because they had similar magic of the elements. Din thought about the way she felt when she had first met Kate, and nodded to herself. They were similar feelings, and she was fairly sure that was probably the answer to her question.

Rad’s wings carried them up into the clouds, ahead of the pod. Din reached out, amazed, and ran her hands through the white puffy mixtures hanging in the sky as they moved past them. Din wrapped both arms back around Rad and looked down. They were so far above the ground now that she could barely make out the difference between the trees and the grass. Kakariko was lost between the rocks, and clouds were beginning to prevent the vision completely.

Rad began to fall back and let the pod catch up to them. “We need to follow Ooccoo now. It is difficult to find the city unless you know exactly where to look.”

Rad flew beside the pod, following Ooccoo’s lead. Rishian waved at Din through the window and she waved back. Toan, held both hands out, palms up. His eyes were closed and he moved them in an upward circular motion. The updraft continued and they continued to fly through the air toward their unseen destination.

“Din. Look” Rad pointed ahead of them and Din excitedly peered over his shoulder, her hold on his neck not loosening.

The clouds moved slightly and then Din saw it. The City in the Sky was everything Din had imagined. The buildings were made of what appeared to be crystallized stone and metal. The buildings were very large and most of them were dome shaped. The colors were brilliant. Most of the walls were sandstone grey, but many had stripes of green, blue, pink, and purple painted around the bottoms. The buildings had been decorated with various flags, emphasizing the wind speed at this altitude and greatly adding to the visual effect. The great city had propeller blades everywhere. They were underneath the flat bottoms of the buildings, on the tops of spikes protruding form the roves of the buildings, and on the ends of poles that stuck in every direction off the metal paths that created the ground of the city. This was most fascinating to Din. She looked at the pathways. They were simply long stretches of metal and stone that ran between the buildings and created common areas between the structures. The part that was surprising, was that there was no rails, they were just paths, complete with the spinning blades beneath them. The city was very bright, and seemed to sparkle in the direct sun. The great burning ball seemed to be almost even with the city. Din was in awe of the miraculous sight. The city indeed hovered in the sky in perfect balance.

Rad followed Ooccoo’s pod toward a landing dock, where the pod touched down and opened, allowing for it’s passengers to get out and stand on one of the railing-less paths.

Rad pulled up and set down on his feet, next to the open door of the pod. Din let go of his neck and loosened her squeeze on his hips between her knees. She slid from his back and landed lightly on her feet.

“Welcome to The City in the Sky! Please enjoy your stay. Be alert for wind gusts and it is recommended to stay with a creature of flight or air affinity at all times. Thank-you.” Ooccoo chirped happily. The Oocca got back in his pod and waved them good-bye. He took off, bound back to the ground, now many miles below.

The new arrivals looked around. They had touched down at the port that lead to the main square of the city, a large disk of ‘ground’ that connected several buildings, which backed onto the common-area. There were creatures of several different races, most of them having wings, Din noted. The Oocca were in the most abundance, as Rishian had said they would be. But several other beings walked about with large wings growing out of their backs, under their arms, or folded around themselves. Din noticed a couple Hylians and even a Zora, all of which seemed to be with a winged being.

Toan stretched and took in a large breath. “Oh. I like it up here.” He held his hands out and a large swoop of wind ran around his sister and pulled her into his chest. He caught her and squeezed her with one arm.

Sophia laughed. “Yeah I think you are going to have too much fun up here.”

“Let’s go to the temple. They know we are coming, and have prepared rooms for us.” Rishian stated, while securing his wrapping tighter around him as they blew in the wind.

Rad placed a hand in the center of Din’s back and guided her toward the square. Rishian fell into step beside Rad, and Toan and Sophia followed, playfully poking at each other.

Din looked at Rad, and was slightly surprised that he had not morphed back to his Hylian guise, but then remembered what Ooccoo had said, and suppressed the question.

They came to the largest building in the city. The giant door at the front was comparable to the ones on the front of Hyrule Castle, and the mighty tower also stood straight into the sky in a similar fashion.

Rishian and Rad led the group up the stairs. As Rad grabbed hold of the handle to open the door, the opposite door swung open violently. A young brunette girl bounced out of the opening and jumped Din.

“Wha!!” Din staggered backward and caught the girl as fast as she could.

“Din!” The girls voice came out excitedly as she threw her arms around Din’s neck in a hug.

Din began to laugh and hugged her back. “Hi Kate.”

The girls let go and they looked at each other. Koroko appeared in the now open door a second later, smiling at them. “Hey guys.”

Rishian perked up when he saw his old friend. “Koroko!”

“Rish!” The two met in the center of the space and clasped hands. Rishian had to lean down slightly due to the Kokiri’s size.

“When did you get in?” Rishian asked his friend.

“Only a couple of hours ago. We thought we’d meet up with you here. We heard all the news.” Koroko looked at Din and Rad.

Rad rolled his eyes, “I’m sure you have, apparently we are the talk of the land.” Rad seemed unimpressed.

Koroko ignored him and turned a greeting to Din. She greeted him back and went on to introductions.

“Koroko, Kate, this is Toan and Sophia. They have kindly agreed come along and provide us with their support” Din motioned between them all.
Kate moved and extended a hand to Sophia.

As they greeted each other, Din could not help but notice the similarities between the two women. They seemed to be unrelated in family heritage, but their features, body structure, and aura seemed to be the same. Din noticed this as Kate stood next to Toan as well. Toan and Sophia greeted Kate happily, and with friendliness Din had only seen out of Sophia toward herself. Din began to consider why this was.

“Shall we?” Rishian’s voice broke through her thoughts and Din turned to see him holding the door open.

(Chapter continues)
Aug 18, 2009
That took me a while. Good update, Din, one or two typos but that is all. Good job describing the city, and I had several laughs as well. It was good to see Rad flying up along with Din at his back. Marvelous description in this update, keep it up. ^^


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Finally I have caught up to your chapters and I must say I am impressed. You explore your characters very well and try to get us into their hearts. One thing I seemed to notice is that Din and Rad's hearts seem to be strikingly different. Rad, being the age old creature he is, is lingered on events of the past and chooses to isolate himself from the rest of the world and be careful with his surroundings. Din however is someone who moves on with her life, choosing to ignore what was before and moves on with her life, but this trait also has her being a little reckless and needing control. Both of them need each other in some way or another not just because of love; because without each other they are doomed. Great character decisions.

I still find your fic going too quick though. However I don't suggest slowing it down now because of me; maybe when you are done with it and the stress is off your mind, you can make an "Extended Edition."

Anyways good job, I hope to see more from you in the future.

There's my two cents- Wrath.

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
@Ats. Thank-you. ^^ I'm glad you like the description. Though, I would like to see those mistakes please, I want to fix them in my word document.

@Charge. Thank-you so much for the feedback and the observations. I do plan on doing more drafts of the story and will probably lenghten it once the first draft is complete. I'm glad you can see the thing I am trying to do with my characters.

@ Everyone who doesn't post. Thanks for reading guys. ^^

(One paragraph overlapped)

“Shall we?” Rishian’s voice broke through her thoughts and Din turned to see him holding the door open.

Everyone proceeded through the door into the large temple. Din, Toan, and Sophia looked around in awe; having never been there before. The ceiling was easily three stories above them. The room was decorated with ornamentals, suits of armor, and fancy draperies of every kind, which hung open around the large windows to the outside sky. The colors were beautiful and there was a glow of orange lantern lights, mixed with the white sunlight of the sky let in from the massive windows. Aside from the one they had entered from, Din could see three more of the two story tall doors that seemed to be standard for the building. The one to the left was closed, the one to the right stood open only slightly, and the last, across a large open space from the entrance, was propped wide open. Din could see that through the doors lay a large alter.

A small Oocca greeted the incoming party from behind a small desk set off to the side of the entrance. “Oh! You must be the fighters. We have prepared our best rooms for you. Please, right this way!” The Oocca grabbed several keys in his talons and began to flap his small wings. He flew to the right and through slightly open large door.

He led the party down a hallway and up a large staircase. When they crested the stairs to the fourth floor, Din looked up in awe once again. The ceiling hung high above and several crystal chandeliers hung down. The hallway was very long, the large royal red carpet accentuating its great length. One wall held pictures of what appeared to be royal members of every race. They hung in large ornamental gold frames. The other side of the hall was a balcony that over looked the central room where they had entered the temple.

The Oocca stopped at the first door in the hallway. There he set Rishian, Kate, and Koroko in one room, Toan and Sophia in the next, and finally Din and Rad in a third. The doors to the three rooms were spaced far away each other in the long hall.

Rad thanked the Oocca and opened the door for Din. Their room was just as magnificent as the rest of the temple. The king sized bed sat up on a pedestal and was surrounded by a royal purple canopy. The drape was lined with gold tassels that sparkled in the light coming in the massive window. An ornate dresser and mirror sat opposite the bed in the large room, as well as a couch and a several luxurious chairs. Small chandeliers glistened from the center of the ceiling and strew cascades of light onto the ornate red carpet. Din’s eyebrows rose as Rad followed her through the door and closed it silently.

“Not bad.” Rad said jokingly, looking around the beautiful room. “Guess that is what happens when they think you are the ones to save the land from destruction. You think the Hero of Time got such nice digs?” Rad joked as he moved toward the dresser. He removed his blade from his belt and set it on the top of the dresser lightly. With a stretch he sighed and moved toward the window.

Din watched as he pushed on the pane and it swung outward onto a small balcony, which she had not noticed before. She followed Rad’s action and removed her bow and the heavy chain from around her waist. She laid them on the bed and moved out onto the balcony with him.

Rad was looking down at the streets of the city below. He was scanning the area hard with his eyes.

“Everything okay?” Din looked up at him.

“Oh, yes. But… there is someone… we are here to meet…” Rad was heavy in examination of the crowded square.

“Meet?” Din asked.

“Yes, he is… Oh!” Rad reached over and grabbed Din around the waist. Hugging her tightly to his side he spread his wings and leapt off the balcony.

“Wha!” Din reached out and grabbed him around the neck, holding tightly. “Rad!” She yelled at him with slight annoyance.

He descended quickly to the square and smirked at her surprise. Turning his attention downward to a tall figure walking away form the temple, Rad called out. “Kenji!”

The figure stopped and turned back around at the sound of his name.

Rad landed lightly on the balls of his feet and set Din down beside him.

Din had every intent of giving him heck for surprising her with flight again, but was distracted with the man Rad had called too.

“Man! Rad!” The man was jovial and happy to see Rad. “Nice of you to finally show up! I thought you were going to miss the party and I was going to have to deal with the demon myself.” The man smirked as he walked closer to Rad.

The two clasped hands and pulled each others arms, crushing their hands between their two chests. They reached around each others backs with their free hands and gave each other a solid squeeze.

Din looked at the man. He was slightly taller than Rad and just as broad. His hair was a deep blue and hung shaggy around his ears and over his forehead. His eyes were a brilliant shade of gold with flecks that danced around like treasure sparkles. He was clad in heavy dark armor, which almost matched Rad’s, but was tinted green. A long cape hung from under the shoulder plates of his armor to sweep around the heels of his boots on the metal path. The cape had the markings of the three golden goddess imprinted in gold on the deep blue material, matching his hair.

Rad turned and motioned to Din. “This is Din, Din this is Kenji. We are old friends. We go way back.” Rad’s voice was jovial as well. This was probably one of the better moods she had ever seen him in.

Din smiled and offered her hand to Kenji. The man took it and looked her in the eye. “It is very nice to meet you Din.” He threw a sideways glance and playful smirk at Rad.

“The pleasure is mine Kenji.” Din smiled politely back at him.

“You gotten soft on me Rad over the years?” Kenji jokingly smiled at Rad while looking at Din.

Rad laughed and rolled his eyes. “Not a chance. I could still kick your butt in battle.”

“We’ll see about that!” Kenji launched himself forward and slammed his shoulder into the center of Rad’s breastplate. The impact sent Rad staggering backward and off the edge of the metal path. They began to fall into the sky, plummeting toward earth.

With a shocked and horrified gasp Din ran to the edge and grabbed the wall of the building that backed onto the edge of the city. She looked down and watched in amazement as the large cape on Kenji’s back transformed. It seemed to split down the middle and unfold backward. It grew stiff and took the form of deep blue wings, matching Rad’s black ones. Both men spread their great wings and caught the air.

Rad came rocketing back upward toward the city and hovered five feet above Din over the empty space, looking down as Kenji began his ascent.
Kenji came up and drew his fist back with a smile. He swung using the momentum of his wings. Rad dodged easily and swung back at him.
The two began to laugh, and it became obvious to Din, that this was something they did often. She stood, leaning against the building watching their aerial play fight.

“Good show?” A male voice came from above and behind Din. She turned and looked up to see Rishian squatted on a small ledge, about a story and a half up, that Din would have thought a bird couldn’t have landed on. She smiled up at him. He leapt off the ledge, head first, arms extended. He tucked, rolled and stood to his feet beside Din.

“Careful, hey.” He reached out and gently took one of Din’s arms, pulling her away from the edge of the city and the open sky below.

Din smirked. “Yeah that probably wouldn’t be very good.” She looked over the edge and then back at the Sheikah.

Rishian looked over at the two friends throwing and dodging punches in the sky. His eyes were intent on Kenji and Din watched, as he seemed to stiffen at his sight. Rishian nodded toward them and spoke in a perfectly normal tone, as if they were standing beside him. “Hey Rad, you mind if I borrow the lady for a minute?”

Rad continued to dodge Kenji’s playful attacks and laugh loudly as he grabbed him by the wrists and wrestled with his friend.

Rishian smiled. “I’ll take that as a no.” He turned to Din, who was giggling loudly. “Would you like a tour of the city miss Din?”

Din smiled at him, “Yes I would.”

Rishian once again held out his elbow for her. She slid her hand into the crease and looked up into the sky at Rad and Kenji. She shrugged; he would find her later. Turning, she followed Rishian away from the ledge and toward the center of the market.

The Sheikah led her through the busy streets. She was amazed at how many different races she saw about the city, she had always thought that the City in the Sky was a place where very few people came. Rishian showed her the ports where the pods carried those who could not fly, to and from the city. He took her down to the market square and in and out of some of the shops. He led her down a large path, which was off to the side from the rest of the city. The path branched off several times allowing for access to all the residences floating between the pathways. Finally, he walked her down a long pathway that seemed to lead to nowhere. It had stretched off from one of the quieter streets at the rear of the city. The path was covered in heavy clouds, making Din uneasy about the wind gusts. She squeezed onto Rishian’s arm tighter, now much more aware of the altitude of which they were at.

The Sheikah walked her forward and through the thick clouds. “Last thing I thought you might want to see.”

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
The Sheikah walked her forward and through the thick clouds. “Last thing I thought you might want to see.”

Rad and Kenji had landed on the platform after their duel and had begun looking for Din. Rad had become worried that Din may have fallen or gotten into trouble.

“Let’s go ask if anyone saw her.” Rad hurried back into the temple.

Kenji followed easily, still smiling playfully, “I’m sure she just went for a walk, or back to your room to have a nap, maybe to the shops to buy some souvenirs, to the kitchen to get something to eat, or maybe to write a letter home to tell her family about all this.” Kenji was just rambling now and Rad was beginning to snicker at his friend.

“Speaking of letters, you have horrible timing. You really call this urgent?” Rad pulled out apiece of paper from under his armor and shook it at Kenji.

Kenji shrugged. “It’s faster ain’t it? And plus, I didn’t want you to be rushing yourself to get here when Len still hasn’t even gotten back to me yet!”

Rad laughed, “Yes, but hauling me out of bed was not so…well.”

Kenji began to laugh extremely hard and Rad turned and punched him in the shoulder. Shaking his head Rad walked up to the desk where the Oocca who had showed them to their rooms was shuffling paper.

“Excuse me, did you see where the red-headed lady went off to?”

The Oocca looked up at Rad and smiled a friendly smile, “Yes, she and the Sheikah went on a tour of the city, I believe.”

Rad’s worry for Din’s safety disappeared, but another emotion he could not name took its place. “Ah, thank-you.” As Rad turned back around to where Kenji was rubbing his shoulder he thought about what to do.

Kenji smiled at his friend, “If she’s with a Sheikah she is fine!” Then Kenji’s face fell slightly into a confused expression. “Wait, you are traveling with a Sheikah? Where in goddesses’ heaven did you find a Sheikah lease days? The royal family hasn’t had protectors other than their guards since the Evil King was destroyed by the Hero of Time”

Rad nodded, “I know. But the Kokiri knew where he would be, and he has been a lot of help to us, he is quite knowledgeable.”

Kenji’s expression grew serious and he fell deep into thought about what Rad had just told him. Rad looked his friend up and down aware of the change in him. “Everything okay Kenji?”

Kenji nodded, “I think so, but I should really try to get Len to answer again.”

Rad nodded and moved aside. Kenji walked past Rad and gave him a playful elbow goodbye as he walked through the large open doors toward the large alter.

As Rishian and Din moved along the metal pathway Din could see three towers forming out of the clouds. As they moved forward, the clouds dissipated completely and Din could see that the three towers were equipped with long-range projectiles and other sorts of weaponry. The tower in the middle held a giant spyglass. Rishian lead her to the base of the middle tower and motioned her up the ladder. She stepped out onto a circular platform, once atop the ladder, covered with a canopy roof.

Rishian followed her up the ladder and motioned straightforward out into the open sky. “Can you see that?” He leant in and pointed, looking down the length of his arm.

Din looked hard and could see, many miles away, another of the floating buildings. It stood all on it’s own, and appeared to be quite large, but Din could not be certain form this distance. “Yes.”

Rishian motioned to the spyglass. “That is the chamber that holds the demon of courage.”

Din’s eyebrows went up and she immediately understood why he had brought her out here. She bent her head and looked through the glass. With its assistance, Din could see much more of the chamber. It was made of stone and had none of the colors painted on it, as the rest of the city, yet, it was colorful. There were Sheikah symbols carved into the stone, more than fifty of them. Each was glowing with the magical seal that they possessed. The seals were red, green, yellow, purple, teal, and dark blue. Each seal of a similar color was connected with a line of a matching color. The crisscrossed lines created a colorful cage over the surface of the stone and encased the building in its entirety.

(Chapter continues)


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Alright I've gotten a gander at these chapters and noticed that there are some good attention to scenery written here. You describe the City of the Sky perfectly to the Twilight version, though I fear you may be too close. Also when I compare this chapter to earlier situations, we see how Rad has evolved from his gloomier state. He is willing to do battle in his Dragir form and recklessly lets Din get out of his sight when before he was mostly a shadow man who did nothing.

Overall, great chapter and I hope to see more.

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Alright I've gotten a gander at these chapters and noticed that there are some good attention to scenery written here. You describe the City of the Sky perfectly to the Twilight version, though I fear you may be too close. Also when I compare this chapter to earlier situations, we see how Rad has evolved from his gloomier state. He is willing to do battle in his Dragir form and recklessly lets Din get out of his sight when before he was mostly a shadow man who did nothing.

Overall, great chapter and I hope to see more.

Yes, I have tried to be a true as I can to the Twilight Princess map, without sacrificing anything in my work. I believe when you have a look at the rest of this chapter you will see my own creations of locations.

Character is something I strive to continuously improve. Each character has their own motivations, past, and choices to make.

I appreciate all the feedback Charge.

Din’s eyebrows went up and she immediately understood why he had brought her out here. She bent her head and looked through the glass. With its assistance, Din could see much more of the chamber. It was made of stone and had none of the colors painted on it, as the rest of the city, yet, it was colorful. There were Sheikah symbols carved into the stone, more than fifty of them. Each was glowing with the magical seal that they possessed. The seals were red, green, yellow, purple, teal, and dark blue. Each seal of a similar color was connected with a line of a matching color. The crisscrossed lines created a colorful cage over the surface of the stone and encased the building in its entirety.

“Wow, those are the symbols of your race.” Din noted.

“Yes, when connected with Sheikah blood they create a seal that takes great strength and magic to break. That many ensure the demons containment.” Rishian nodded.

Din pulled her face back from the glass and looked at Rishian. His eye smiled at her and he offered his elbow once again. The two began to walk back along the path to the main portion of the city. As they walked, Din looked around her and thought about all that he had showed her and her thoughts came back to one place in particular they hadn’t been.

“Will you show me what that alter is inside the temple?” Din smiled at him.

Rishian’s eyebrow dropped. “No. I-- I can’t. But I’m sure if you asked Rad’s friend Kenji about it, he could show you. He would also be able to tell you about it, which I could not seeing as…” Rishian’s voice trailed off as he realized he was speaking out loud.

“What?” Din looked at him; knowing there was more.

“I can’t enter alters to the goddesses.”

“Why not?” Din did not sound interested rather she was concerned something was wrong.

Rishian looked at her, he couldn’t believe he had just said that to her. He was too open with her; he had let his guard down. They had reached the doors of the temple once again and Rishian grabbed hold of the massive door and opened it for Din. She walked through the door then turned around to stare at him with concern when he did not follow her through.

Rishian nodded toward the interior of the temple, “You should go ask Kenji for that tour, we can talk later. There is something I have to run and get quick.” Rishian let go of the door before Din could protest. With a deep breath Rishian leaned against the closed door for a minute, the bright sun beating against his face. After a moment to collect himself he push off the door and headed across the square toward one of the little shops that he had taken Din into, just moments before.

Inside, Din stared at the closed door for a minute. She shook her head. She knew Rishian was tied to so many secrets, and that he was having trouble opening up, but she wanted him too. She took a breath and turned around to see the empty temple. Looking toward the alter doors she could see Kenji inside. Thinking it a good opportunity, she jogged toward the doors, the heels of her boots clanking against the stone floor. She slowed when she reached the doors and took a single step into the room. The room was absolutely massive, easily bigger than the lobby of the temple. The room was rectangular, stretching away from the door with great length. There were four ornate stone observation benches on each side of the room right close to the door. The benches did not extended even a quarter of the way to the front of the room. A long royal carpet stretched from the door to the end of the room where the alter stood. The carpet was the three royal colors of the goddesses, arranged in the correct order: blue, red, and green from left to right. At the end of the carpet were four great steps to a higher platform. Atop the rise was rail, stretching from one wall to the other, lined with thousands of candles. The candles all burned a natural orange, but the wax of the candles were colored for each of the three goddesses. Behind the rail stood an offering basin that was easily twelve feet across. But the most impressive feature of the alter were the three statues behind the basin. The one on the right was carved out of solid emerald. The goddess Farore, holding both her hands over her heart, leant backward, with a bevel in her leg. The middle statue was made from ruby. The goddess Din, holding both arms extended down and forward in fists. The third, the goddess Naryu, carved from solid sapphire, she held one hand over her forehead and the other trailing out behind her. The three figures were up on pedestals; Din slightly taller to arrange the three in the shape of the triforce. The roof overtop of the statues and basin was open to the sky; the rest of the roof, composed of stain glass windows, throwing more red, green, and blue light onto the floor and walls of the room.

With surprise at the beauty Din took the step back out of the room; she had never seen anything more brilliant. She could feel a completely different atmosphere from the room and was not sure what it was, but she knew this was a place of great respect. Din could see Kenji standing at the base of the stairs pacing back and forth between the two outer walls of the room. She felt a sense of unease, and did not feel she should simply enter the alter. She began to turn, to leave, when Kenji looked up and noticed her.

“Din, please come in.” He smiled and waved at her.

Din looked at him, and with a nod and a small smile she started down the carpet toward the front of the room. “I’m sorry to interrupt, I was just hoping for a tour…”

“You are not interrupting at all, in fact, I’m waiting.”

Din nodded, not understanding what he meant by that. “Okay. I was told that you were the person to see to have a tour here.” She smiled at him.
He reached out as she came nearer and placed his hand on her shoulder with a friendly smile. “Did you now? Well, then I guess it is a good thing I’m already here. Welcome to the temple of the goddesses. This is a place where people of all races come to pray to their creators, ask for guidance, or simply be in their presence. Some beings use this place to contact the goddesses or their messengers, and other use it as a place to sit or play; just to be here.”

Din looked at Kenji, “Is that why you are waiting?”

He smiled at her and led her forward to stand at the base of the stairs. “Yes, I am waiting for an answer.”

Looking up from this spot, Din could see just how large the statues of the goddesses were, easily sixteen feet tall. “An answer?” She asked him.

“I am one of the beings that can communicate with those that can come a go between worlds. I have a friend who is a right hand messenger for the goddesses and I have been trying to contact him about all this ‘demon release’ business.” Kenji laughed a little.

Din smiled at him, he was so friendly, “I see. Well that is quite the talent.”

“I have battle magic as well. I can create weapons of ice and flame.”

Din jumped away from his hand at the comment of ice. She gave him a sheepish smile as he considered her reaction. “I’m sorry. Water magic effects me greatly. It is my weakness…”

Kenji replaced his hand, “I won’t hurt you. It isn’t in my being, I have to call it forward.” Din nodded and relaxed. Kenji continued, “So you are of fire magic then?”

“Yes” She smiled proudly at him. She was starting to like the fact that others could know about her abilities and not recoil with anger or fear. She giggled to herself; she should have started spending time with beings such as these long ago. “So, does your friend know what is going on?”

Kenji nodded, “Yes, Len is an arc angel and watches the land of Hyrule. He reports to the goddesses, so you could say.”

Din nodded in understanding. Kenji moved, and pointed her at the different pieces of the alter. He explained how each race played a part in the construction of the alter and the history of the magic used within it. Part way through his story the candles underneath Naryu flared brightly and turned a brilliant blue.

“Oh, Din, I’m sorry, but you will have to excuse me, messages have arrived.” Kenji placed his hand on the center of her back and he led her part way down the carpet toward the door.

“Oh, absolutely.” Din jogged a couple steps away and looked back over her shoulder with a friendly smile and wave. “Thank-you for the tour Kenji.”

“Anytime Din.” He smiled back at her, and hurried up the stairs of the alter to the basin. Din left the alter and headed for the door of the temple, her mind focused on finding Rishian. She was still overly curious about his reaction to the alter.

Kenji held up both his hands and a ball of fire appeared in one and a crystal of ice appeared in the other. He threw the pieces of magic into the basin and stirred them together with his hands. Backing away, he looked up at the open roof and called. “Len, I wish to speak with you!” The blue candles flared brighter and Kenji held both palms out relaxed in front of him. Closing his eyes, he waited.

Suddenly a furious gust of wind came through the roof of the temple. Both doors to the lobby slammed shut and locked tightly. A small smiled appeared on Kenji’s lips, but he did not move or open his eyes. A blinding white light shot through the entire room and very slowly faded, the source from the base of Naryu’s statue. A figure appeared sitting on the pedestal under the statue’s feet. The male figure was dressed in long flowing white robes that sparkled in the sunlight. His white hair reached all the wall down his back to tickle the backs of his knees. It was tied together into one piece at his waist. The figure stood and walked forward to the rail of candles between himself and Kenji, his bare feet making no sound on the stone floor. He was slightly shorter than Kenji but was very bit as broad. The man had an aura of power, prestige, and kindness about him.

“Hello my friend.” Kenji’s voice came out in a whisper without opening his eyes.

“Hello Kenji.” The man spoke. He leaned on the rail of candles in a very relaxed stance.

Kenji lowered his hands and opened his eyes slowly, looking at the man. “Len, I have much to ask you.”

The angel shook his head, “No Kenji, there is much I need to tell you first. You do not know what is going on underneath your own nose.”

Kenji’s brow furrowed and he nodded for Len to begin.

Din had opened the door of the temple to something she had never seen before. The sun had begun to set and the sky had begun to turn orange and darker blue. Being this high in the sky, the colors surrounded the city, rather than simply being above it. She paused and looked at the new surroundings for a moment, then set off down the stairs of the temple. Din moved through the majority of the square looking for her friend, but she could not find him. He had disappeared. She shook her head, remembering the old words: ‘you will never find a Shiekah that is hiding from you.’
(Chapter Continues)

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
(One paragraph of overlap to maintain flow.)

Din had opened the door of the temple to something she had never seen before. The sun had begun to set and the sky had begun to turn orange and darker blue. Being this high in the sky, the colors surrounded the city, rather than simply being above it. She paused and looked at the new surroundings for a moment, then set off down the stairs of the temple. Din moved through the majority of the square looking for her friend, but she could not find him. He had disappeared. She shook her head, remembering the old words: ‘you will never find a Shiekah that is hiding from you.’
Just then, a pair of arms grabbed her from behind. Out of instinct Din pulled one of her daggers and swung. The person who grabbed her ducked and avoided her attack. Din pulled the other dagger and wretch out of the person’s hold. She spun and slammed him against the wall closest to them, the first dagger at his throat.

Rishian held both hands up in surrender. “Whoa, whoa! It’s me!” He was surprised at her reaction.

Din blinked at him a couple times and swiftly pulled her daggers away. “Don’t do that to me!” She breathed out held in air. “I’m sorry.” She replaced the daggers and backed off.

Rishian laughed. “No, it’s okay, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you.” He looked at her for a moment then reach up under the wrappings over his chest. He pulled out a small object. “I got you something.”

Din was a little surprised. “What? Why?”

Rishian giggled a little, “Because I think it suits the situation.” He held it out to her.

Din reached a hand out and Rishian dropped a locket into her palm. She looked at it closely. A silver chain held the locket tightly. The pendent, also silver, shone brightly in the fading sunlight. The locket had engravings of three symbols on it, only one of which Din recognized. The Sheikah symbol was arranged to the lower left of the other two. Din looked at the one on the top of the arrangement and then to the lower right; neither had she ever seen before. The locket was beautiful none the less. Din looked up a Rishian. “Thank-you, it’s beautiful.” Her words were genuine.
Rishian nodded. He reached into her hand and took it from her. Moving to behind her he placed it around her neck. Din lifted her hair and let the locket fall to rest on her chest.

As they smiled at each other a large wind gust hit the city. Din and Rishian ducked and shielded their faces with their hands. Rishian pushed Din toward the door of the temple and they ran up the couple steps. Din hauled the door aside and they slipped through out of the wind.

After a couple giggles Rishian looked at the shut doors of the alter, “How was your tour?”

“Good.” Din thought the opportunity was perfect. “Rish, why can’t you go in the alter?”

The Sheikah shook his head, “Din, it’s nothing don’t…” Rishian’s words trialed off as they walked into the large inner room of the temple.

Rad was on the fourth floor leaning on the balcony rail, watching them as they had come through the door. Kenji threw open the doors of the alter and stormed into the lobby with a very angry look on his face.

Kenji did not notice Din and Rishian, he simply looked up to Rad and growled, “That Shiekah has some dam nerve!”

Rishian’s head lowered with a deep sigh and shook form side to side. Din looked at Kenji, confused, then back to Rishian to see his reaction. “What?”

Kenji turned to see the two in the center of the room at the sound of Din’s voice. His brows furrowed and he stormed across the space between them. Kenji grabbed Din by the arms and hauled her away from Rishian. “You! You have no place here!” He yelled at Rishian.

Rishian recoiled slightly from Kenji’s words, but did not move. His eye tightened into a defensive look. “Not here Kenji.”

“Do not tell me what I will or won’t do, traitor!” Kenji moved closer to Rishian, his fists clenched.

Din grabbed Kenji’s arm, “Kenji! What are you talking about? Rish is our friend!”

“Friend! Ha! You should stay away from this one Din if you have any sense.” Kenji’s anger was building.

Rad saw what was transpiring below in the center of the lobby. He placed one hand on the balcony rail and vaulted himself over. Opening his wings, he dropped down across from Din, partly between Rishian and Kenji. Rad faced his old friend. “Kenji, calm down”

Kenji’s glare turned to Rad, “I won’t calm down when we are all in danger and he puts us there!” Kenji pointed at Rishian. Kenji moved past Rad toward the Sheikah with one arm draw back. “Get out!”

Rad moved and grabbed Kenji by both shoulders. “What are you talking about? Rishian has helped us this whole time.”

Kenji glared at Rad, “Think about it Rad! Why doesn’t he serve the royals anymore?” Kenji’s eyes darted to Din and his angry tone continued on, “Why couldn’t he show you the alter?” Kenji turned back to Rad, “Because he is tainted!” The sentence came out in a yell.

Rad’s facial expression changed from confusion to shock. Very slowly he turned to look over his shoulder at Rishian, without letting go of Kenji’s shoulders. The Sheikah looked down slightly, and Rad knew then that it was true, all the pieces fell together in Rad’s mind.

“What does that mean?” Din complained.

Kenji shook Rad’s hands from his shoulders and moved past him to stand directly in front of Rishian. He starred him down but spoke to Din. “It means he made a deal with a demon and has lost everything worth while.” His words were a growl. “You should have guessed it the first time you saw this, Rad.” Kenji planted a finger in the center of Rishian’s unmarked chest. “He can’t even bare the symbol. He is a traitor not only to his own race, but ever innocent being in the land!”

Rishian was trying to contain himself, keeping quiet. He struggled hard with himself, but could no longer contain his words. “Know all before you speak!” Rishian grabbed the wrappings on his left shoulder and ripped them out of the way. He pulled the leather underlay back and turned to show his bicep to the others. Imprinted in his skin was the Sheikah symbol in dark black ink. “I will bare the symbol until I die! I am a Sheikah first and will always be so! I can still perform all actions of any worthy to be called Sheikah! I may have made a deal, but the intentions were true and therefore I will always be true to what is right!” Rishian’s voice rose throughout his words.

Kenji glared back at him, “It does not matter your intentions! You made a deal with Ark Mantrios and now cannot walk on holy ground.” Kenji threw his arm back toward the alter doors. “It is because of you this whole disaster is happening!”

“I did what I could to prevent it once I realized my mistake! Why else do you think I would risk my seal!” Rishian held up his left hand to show the tips of his thumb and forefinger glowing a faint teal color. “I sealed him to keep him a bay while we could rally all the help we could!”

Rad cut through with shock of his own. “You risked your seal on the demon of courage by creating another one?”

Rishian turned to him. “I couldn’t let him run wild while Din was unable to help you!”

“It matters not what you did now! You arranged for Ark’s restraints to be easy enough for him to escape from Arbiter Grounds should he get the opportunity, in exchange for your own life being extended!” Kenji yelled back at Rishian.

Rishian’s anger grew. “That was secondary! The survival of the Sheikah race was number one! And you tell me how that would have happened if any of the demons would have ever broken free!”

“None of them! If you had had Ark’s restraints as harsh as the others!” Kenji’s furry exploded from him.

“Hazel was dam close, even without Ark’s help Kenji.” Rad’s growl came low.

“Don’t you dare defend him!” Kenji snarled at Rad.

Toan, Sophia, Kate, and Koroko appeared from one room on the fourth floor. They could hear the argument and had come to investigate. Kate had a strange look on her face, and Sophia appeared to be comforting her to some extent. The four walked to the edge of the balcony and saw Din, Kenji, Rad, and Rishian in the center of the lobby, engaged in their fight.

“Wait, extended life?” Rad glared at Rishian. “Why in goddesses sakes would you want that!”

“What I want is to prevent the destruction of our land!” Rishian retaliated.

“How can you even say that with what you did! Making deals with demons is the most selfish thing you can do!”

“Kenji! That was a over fifty years ago! He has been nothing but helpful to us now.” Rad was trying to reason with his friend and himself.

“The deal was for the Sheikah to survive to protect the royal family should evil ever rise again!” Rishian snarled back at Kenji.

“You might as well have brought the evil back yourself!” Kenji yelled.

“Why did you help us then!?” Rad protested. “If you knew your race would survive?”

“Because it was the right thing to do!” Rishian moved toward them with his harsh words.

“So now you are noble?” Kenji’s sarcasm was filled with anger.

“Drop the attitude Kenji!” Rad rolled his eyes and hollered.

“Excuse me? Whose side are you on?”

“The side that wants to protect Hyrule!”

“Really? ‘Cause I’d say you are defending a traitor!”

“I’m not a traitor! I have dedicated my life to protecting Hyrule!”

“Yeah, your extended life!”

“BOYS!” Din screamed and pushed her way into the center of the circle they had created. She held up both hands, moving them all away from each other. The three stopped yelling but none of them dropped their glared expressions.

Din’s angry expression drought all of theirs to shame and she gave it to each of them. “You are acting like children! The past is the past! It cannot be changed. We need to work toward the common goal we all have! This means, keeping the demon contained and bring Ark down, to ensure survival of all the races of Hyrule. Fighting accomplishes nothing! Fighting each other makes this situation worse, not better. We are only strong when we stand together.” Her tone and grown more calm and held a motherly component to it. She looked between them all. All three’s expressions had fallen and they were looking downward, taking all she said. “Now, if we are all to survive this, we need to put our differences aside and move forward.” The three men looked between each other.

Rishian nodded slowly. “She’s right.”

Kenji took a deep breath and looked up and to the right seeing the others on the balcony.

Rad let out a breath he hadn’t noticed he was holding. “She is right.”

Kenji looked back at Din and then at Rishian. “I’m sorry. I let my anger get the better of me.” He paused and looked Rishian in the eye. “I have heard great things about you as well as those I accused you of.” Kenji’s voice was quiet and low.

Rishian looked back at him, realizing that he too lost control. “We are both guilty of that.” With a nod Rishian accepted the apology.

A content expression came over Din’s face. “Okay, now it would do us all some good to go to bed and let the emotions calm down. Tomorrow we can discuss and work things out.”

All three nodded and Rad spoke, “I think that would be a good idea.”

As the four turned to head through the door and up the stairs to their room, Rishian hissed in a quick and pained breath. He shook his left hand hard and cringed slightly.

Whipping around the others showed concern and Din reached out to him. “Rish! Are you okay?”

Rishian lifted his left hand and looked at his fingers. They all watched as the glowing teal color on his forefinger dimmed and disappeared completely. Rishian looked up at the rest of them quickly. “Ark broke the seal.”

Rad and Kenji stiffened and the four looked back and forth at each other.

Rishian shook his head and jumped into action. “We do have some time. Ark will have to wait; he will be weak from breaking the seal. Kenji, you should tell your messenger, prepare for battle with Ark. Rad, go send reinforcements out to the chamber of the demon of courage. Din, go get the others and tell them to prepare their weapons for a battle; probably in the morning. There should be armor around that we can borrow too. I’ll go tell the people of the city to buckle down.”

Kenji looked up at Rishian; guilt had started to take form in him. “Sheikah.” Rishian looked back toward him. “Truly, I apologize.” Kenji offered his hand.

The Sheikah considered it for a minute and then decided it better to make friends than enemies. He took his hand and shook it.

Everyone began to scatter. Din ran up the stairs to tell the others, they had heard Rishian and had all set to work right away. People moved in every direction as the word spread. All was being done to prepare the city and the fighters for Ark’s arrival and prevent the demon of courage from being released.

(End Chapter)
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Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Well I found this chapter to be pretty good though I felt as if it was lacking a bit of the intensity that you'd normally expect from a conflict. Some of the words used in the details didn't strike enough as "hatred." I however did think that your details of the environment were very good as usual.

I also liked how you slowed down the chapters a bit for some filler details, giving your chapters a feeling of realism in them.

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Well I found this chapter to be pretty good though I felt as if it was lacking a bit of the intensity that you'd normally expect from a conflict. Some of the words used in the details didn't strike enough as "hatred." I however did think that your details of the environment were very good as usual.

I also liked how you slowed down the chapters a bit for some filler details, giving your chapters a feeling of realism in them.

Once again, thank-you for the feedback Charge.
I didn't intend for the fight to have hatred within it, just anger, and betrayl. I'm glad it didn't come across as hatred, but I will take this in to consideration for the second draft and maybe pump up the intensity a little.
Chapter 11 – Fighters

Night had fully set over the City in the Sky. The stars had begun to twinkle, and the moon shone brightly down on the metal and stone city. The white light painted the city with an eerie and ghostly mood.

Rishian stood on the center watchtower, looking out toward the chamber of the demon of courage. The Sheikah stood with his arms crossed. He was deep in though, but watching as the Oocca set up extra guards of every race and established fast track communications with the temple.
“Hey.” A male voice came from behind him.

Rishian turned to see Rad stepping up onto the top of watchtower and crossing the space to stand beside him.

“Hey” Rishian replied quietly as he turned his attention back to the glowing seals on the chamber.

“We seem to be in good shape?” Rad asked him.

Rishian nodded once. “Until the greatest demon ever created shows up…” There was doubt and anger in Rishian’s voice.

Rad crossed his arms over his chest as well and the two men stood beside each other, staring out into the night sky at the chamber.

Rad’s presence caused Rishian’s mind to wander. His thoughts began to flow from the demon and the coming battle to the people he had met in the last couple weeks and the choices he had made. His mind thought about the past and how it was affecting them all now. Rishian looked out the corner of his eye at Rad. He was still focused on the chamber, but Rishian knew his mind had probably wandered off as well.

On the contrary, Rad’s mind was very focused. He stared blatantly at the chamber. He was running through his mind looking for everything he knew about the demon. He knew the beast form was one of the most terrifying beings a person could ever see, let alone battle, though he had never seen it himself. He knew the demon could fly, that is why they imprisoned him in the sky. Rad continued to think hard, to remember if there was anything else he had heard throughout his travels.

The two men stood in silence for a long time and finally Rishian couldn’t contain his thoughts any longer. “Rad, does she know yet?” His words came out quite sternly.

Rad snapped back to attention. He turned his head and looked at Rishian, whose gaze had not moved from the glowing seals. Rad blinked as he tried to understand the question. “What?”

Rishian looked sharply at Rad and his eye narrowed into an almost threatening stare. “She deserves to know, and know the whole story. She is the only one up here that doesn’t.”

Rad dropped his chin slightly and his expression hardened. “She is happy Rishian.”

A snort escaped him. “So ignorance is bliss? Even when it means not knowing who or what you are for your entire life?” Rishian’s voice held heaps of sarcasm.

Rad sighed to himself, “Why try and fix something that isn’t broken?” Rad was grasping at straws. He had avoided telling her for this long, he didn’t think he needed to tell her now.

Rishian turned to face him fully. “Because she has a right to know who she is and where she came from. And it would be best if she could hear it from you. You can’t honestly believe she won’t figure it out. With Toan and Sophia here she may find out the truth any second. How do you think she will feel if she hears it from one of them?”

Rad felt like he was being reprimanded by a parent, but he knew Rishian was right. Rad nodded slightly then looked back out toward the demon’s chamber.

The Sheikah’s eye tightened. “Rad, if you don’t tell her, I will.” The words were as much a threat as they were a promise.
Rad shook his head slightly and he turned around to leave. As he did, Kenji came up the ladder to the platform as well, his cape dragging on the metal behind him.

“Hey.” Kenji said to his friend with a happy smile.

Rad gave him a half-hearted smirk and leapt off the edge of the watchtower, diving into the night sky underneath the city.

Kenji looked back over his shoulder and watched Rad’s wings spread as he left the tower. He turned to look at Rishian’s back. Walking up beside him, to where Rad had been standing, Kenji gave the Sheikah a questioning look. “Is he really that worried about all this?”

Rishian did not look back, “Got a lot on his mind.”

Kenji nodded slowly, not fully understanding the reply. “I think we can do this. We are ready for when Ark shows up. We will stop him before he even makes it to Mas Yheta’s chamber.” Kenji flicked a hand in the direction of the demon of courage’s containment.

Rishian didn’t respond. Kenji’s presence caused his mind to now wander in a different direction. He looked sideways at Kenji, to see him staring off toward the chamber. The glowing seals pinpointed its location in the night sky. Rishian’s questions got the better of him and he broke the silence. “So you seem to know all about me. All I know of you is what I have been told throughout my life.” Rishian turned his head and looked at him. “Some call you ‘guardian’, others ‘messenger’, I’ve even heard ‘divine’. But I know better than that…” Rishian shook his head. “So what are you?” There was an edge to Rishian’s voice.

Kenji looked at him and smirked. “You’ve heard a lot. What I am has very little to do with what I do.”

Rishian frowned behind the wrappings.

“The truth is Sheikah, that I am Hylain.” Kenji responded calmly.

Rishian snorted and shook his head. “Yet you have been around longer than me and haven’t aged a day. Len give you eternal life as well?” Rishian was getting annoyed with him.

Kenji smiled. “Well, if you had let me finish. I’m one quarter Dragir, and as a result have the lifespan of one.” Kenji’s voice dropped. “That is part of the reason I made my wings appear the way they do.” The sentence came out under his breath.

Rishian nodded slowly. He thought the explanation made sense, but he didn’t know whether or not to trust it. “I see.”

Kenji rolled his eyes. “Sheikahs…always so defensive.”

“We have learned to be over the years.”

“Well, Rishian. You don’t have to be defensive with me.” Kenji smiled at Rishian, a friendly smile.

Rishian was tired of the visitors. He nodded to Kenji and leapt up, grabbing the edge of the roof of the watchtower. He wrapped the shadows tightly around him, and knew that he had disappeared from sight completely. He swung his legs up and flipped over the edge of the roof, landing in a squat on the metal grating. Rocking back on his heels he sat on the roof. Relaxing he let one leg slide out and hang off the edge and kept the other bent, his elbow resting on his knee. He took a deep breath and let out a small sigh. He knew he was agitated because of the events of the day and he tried to calm himself. He looked back over his shoulder toward the main buildings of the city. He could see the balconies of the living quarters on the temple. A small orange light burned in Din’s room, illuminating the edges of the balcony in the night sky. A black figure swept up the side of the building and landed lightly on the rail. Rad stepped down and entered the room, folding his wings as he walked through the opening. Rishian turned back and looked hard at the glowing seals on the chamber. Once again his thoughts consumed him.

(Chapter Continues)

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
Nice work, Din. Don't tell Atsuma but I think you are the best writer here on ZD. I think this story could go as a published book, if you got the rights from nintendo. ;):);):);):);):)

lol, careful, you might get yourself into trouble saying that! :lol:
I appreciate the comment and the feedback OW. NAd I'm glad you are enjoying the story. :)
(One paragraph overlap.)

Rishian was tired of the visitors. He nodded to Kenji and leapt up, grabbing the edge of the roof of the watchtower. He wrapped the shadows tightly around him, and knew that he had disappeared from sight completely. He swung his legs up and flipped over the edge of the roof, landing in a squat on the metal grating. Rocking back on his heels he sat on the roof. Relaxing he let one leg slide out and hang off the edge and kept the other bent, his elbow resting on his knee. He took a deep breath and let out a small sigh. He knew he was agitated because of the events of the day and he tried to calm himself. He looked back over his shoulder toward the main buildings of the city. He could see the balconies of the living quarters on the temple. A small orange light burned in Din’s room, illuminating the edges of the balcony in the night sky. A black figure swept up the side of the building and landed lightly on the rail. Rad stepped down and entered the room, folding his wings as he walked through the opening. Rishian turned back and looked hard at the glowing seals on the chamber, his eyebrow narrowing. Once again his thoughts consumed him.

“It is beautiful, Din.” Kate giggled excitedly. “The trunk is living and actually growing in that arch shape. They cleared the trees around the immediate area and set torches up. They have two ornate daggers placed in front where you had put your knives into her paws and everything!” The young brunette was almost bouncing beside Din on the large bed as she told her about the monument now set up in the place where the demon of power had been defeated.

“Sounds beautiful!” Din had been listening closely. She was interested in the story her long time friend was sharing. Din’s fire red hair shimmered in the candlelight that illuminated the room. She had tucked Rishian’s locket inside her tunic and could feel it against her skin.

“Oh it is. They had a ceremony there too already. One of the Kokiri boys is working on making a stone carving of our names to place under the archway too.” Kate beamed at Din as she shared her news. “The death of Hazel Nightingale will go down and history!”

Din smiled back at her friend. The two girls had been catching up for the past couple hours. They had been in the city together for the whole day and still not had a chance to talk. Din had been with Rishian and Kenji for the day and Kate with Koroko, Toan and Sophia.

Kate’s expression grew more serious, but remained friendly. “Din, can I ask you a question?”

Din looked at her quickly, her expression falling to a soft and curious one. “Of course!”

Kate looked around the room and stuttered a little. “Have…have you talked much with Toan and Sophia?”

Din paused. That was not the question she had been expecting. “No. Why?”

“Well…they…know a lot.” Kate seemed to be struggling with herself and looked down and the bed rather than at her friend.

Din reached over and put her hand on Kate’s knee. “Hey, it’s okay. You can tell me.” Din’s voice was quiet and friendly. She was growing concerned for her friend.

Kate looked up at her and swallowed, she was searching for words.

Just then, the two heard a small noise from the balcony and both turned toward the open glass doors. Din looked through the long curtain, blowing in the night air. She watched as Rad stepped slowly into view. He looked up at them; his expression was somber. He leant against the doorframe and crossed his arms lightly over his chest, dropping his gaze to the floor.

Din and Kate looked at him for a moment. Kate’s expression held confusion and Din’s was concern. Rad did not move.

Kate turned back to Din. She quickly gathered herself and slid off the bed to stand. “It can wait. I will see you guys tomorrow!” Her happy voice echoed slightly off the stone walls and she scampered along the royal carpet and through the door back into the hallway. The door clicked lightly behind her.

Din watched her go and then turned back to Rad, who had still not moved an inch. Din pushed her concern for Kate aside and rolled over her knee, standing as well. She walked very slowly toward him. “Rad?” Once she reached his side she slowly lifted one hand and traced the back of her forefinger across his cheek. “What’s wrong?”

Rad looked her deep in the eyes, his thoughts racing, Rishian’s words echoing loudly in his head and his heart beating at an alarming rate. He took a deep breath and searched frantically for a way to approach what he needed to tell her. The man looked deep into her red-brown eyes, searching for some semblance of an answer. How could he tell her all he knew of her past when it would only hurt her? Moreover, how could he tell her all he had done when he knew she would be horrified and probably never forgive him? Rad’s mind was running out of control and he knew it showed on his face.

Din looked hard into his confused and saddened eyes. “Rad…is everything okay?”

Rad nodded slowly and dropped his gaze once again. His eyes landed on a shining piece of jewelry on his hand. His eyes widened as his thoughts drifted in an entirely new direction. His gaze moved up from his hand to look at her. “Din, I need to tell you something.”

Din nodded an encouragement.

Rad unfolded his arms and slid a silver ring off his middle finger. He held it up in between them. “I want you to have this. There are not many Dragir left in Hyrule, but all Dragir are loyal to each other, we are all kin. If you show this ring to any Dragir, you will be taken in and treated as family.” Rad held the ring out to her.

Din was slightly taken aback. “Wha…why would I need that?”

Rad shook his head. “Battle is unpredictable and…I...I can’t always guarantee that I will be…” His voice trailed off. “Din, I need to know that you will be safe and taken care of. Please.” He pushed the ring closer to her in the space between them.

Din looked him in the eyes for a moment and then dropped her gaze to the piece of silver jewelry. She slowly reached up and took it out of his fingertips. She slid it into place on the forefinger of her right hand. She looked at it briefly then turned back to see his expression.

Rad had softened slightly, but had not relaxed completely. The real reason he had come to speak to her hadn’t come out and--

“Come on. It’s late.” Din’s voice broke through his thoughts. She took his fingers loosely in hers and led him toward the bed.

Rad let out a breath he wasn’t aware he had been holding. Maybe that was a good idea. Dealing with things in the morning would bring a fresh start and a fresh mind to the whole situation, she was right. Rad knew he was simply putting off the inevitable, but he didn’t want to hit her with it tonight. The day had been filled with enough drama. The two crawled into bed and settled in for the night.

Din looked at Rad lying next to her, his eyes closed and his breathing beginning to slow. “Rad?”

The man opened his eyes and looked back at her, a questioned look no his face.

“You said there are not many more Dragir in Hyrule. Why?” Din’s question was quiet.

Rad took a deep breath and a small sigh came from his throat. He rolled to his back and stared up at the chandelier hanging above them. “It’s a long story Din.”

The girl did not respond; she simply waited. She knew he would continue.

“My home was called Dragiria. It was attacked and destroyed several years ago in battle” There was pain mounting in his voice, but he suppressed it quickly with a deep breath. “Not very many survived.”

Din looked at him with slightly shocked and concerned eyes. “I’m so sorry Rad.” The words came out in a gentle whisper.

Rad was quiet for a moment, but then continued. “Most of us scattered throughout Hyrule, not really knowing what to do or where to go. We had all seen so much and most of us were still young, only a couple thousand years--”

Din made a small surprised and confused sound.

Rad looked at her quickly and gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I know I haven’t told you much about the Dragir race. Our lifespans are very long. We live to about 18, 000 years old.”

Din’s eyebrows went up as she processed this information. “Wow…I had no idea...” She paused and looked at him. “How old are you now?”

“I’m mid life, about seven or eight thousand. We don’t really keep that close of a track on it.” He shook his head slightly and shrugged, then returned to his story. “Dragiria is now being rebuilt in Labrynna. Many have gone back to see the new city. I think I will wait until it is done before I go back. It will never really be the same I wouldn’t think. Close, but not the same.”
Din nodded in response.

“Enough of all this.” Rad leaned over to her. “There is no use in telling you all this now. Sleep, we will need it for tomorrow.” Rad knew he was avoiding the next part of the story, but he didn’t care, they did need their sleep. He leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly.

Din closed her eyes at the feeling of his lips on her skin and a relaxed breath left her lips. She knew something was going on, and everyone was trying to tell her, but no one seemed to be able too. As she began to drift off on the soft mattress she could feel the weight of the ring around her finger and the locket on her chest.

(Chapter Continues)
Aug 18, 2009
Nice work, Din. Don't tell Atsuma but I think you are the best writer here on ZD. I think this story could go as a published book, if you got the rights from nintendo.
What? lolz. I don't consider myself good at all.

As to the update, Din, good job, it was about time too. I only found one mistake:

“Well…they…know a lot.” Kate seemed to be struggling with herself and looked down and the bed rather than at her friend (Is it at instead of and? Or perhaps even to) Great job, in any case. ^^

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
What? lolz. I don't consider myself good at all.

As to the update, Din, good job, it was about time too. I only found one mistake:

“Well…they…know a lot.” Kate seemed to be struggling with herself and looked down and the bed rather than at her friend (Is it at instead of and? Or perhaps even to) Great job, in any case. ^^

yes, exactly. thank-you Ats. ^^

Din closed her eyes at the feeling of his lips on her skin and a relaxed breath left her lips. She knew something was going on, and everyone was trying to tell her, but no one seemed to be able too. As she began to drift off on the soft mattress she could feel the weight of the ring around her finger and the locket on her chest.


Ark Mantrios stood in the center of a small island in Lake Hylia. He had crossed the wooden bridge and now stood glaring up at the night sky. He was looking hard for one particular sight, sure he would be able to see it before he sun came up. Glancing to the east he could see the first sparks of orange and purple beginning to show behind the cliffs that held the water into Lake Hylia. Snapping his attention back upward, he scanned the clouds and the fading light of the stars shinning overhead. Then he saw it. Ark’s stomach jumped slightly as his eyes landed on their target. A small glowing ball of red, green, yellow, purple, teal, and dark blue was hovering many miles away in the sky, only a speck of light to the untrained eye. A smile appeared on Ark’s lips and he shook his head in slight disbelief, he couldn’t believe his luck. The goddesses must be smiling down on him.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a large, deep red stone. It was translucent and shone in the growing light. The stone took up Ark’s entire hand due to its size. He held it flat on his left palm at eye-level. Glancing back over his shoulder Ark looked for the height of the sun, and could see he had made it just in time.

“Foolish Sheikah. He may have slowed me down, but he gave me ample time to find the gem in the tunnel, and even more time to charge it. The small test dose worked easily on the seal he used to keep me in that hunk of rock.” Ark spoke quietly to himself as he angled the stone upward toward the glowing speck in the sky. “How about we test how many seals a large dose can break?”

As the words finished the first rays of morning sun shot over the cliffs and bounced off the sparkling clear water that surrounded the small isle the demon stood upon. Ark’s eyebrows furrowed with concentration as he looked through the red glass toward his target. He then raised his free hand up above his shoulders, behind his head, making a line from his back hand up past his eyes, up the length of his arm, to the extended gem, and up into the sky.

Ark’s voice rang out and echoed off the walls of the vast lake in an angry summoning. “Brother born of courage! Awaken now and avenge our fallen sisters! Teach this land that they cannot imprison the great and go unpunished! Release your wrath upon them and show them how it feels to live in true fear! Awaken! Mas Yheta, the demon of courage!!”

As the final words grew into an excited furry, a ball of Ark’s black and purple magic formed in his rear hand. He looked back and saw exactly what he had hoped for. The rays of sunlight shone on the gemstone and caused it to glow and emit a small red hue. With a victorious smile Ark released the ball of magic in a black beam. The magic smashed into the stone and it seemed to be absorbed for a single moment. Then, the gem shot out a beam of solid black power, laced with a red sparkle. The magic rocketed up into the sky toward the glowing speck.

Ark slumped over, setting the stone on the ground. The spell had taken much of his energy, but he was able to look up and watch as the destruction of Hyrule made it’s way up into the clouds.

“We’ll see how the hero’s deal with that, now won’t we?” An evil smile held the strained words. The demon struggled to stand but made his way back across the wooden bridge, toward the healing spring, taking the stone with him.


“Can you top me up sis?” Toan pushed a glass across the large wooden table in the center of the dining hall toward Sophia, sitting on the opposite bench.

Sophia looked up at him with an annoyed expression that held a hint of playfulness. She rolled her eyes and looked at Kate sitting beside her. “He’s so needy!”

Kate giggled with her fork in her mouth while Koroko plunked himself down on the bench beside Toan with his bowl of breakfast. The four had woken up earlier than the others and had come to the dining hall to chow down before their guarding shift. The Oocca had decided to rotate of all the warriors in the temple on chamber watch. The four of them were scheduled to start in a couple hours. Koroko had opted to be their contact on the main potion of city even though he was not a fighter. He thought he could easily do the job of alerting the town should the three of them call for help.

Sophia reached her hand out across the table and a stream of cold water poured out of her palm into Toan’s glass.

He smirked and scooped it up to his lips. “It’s not like it’s any trouble for you.”

Sophia smiled politely and continued on with her meal. Before she got her next forkful to her mouth Kenji appeared with a tray of breakfast from the kitchen and trotted over to the rest of them. He slid into place beside Sophia on the bench and smiled at them.

“Morning!” The man did not wait for a reply he simply dove into his food.

Toan looked at him and smirked. “Hungry?”

Kenji looked up at him and then over at the others, realizing they were all staring at him and how fast he was shoveling his food.
“Ha, yeah. A little.” He smiled around a mouthful.

“Would you like some water?” Sophia kindly offered with a smile and filled his glass from her palm for him.

“Oh sure!” Toan complained. “You offer for him, but your brother has to fight you for it!”

Sophia smiled and giggled. “Well, yeah.” She glanced at him playfully.

Toan shook his head and looked at Kate and Koroko. “Good meal?”

“Very much so.” Kate was polishing her bowl with a piece of bread.

Koroko nodded, unable to speak as he sipped the last of his food down with a smile.


Din leant against the railing of her balcony looking down at the earth. She knew that it was probably only just morning down below, but because they were so high up, the sun had already lit the city completely. Din looked back over her shoulder for Rad. He was still fast asleep in the bed. With a small relaxed sigh she turned back to look out at the seals on the demon’s chamber. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement and she turned her head sharply sideways to see a man standing on the edge of the balcony leant back against the wall of the building. Din gasped and jumped back in surprise.

The man jumped forward and landed on the railing in a squwat beside her new position. Rishian held a finger to the wrappings covering his face, where his lips would have been. He looked past her toward where Rad was sleeping.

Din let out a sigh of relief and rolled her eyes at him. She looked briefly back at Rad and then back to the Sheikah. Her words came out in a whisper. “I thought we agreed you weren’t going to sneak up on me!” Din crossed her arms and dropped a hip.
Rishian smiled widely behind the covering and it showed in his eye. “I don’t try, it’s just my nature.” Rishian looked down at her from his perch. His eyes landed on the silver ring glistening in the sun around her index finger. He looked up at her, more serious. “Did you have a good evening?” The words were friendly, but he was searching.

Din shrugged and barred a small smile. “It was fine. Something is bothering Rad, but he doesn’t seem to want to share it with me.” Din looked over the edge of the balcony to the solid smooth wall below. How on earth did he get up here? She pushed the thought away, knowing that the Sheikah specialize in that sort of thing.

Rishian growled in his chest, knowing she couldn’t hear it. He wrestled with himself for a short moment and then stepped down off the railing to stand beside her on the balcony. He lifted his arms and placed one hand on either of her shoulders. “Din, you need--” Rishian cut his words off as his ears began to pick up a high-pitched whistle. He turned his gaze away from her eyes and looked over the balcony.

Din moved with him, but couldn’t yet hear the sound. “What? What is it?” She looked over the balcony as well.

“Shh…” Rishian was trying to pinpoint the direction of the sound. It was growing louder. He looked down, toward the earth.

Din looked down as well, she was beginning to hear the whistle. She searched the sky as well, but neither of them could see anything.

“What’s going on?” A deep voice came from behind the two of them. Din and Rishian turned to look over their shoulders, back into the room. Rad was coming up behind them, running a hand through his sliver hair.

“Can you hear that?” Rishian asked seriously to the Dragir, who he knew would have better hearing.

Rad’s expression grew serious and he moved to the edge of the balcony on the other side of Din. He leaned on the rail and listened. He could hear the whistling sound, accompanied by a slight crackle. He nodded and his eyebrows furrowed as he could tell it was coming closer. “What is that?” He looked over at Rishian and the two men’s eyes met with concern.

Din watched the sky as they contemplated. She looked down, past the demon’s chamber, and saw something she had not noticed before. She could see a small black speck. At first she thought she imagined it. Looking again at the same spot, she squinted in the morning sun. The black speck had become a dot in the sky. It was getting larger.

“You think maybe a propeller is going?” Rad asked Rishian optimistically, but there was doubt in his voice.

“I don’t think so. Don’t they just quit? And they have alarmed monitors on them to prevent that…” Rishian answered him.

Din focused hard on the spot, her eyes not as powerful as the Dragir or Sheikah’s. The dot turned into a streak and it was evident to her that it was coming closer. The black stain in the blue sky was moving at an alarming rate and was headed toward the city. Din whipped around. “Rad! Rish! Look!” She pointed out toward the blackness and the two men turned and followed her gesture, both of their eyes landing on incoming streak.

Rad’s expression grew from concern and concentration to disbelief while Rishian took in a quick gasp of shock. The two could now identify the blackness; it was dark magic, laced with a red seal-breaking spell.

“Oh no…” Rad’s words came out under his breath. Din looked up at him with concerned eyes. Her attention whipped around to Rishian who was now leaning hard on the rail breathing very quickly. The magic seemed to accelerate and came rocketing toward the demon’s chamber.

Rishian cursed loudly and grabbed Din around the shoulders, pulling her downward. At the same time Rad spun on his heels and opened his wings shielding the three of them from the open balcony. The three heard the whistling magic smash into the chamber with an ear splitting crash. The explosion sent a shock wave through the air that threw the three of them from the balcony into the bedroom.


The dinning hall shook violently as the shock wave hit the city. The four fighters who were finishing breakfast gripped the table and grimaced. The impact knocked the small Kokiri off balance and he grabbed at Toan’s arm to prevent himself from falling off the bench. The moment of still silence that followed had the five looking between each other with stone faced worry.

“What was tha--” Kenji’s serious and almost threatening question was cut short when an urgently piercing alarm rang out throughout the entire temple and city. The alarm told everyone that the worst had happened.

The five of them leapt up out of their seats, throwing both benches backwards on the floor in the process. Leaving their dishes as they were, they took off at full runs toward the door that led to the main entrance of the temple.

“Go! Go! Go!” Kenji ordered them and his cape began to transform from it’s loose stature around his ankles into the large dark wings.

Sophia began frantically stringing her bow and tying her quiver to her back. Toan reached up and ripped his white collared shirt from his chest exposing the scabbard and blade on his back. Reaching the massive temple doors first he threw his weight hard throwing them wide open. Kate, Koroko and Sophia ran out behind him with Kenji flying through the space above. The five were blinded momentarily by the bright morning light as they burst out into what they knew would be a coming nightmare.


Lifting his wing, Rad rolled off of Din and Rishian and to the side slightly. The three looked out the open glass doors to see the magic continue upward through the sky after hitting its target. The chamber had a gapping hole on the right side. The concrete was cracked, pieces of metal bent upward and broken, and hunks of rubble fell from the chamber to the earth below. But the most horrifying sight was all of the Sheikah seals fade to nothingness.

“No!” Rishian jumped up and mounted himself on the railing of the balcony staring in rage and horror at the sight before them. He whipped around to look at Rad and Din who had scampered back to their feet as well.

Rad reacted quickly. “Let’s go” He grabbed his massive blade from on top of the dresser where he had laid it the night before and strung it to his belt, marching intently to the edge of the balcony.

Din took hold of her metal chain and wrapped it around herself with familiar speed and jogged after him. She looked down over the edge to see Toan, Sophia, Kate, Kenji and finally Koroko burst from the temple doors.

Rad reached over and grabbed Din around the waist taking one foot up onto the rail. Din wrapped her arms instinctively around his neck. He jumped into the air and opened his wings, flying downward toward the others. Rishian sprang from his perch, sliding and hoping down the wall to land beside the rest of them in perfect silence. The eight fighters looked between each other and clutched their various weapons. They turned one by one to look out toward the gaping hole in the chamber waiting for any sign of movement.

(Chapter Continues)
Aug 18, 2009
That was a good read, Din, and I think I only found two typos...

sure he would be able to see it before he sun came up. (just add a T and you will be fine)

The dinning hall shook violently (Just remove an N, and you are set) Anyway, good chapter, Din. XD

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