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Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
SIGNUP THREAD: https://www.zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/round-robin-roleplay-signups.76158/#post-1426104

1. No permanently killing or incapacitating characters who weren't introduced by you (unless that user has left the thread or has given permission)
2. Do not skip a user in the rotation unless they have posted "Skip" or have declared that they've left the thread for the foreseeable future
3. Out of character comments are to be made in the Sign-Up thread
4. No retcons! What's posted is posted.
All other context is in the original post of the Signup Thread.

So now I'll just sit back and wait for my turn. Enjoy!
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The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Cayde and Zerris were walking down the street one day when all of a sudden…

“Oh no!” Cayde said, clutching her boyfriend’s arm.

“What is it, Cayde?” Zerris replied, making sure Cayde was alright.

NEXT: @OGSniper


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Even through the light mist, Cayde knew who the silhouette belong to. It could only one person...Maxie Hyme.

Cayde grabbed Zerris by the arm swiftly and darted for the nearby alley way hoping that Maxie didn't see them. She told Zerris to not make a sound and to stay put.

Cayde cautiously peeped out of the darkness of the alley to confirm his suspicions. She was correct...

There stood Maxie outside locking up his new liquor store for the night. As Maxie was putting away his keys in his jacket, Cayde could undoubtedly see a Glock 17 poking out of his left pocket...
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you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Even through the light mist, Cayde knew who the silhouette belong to. It could only one person...Maxie Hyme.

Cayde grabbed Zerris by the arm swiftly and darted for the nearby alley way hoping that Maxie didn't see them. He told Zerris to not make a sound and to stay put.

Cayde cautiously peeped out of the darkness of the alley to confirm his suspicions. He was correct...

There stood Maxie outside locking up his new liquor store for the night. As Maxie was putting away his keys in his jacket, Cayde could undoubtedly see a Glock 17 poking out of his left pocket...
Maxie squinted through the mist as he began making his way down the sidewalk. Cayde and Zerris held their breath as the left-handed concealed carrier shuffled by. Maxie coughed as he waved the fog away from his face (with his left hand, of course). He hated the mist. In fact, he was almost certain that it wasn't mist. Or at least, it wasn't vaporized water. It was some kind of exhaust. He knew what various gases smelled like, having about half of them sting his nostrils during his deployment, and what he was smelling now sure as hell wasn't just a down-to-earth cloud.

Maxie glared at the gutter. He knew that's where the mysterious steam was coming from. He'd seen plumes of it pumping out in the days before the mist materialized. Something was going on in the sewers. Something undoubtedly unpleasant...

As if to confirm his suspicions, the cover to the nearest manhole suddenly popped off and loudly clattered as it made contact with the concrete street. Through the mist, Maxie Hyme saw an unmistakably unearthly biped crawl forth from the hole and begin marching in his general direction. The monster was followed by another of its kind, and then another. Maxie's hand instinctively went for his gun.

Cayde and Zerris could barely see what was going on, but they knew it wasn't good. Distracted by the scene instead of terrified by it, Cayde had relaxed her grip on Zerris' arm. Zerris suddenly took off running.

"Zerris! No! What are you doing?"

Cayde couldn't see if Zerris was running towards Maxie and the creatures or away from them. All she heard was a deafening gunshot pierce the terrible atmosphere.

NEXT: @MightyMario


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
The gunshot had hit one of the creatures, causing it to roar in pain, Zerris froze dead in his tracks as the creature reoriented itself and set its sights on him.

Maxie fired more bullets into the creature, killing it before it could harm him. but soon more creatures took its place. Zerris went back over to Cayde and made sure she was okay.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Maxie, knowing what they were capable of, killed the other creatures without remorse. Maxie pulls out his spent ammo clip and puts a full one into his trusty firearm.

He then, thinking that the coast was clear, goes over to Cayde, pushes Zerris away, and puts a hand on her shoulder and says "Funny seeing you here." Before Cayde has a chance to respond, Zerris lets out a deafening scream. As Maxie turns around, gun drawn, he sees a third creature crawling out of sewer and swiftly run through the now heavy fog.

Only one thought is present in his mind "Not again."

Maxie then gets into his teal 1991 Chevrolet Corvette starts it and beckons to the both of them to hop in. Having nothing better to do, they decide to go on an adventure and run to his car. Cayde goes into the passenger seat while Zerris jumps into the back. Maxie burns rubber and pulls out before both doors have closed. He turns on the cars brights and start after the creature.

Maxie, knowing Cayde's capabilities, gives her the semi-automatic shotgun and tells her to fire when she sees it. She rolls down her window and she is ready to fire.

Zerris ,trying not to feel left out, looks around for a weapon. He sees a rather large briefcase in the back seat, opens it and sees a fully loaded and ready grenade launcher sitting there. He grabs it and tries to figure out how to undo the safety on it.

Meanwhile, Maxie is hot on the creature's heels and is starting to get a general shape of it from the fog. Cayde doesn't hesitate to fire when she gets a good aim on it. As she fires, the creature jumps high into the air and lands onto the top of their car...


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Maxie, knowing what they were capable of, killed the other creatures without remorse. Maxie pulls out his spent ammo clip and puts a full one into his trusty firearm.

He then, thinking that the coast was clear, goes over to Cayde, pushes Zerris away, and puts a hand on her shoulder and says "Funny seeing you here." Before Cayde has a chance to respond, Zerris lets out a deafening scream. As Maxie turns around, gun drawn, he sees a third creature crawling out of sewer and swiftly run through the now heavy fog.

Only one thought is present in his mind "Not again."

Maxie then gets into his teal 1991 Chevrolet Corvette starts it and beckons to the both of them to hop in. Having nothing better to do, they decide to go on an adventure and run to his car. Cayde goes into the passenger seat while Zerris jumps into the back. Maxie burns rubber and pulls out before both doors have closed. He turns on the cars brights and start after the creature.

Maxie, knowing Cayde's capabilities, gives her the semi-automatic shotgun and tells her to fire when she sees it. She rolls down her window and she is ready to fire.

Zerris ,trying not to feel left out, looks around for a weapon. He sees a rather large briefcase in the back seat, opens it and sees a fully loaded and ready grenade launcher sitting there. He grabs it and tries to figure out how to undo the safety on it.

Meanwhile, Maxie is hot on the creature's heels and is starting to get a general shape of it from the fog. Cayde doesn't hesitate to fire when she gets a good aim on it. As she fires, the creature jumps high into the air and lands onto the top of their car...
When swerving through the street like a drunken donkey didn't manage to shake the beast off, Maxie slammed on the brakes to try and send it flying. Instead, the creature maintained its grip and fell forward onto the windshield. The creature was ugly, hideous, and recognizable.

Cayde, wincing in discomfort, shot at the attacker with her semi-automatic shotgun. Unfortunately, the windshield was bulletproof, causing the bullets to ricochet throughout the car. Maxie rolled open the window slightly to let the bullets bounce out.

"Great shot, kid," Maxie mused sarcastically.

"I don't want to be here," Cayde finally said, "Let us out of this car. I never want to see you again!"

The creature then made some weird screeching noise that Cayde hadn't particularly, shall we say, mist, as it began to pathetically claw at the windshield. Maxie turned the windshield wipers onto full wipe and slapped the beast silly. The creature stumbled off into the mist to lick its wounds or whatever.

"Who are you?" Zerris finally asked Maxie, "What were those things? And how do you two know each other??"

"It's a... well, it involves a Lion, a Witch, and a Doctor," Cayde sighed.

"Don't forget the Witch Doctor," Maxie grinned.

"This answers none of my questions," Zerris muttered as he stepped out of the car. He'd given up on the grenade launcher, and left it in the briefcase. Cayde set down the gun and opened the door to follow him. Maxie didn't drive off.

"I haven't touched a weapon like that in... I can't even remember how long..." Cayde began.

"You say that as if you're, like, old," Zerris exclaimed, "What's going on?"

Before Cayde could answer, there was more screeching. They were surrounded by another mob of the creatures. Maxie chuckled as he looked in his rearview mirror, patiently waiting for them to get back in the car. And as if things couldn't get any worse... the creatures started singing.

NEXT: @Guinea


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
Down the street, a cloaked man named Alfonso stood next to a stand full of lemons, shaking his head. A small mouse popped out of his pocket and squeeked.

"I know, Munchie, I know! Not a single customer all day! This town sucks! Ugh... might as well pack it up and move on," said Alfosno, turning to grab an empty crate to place the lemons in. Munchie's ears began to twitch and he squeeked again.

"Huh? You hear singing? That's weird," Alfonso began, "but I don't hear anyth-"

Suddenly, a Corvette drifted around the curb at high speeds. Alfonso dived out of the way, narrowly missing getting run over, but his poor lemon stand was struck. Lemons went flying in all directions and the Corvette dashed away.

"Hey! What the heck is your problem?!" Alfonso shouted, when to his horror he saw several strange creatures run past, chasing the car. Munchie let out a worrying squeek.

"Oh no, this has trouble written all over it, and we don't need anymore of that! If the cops find us selling these lemons here, we're toast!"

Munchie squeeked again.

"What?! You want to HELP THEM?! Ugh... fine! They owe me money for knocking over my stand anyways! Hang on Munchie, the chase is on!" Alfonso shouted, snatching up a bag of lemons and running after the car and the strange creatures.


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Zerris was even more confused when the creatures started singing. What did his girlfriend have to with witch doctors?

“Alright, Cayde. Can you please tell me what the heck is going on? I’m super confused at what’s been-“

Zerris got pelted by lemons.


Cayde began to explain as Zerris swiped the lemons off of himself.

“Do you remember when we went to South America for our two year anniversary as a couple?”

“Yeah, what about it?”


NEXT: @OGSniper


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
"...the main reason why I went to South America is because I had to attend the funeral of both my parents. On the third night that we were there, I snuck out to be at the funeral. It had to be a secret because both of my parents were contracted by the government to make a creature for warfare, but the specimens broke out before my parents could finish their work. The government then closed down the lab and wants everything to be hush-hush. I went to celebrate our anniversary, yes, but I also needed a good cover story for why I was in South America if anyone asked."

Zerris, filled with rage and confusion, decided to be calm when he asked "I have a few things to say, first, how long have you been lying to me, and second, What does he (pointing at Maxie) have to do with anything?"

Cayde replied "You see, *sigh* Maxie is my older brother..."


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
"...the main reason why I went to South America is because I had to attend the funeral of both my parents. On the third night that we were there, I snuck out to be at the funeral. It had to be a secret because both of my parents were contracted by the government to make a creature for warfare, but the specimens broke out before my parents could finish their work. The government then closed down the lab and wants everything to be hush-hush. I went to celebrate our anniversary, yes, but I also needed a good cover story for why I was in South America if anyone asked."

Zerris, filled with rage and confusion, decided to be calm when he asked "I have a few things to say, first, how long have you been lying to me, and second, What does he (pointing at Maxie) have to do with anything?"

Cayde replied "You see, *sigh* Maxie is my older brother..."
Zerris could only stand there, agape, as Cayde continued to exposit. "He wasn't invited to the funeral. The government, the Filer Institute specifically, didn't trust him."

"The Filer Institute?? Like, the Area 51 guys?" Zerris was absolutely mortified. The Bill Filer Institute were, so far as anyone was aware, an overhyped bunch of conspiracy theorists acting as an interest group funded on the taxpayers' dime. Their ramblings about extraterrestrial life had become disturbingly popular in recent times, what with "unexplained phenomena" making headlines lately. Apparently, the only reason the group had funding was because of an international treaty signed in the late sixties. A movement had sprung up to get the treaty repealed, which, funnily enough, was also backed by people in the government.

"Our parents met while working at Area 51. The Filer Institute got the project shut down. Mom and Dad could never talk about what happened in those laboratories..." Cayde could barely bring herself to make eye contact with Zerris.

"Would it be wrong if I asked..." Zerris began, before suddenly Alfonso stepped forward and began singing loudly. The creatures went silent. After about a minute and a half of Alfonso singing, the monsters turned away to leave. Before Alfonso could explain, however, Maxie drove in and ran over the creatures with his car.

NEXT: @MightyMario (Guinea skipped)
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The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
“Get back in, you two. I’m taking you to the base.” Maxie spoke, lighting a cigar.

A base? Cayde gulped and led Zerris reluctantly to the car, getting in the back seat. She knew her parents had created these things, but she didn’t expect them to suddenly resurface.

“Cayde, you’re technically responsible for these creatures. You should be familiar with Arconian DNA.”


“I’m sorry, what?!” Cayde was flabbergasted upon hearing that she was responsible for aliens.

“There’s a little bit of you in every one of them.”


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Before Cayde and Zerris could fully take in what was just said, bright red and blue lights started to appear ahead and behind them.

It could only be one thing-The Fuzz...

Maxie, knowing that they couldn't be caught, sped off and made a sharp turn to the left, to try and avoid the cops.

He thought that they were golden until he heard something hit his car with a hollow ping and that made Maxie go even faster, thinking it was a bullet.

Maxie quickly decided to drive into a nearby parking garage to wait for the heat to cool and to let them collect themselves.

After about 10 minutes, he decided to start heading to the old, decommissioned military base on the outskirts of town. There they could find weapons and ready themselves to fight off and destroy all of the creatures.

As Maxie sped off, a certain lemon seller stood on a roof top, chuckling to himself.

He pulled out a little device with a screen. He watched the screen as the car started to race towards the other side of town.

His tracker was planted and fully operational...


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Before Cayde and Zerris could fully take in what was just said, bright red and blue lights started to appear ahead and behind them.

It could only be one thing-The Fuzz...

Maxie, knowing that they couldn't be caught, sped off and made a sharp turn to the left, to try and avoid the cops.

He thought that they were golden until he heard something hit his car with a hollow ping and that made Maxie go even faster, thinking it was a bullet.

Maxie quickly decided to drive into a nearby parking garage to wait for the heat to cool and to let them collect themselves.

After about 10 minutes, he decided to start heading to the old, decommissioned military base on the outskirts of town. There they could find weapons and ready themselves to fight off and destroy all of the creatures.

As Maxie sped off, a certain lemon seller stood on a roof top, chuckling to himself.

He pulled out a little device with a screen. He watched the screen as the car started to race towards the other side of town.

His tracker was planted and fully operational...
No one had spoken for over fifteen minutes. No one could possibly find the words to describe what they were going through. Finally they reached the base. It was surrounded by a wide, flat plain protected by a sufficiently tall fence. With nowhere to hide, let alone a good parking spot, Maxie pulled off to the side of the road and got out.

"Is this the 'base' you mentioned?" Zerris asked cautiously, as he leaned out the window.

"Maybe," Maxie replied as he began to scale the fence, "Depends on what they've got here. The papers said they've got weapons here. Good weapons. Like, crazy good. Ray guns and black hole lasers and, I dunno, nukes I guess. I only skimmed over it..."

Maxie was nearly at the top when Cayde finally got out of the car. "This is too much. I'm not getting involved with this. I don't care if I'm part of them or if they're part of me or whatever. I've got my own life, and I'm not about to waste it on-"

With a thud, Maxie hit the ground on the other side of the fence. Groaning in pain, he slowly rose to his feet. "It doesn't matter. They need you to complete them. You've got the genetic material they need to create a next generation of their species. It's why you're missing a kidney."

"I'm missing WHAT!?" Cayde was absolutely done with this. She turned away. Zerris got out to join her on the other side of the car.

"This place is bound to be crawling with Filer goons, you know." Maxie explained, "If you stick with me, you'll be more likely to make it out of here safely."

"Oh, not them again..." Zerris could hardly believe any of this.

"Look, if you walk away, it'll be a long walk. Even if you hitchhike, you'll end up in jail eventually. If you're lucky, they'll just wipe your brains... leaving you defenseless when these monsters come after you again."

Cayde sighed. "At this point, I want my brain to be wiped. I'll follow you, if only to keep you from being shot in the back of the neck and incinerated."

"How pleasant," Zerris murmured, hardly believing his feet following Cayde towards the fence, which they began to climb. In time, the trio were marching across the field towards the nearest entrance to the base. "You never explained what the Filer Institute has to do with this place," Zerris whispered as he looked around fearfully. The only visible lights were the stars.

"They've bought the land off the government. They're the reason no one's touched this place since it was shut down. And they want to keep it that way. But they're nice guys. They won't waterboard us or anything..." Maxie's brow furrowed. "...I think." At last, they made it to the door. It was a thick metal door, with no lock. No security of any kind was visible. Maxie sighed and rubbed his hands. "Well, here goes..."

Cayde and Zerris glanced at each other as Maxie Hyme twisted the handle. With a loud creak, Maxie pulled the door open. No one could have possibly predicted what they saw.

"Is this... a nightclub!?"

NEXT: @Guinea (all in due time)


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
"Wow, what an amazing story," said Alfonso, turning off the tracker. "I wonder, though... could this Maxie be wanted by the same goons who are after me too?"

Alfonso held up one of his lemons. To the average person, a lemon was all it was, but these weren't just any type of lemons. They originated from space.

"Just eating one of these gives people amazing abilities. It's how I talk with animals. I wonder... what would happen if they ate one?"

Munchie climbed put of his pocket and squeeked. Alfonso nodded.

"Yeah, let's go after them and catch up. Who knows, this could very well be the wheel of fate turning for us..."

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