Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on “The Oracles of Hyrule” by KazuTaka51 on Deviantart. In the artwork it showcases the three Oracles from the Oracle of Ages and Seasons Zelda games. Each oracle is surrounded by their trademark color and they have small Triforces floating all around them. They each are all standing on a symbol of the Triforce which is glowing their trademark color; Din being red, Nayru being blue, and Farore being green.

I will be showing each of the oracles separately in order to let the details that make up each of them be shown clearly.

Din, the Oracle of Seasons

Nayru, the Oracle of Ages

Farore, the Oracle of Secrets

I love the way that the artist did the colors on the oracles. It makes them stand out really well and lets them be the focus of the artwork. The artist has more Zelda-related artworks in her gallery. Please let the artist know what you think of her artwork! Also, please let us know but leaving your thoughts in the comments section below! Stay tuned for the next Zelda Fanart Spotlight! Until then!

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