
You may or may not remember this, but back during Comic-Con 2011 last month, an artist at the official Nintendo booth spent the weekend working on a giant chalk mural. While the mural was just a copy of the Ocarina of Time 3DS promotional art, it was still very cool.

As of today, a time lapse video of the artist, Eric Maruscak, working on the chalk masterpiece is now online. You check it out below:

The finished mural measured at 9 feet tall by 12 feet wide and took almost 33 hours to complete over the course of the four-day long show.

Maruscak next to the finished work.

For more pictures and a blog post about the mural from the artist himself, click here. You can also check out the Maruscak’s Metroid piece from PAX 2010 here.

Source: PepperInk via GoNintendo

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