250px-Hilda_ALBWAs with all great franchises The Legend of Zelda has many things that keep fans coming back time and time again, and one of the best things about the Zelda series is the cast of side-characters you meet along the way. Most of us could pretty easily pick out one or two of which could be classified as our favorites. But who are these characters really, and do we want to know about them? Where did their story truly begin and what trials and tribulations have brought them to the place where their paths cross with our hero? Some of these things we learn along our journey with these characters, but there are still so many unanswered questions. Do we want to know more, and if so who deserves their own story?

In this week’s installment of Zelda Dungeon Talks we have asked the staff to ponder that exact question, and a few more people will be weighing in as well. Last week we asked for input on this weeks ZD Talks, so for the first time in this edition we will also be featuring two responses from you, our readers alongside those of the staff. As always please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Question: Do you believe that any side-characters in the Zelda series deserve their own title?


Jon Lett: View Profile

I’ve said it before, Hilda, and by extension Ravio, deserve their own side-story. Lorule has such potential for being a totally different experience from Hyrule. Not only is Hilda a very different kind of ruler than Zelda, likely more prone to take very direct approaches to threats, but her possible dynamic with Ravio could be a wonderful source of deep feels and great laughs. The Legend of Hilda is on the top of my Hopeful Spin-Offs List, and Hilda and Ravio are perfect for the center spotlight.


Josh Tasaico: View Profile

As Jon said, we need a side-story revolving around Lorule. The Legend Of Hilda could feature everything that happened during Lorule’s fall and all the events leading up to A Link Between Worlds. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now and I think a lot of people would like to see an adventure revolving around Ravio and what he does to try and prevent Yuga and Princess Hilda joining forces. We would even learn how Ravio came to be in possession of the bracelet that allows Link to merge into and out of walls.

Kev Doughty: View Profile

Seeing as Hilda and Ravio have already been mentioned twice (and I agree they should have their own game to explain things a bit more) I’m, instead, going to go with the 6 Sages from Ocarina of Time. Seeing as they protect the Triforce and built the temples it would be great to have a game the delves more into what/who/how the Sages are chosen and what they do themselves to protect the Triforce. The game would mainly focus on the sages fighting Ganondorf after he broke out of the Sacred Realm as stated at the start of the The Wind Waker. If you win the Sages remain, Ganondorf is sealed in the Twilight Realm and peace returns to Hyrule leading up to the events of Twilight Princess but, if you lose, the Sages are annihilated allowing Ganondorf to rule causing the goddesses to flood Hyrule leading to the events of The Wind Waker itself.


From you, the readers:

Alyssa Given:

Ever since I was little, I would watch my older brother play The Legend of Zelda (as I was young and not able to play very well). Through this bonding time with my bro, I found my deep appreciation for the series. The stories and characters still intrigue me to this day! By the end of a game sometimes you think, “man, I wish I knew what he did before/ during the game?” Because of this question, yes, I believe that some characters deserve their own game. First, wouldn’t it be cool to play as Ganondorf (OOT)? I am curious as to what happened when he was a child to make him so evil; how did he rule his people with some of them following Nabooru and his conflicts with her? What exactly did he do when Link was gone for seven years? Someone else I wouldn’t mind playing as is Zelda when she adventures to become the goddess Hylia. I know we saw some clips at the end of SS about her quest, but that just sparks the imagination for a larger story. There are still so many others characters that would have amazing stories to explore.

Vincent Bruce

I think Niko from the Toon Link games would be great for a separate title. As you can see right from the beginning of Spirit Tracks, he’s old and knows a great deal of tales. I believe a game detailing in his adventures as a pirate aboard Tetra’s ship would be awesome for a character like him.



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