Majora’s Mask is a vastly unique experience for Zelda fans. One of the most unique things about the game is the ability to transform into the embodiment of other characters in the game who have passed. The Deku, Goron, and Zora masks are iconic in their own right, while the Fierce Deity mask lives on to be one of the most intriguing transformations we’ve ever seen, and this is a series that has had Link turn into a both a bunny and a wolf. Today we’re going to have a nice little vote to see which mask is ultimately our favorite of the primary transformation masks.

I say primary, because we will not be counting the Fierce Deity mask among the three, given it is not a required mask to beat the game and is arguably the one we use the least. Between the Goron, Zora, and Deku transformation masks, which one is your favorite?

Personally I am going to go with the Deku mask. I just love the look, sound effects, and the ability to glide while dropping “seed bombs” way too much. What is your favorite? Banner art is by MamaZushi.

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